
The lore of Plithir

The lore of Plithir takes place just after the dwarf king had died. 300 years before the Planet of Plirhir. There is chaos all around and the races of the planet are vying for their supremacy. Zeus had forbidden sun for the next 500 years and only moonlight shall exist and only at night

DaoistTO1iU9 · ファンタジー
17 Chs


The hylin shot their arrows at the wolves but none seemed to harm the wolves. The wives charged down the hylin and took them down. Many were hurt and they had to retreat back. Bluebear the large furry man animal took to their cause. He can charging and chased the wolves away. Don't worry! he said. I will help you get to the caves, he said to the hylin. The hylin rejoiced and climbed the mountains to the caves. As they entered the caves after a treacherous journey. They were met by the serpent lord Mitridhir. The large serpent had five heads.


Strength : 90

Agility : 85

Healing : 70

Poison : 100

The hylin asked for help against Furin


Strength: 95

Agility : 70

Healing : 95

Power : 80

Furin! asked Mitridir. My poison would not be of any use against him, she said. Even if I was to coil around him, he would simply tear me open with his claws. What do we then? they asked her. There is Pilanthir , the water serpent, she said. He is much stronger than me and can be of use to you, she said. Thank you! said the Hylin and rode to the eastern waters. The wolves shared at them and treaded a few steps back at the sight of Bluebear.


Strength: 60

Agility : 50

Healing : 50

Power: 60

Grey wolves 

Strength : 40

Agility : 70

Healing : 30

Power : 30