
The Lonely Demon King Is Waiting For His Phoenix Bride

Zayn Paige is the loneliest boy in their class, despite being hot, he is still the nerd of their class. They all want to bully him, although he's not that easy to bully. People call him sort of names because he looks strange. Although they all attends Supernatural Academy, they still thought he's weird. Demons attacked their school, and everyone were all using their powers to save themselves. But they noticed something: Someone they thought should be the first to be eaten by the monsters. Why are the monsters being docile toward him? "What! The loneliest boy is playing with the tail of the monster. Let's run."

PrixyGold_STAR_03 · ファンタジー
24 Chs

Are we friends?

After too much of pleading for her to stay with him for few days, he finally allowed her to stay.

"You can only stay here if you bath regularly." Zayn said, slightly pushing her away.

"Hey! I'm not a filthy girl. It's not my intention not to bath." She said sitting beside her.

"Why do you smell so bad then?" He raised his brow.

"Because..because. You don't have to know." Sarah said sitting down to a sofa close to him.

"If you want to keep secrets, get out." He said firmly.

"You are too rude. Can't you be less harsh. Everyone ridicules me. I don't expect you to treat me like that too."

"Why?" He raised his brow. "Are you a goddess or what?"

"Idiot. We are from the same breed, you should treat me like someone." She glared at her.

"And when did will become so close for you to call me 'Idiot'. We aren't from the same breed. You have a family. I'm an orphan."

"I am also an orphan, well I guess. I lost mother when I was twelve. And I've never seen my father." She said and her stomach grumbled. She rubbed her stomach smiling at him.

"Go and bathe, if you want to eat." He said and stood up, yawning.

She stood up and grabbed his hand when he wanted to walk past her.


"I can't bathe." She said lowly, staring at the floor.

Zayn raised her brow at her, staring at her little hand holding his hand tightly.


"Be..be..because I'm allergic to water." She said.

Zayn laughed for few minutes before stopping.

"I've never heard of anyone, who uses allergic to water as an excuse to not bath." He said and released his hand from her hold, walking out.

Sarah pouted her mouth and stood up begrudgingly."

In the next few minutes, he was done cooking.

He served the food to the table.

He looked around and wondered where Sarah was. He sat down and started eating.

He waited for five minutes before standing up and walking to the direction of his room. He knocked the door but no one answered. He opened door and walked inside. He saw her in his t-shirt (he never gave to her), but what concerned him was the fact that she was shivering and sweat covered her fore head.

"Hey. She-dumb. Open your eyes." He kept calling her to wake her up, but is not working.

After few hours, she finally woke up.

Zayn placed a cold towel on her head.

"Thanks. And not thanks. You forced me to bath." She glared at him.

Zayn said nothing and only looked at her coldly. He stared deep into her eyes to search for something.

"Is this how you look at all girls. Because this is definitely how you look at Lilia. Are you interested in all girls." She asked rolling her eyes.

"You never check yourself in the mirror?" He only replied her with a playful smile.

"Fine. You don't have to remind me. I'm not pretty, I know." She glared at him and stood up.

"Do you know how many hours you slept?" He asked.

"I know. Forty-eight hours. Or probably seventy two hours." She shrugged. She raised her head to check the time and saw it was 20:30.

"You slept for thirty four hours." He said.

"Wow. I woke up early this time." She said nonchalantly.

"When did it start? The Allergy."

"I grew up with it. I don't know. I don't even drink water." She said.

She wanted to stand up very well when he bent down and carried her.

He carried her to the dining room, and placed her on the chair.

"You said I was smelling." She said as he helped her served food.

"Yes. Smell a little nicer when you bathe." He said

Sarah glared at him.

"What were you doing in the wood?" He suddenly asked as she was about to eat the chicken in front of her.

"T.that. Someone asked me to come. The person said it in a letter." She said with a mouthful of chicken.

"Who?" He asked.

"That i didn't know. He didn't appear at all."

"And you went to someone you don't know. No one is more stupid than you are." He said.

She glared at him but didn't say anything.

"What were you doing in the wood also?" She asked.

"Obviously, my house is in the wood."

"How come you killed the demons with no power in you?" She said but got no response from him. "You are good in martial arts. Maybe you fought them with fist." She concluded.

Zayn didn't say anything. He continued eating and wondered, why the girl in front of him was being named the most intelligent in their class.

"Why are you in my shirt?" He eventually asked.

"Because it looks comfortable. Besides, I don't have any clothes here." She said.

"Don't wear my clothes, without permission again."

"I'll definitely ask for permission next time." She said rushing her rice.

"Won't they look for you?" He asked.

"Who? Absolutely none. Except Sebastian. But he is not in town. He got a business meeting in the palace." She said nonchalantly. "Then are we friends?" She asked. "We are definitely friends." She said when she got no answer from him.

"For the few days you are gonna spend here, you sleep on couch and I sleep in the room."

"Absolutely rubbish." She said and belched. "Are you still a man, if a girl sleep on the couch and you on the bed. Very shameful and embarrassing." She said and stood up walking to the bedroom's direction.

Zayn stood up to block her.

"Aren't you the shameless fellow here. You indeed try to sleep on my OWN bedroom." He stressed the capital word.

"Yes i know." She said gently and kicked his leg and ran to the room. "Come chase me out." She said sticking her tongue at him.

He looked at her helplessly and hoped this is how she was in the class.