

Lucas kissed her again and she slid her arms around his waist, placing her palms against his bare back.

It genuinely felt like time was stopping whenever he kissed her. Celia could feel herself forgetting all her worries about duty and her illustrious future.

It really was sweet to just live in that moment.

Lucas has the fingers of one hand wrapped around her neck. Suddenly, his fingers slid downwards in a deliberate motion towards the top of her bodice.

Celia felt two of his fingers slide under the stiff velvet and stroke her nipple. A breathy little cry tore from her throat.

She didn't understand. Tobin had pinched and palmed her countless times before and she'd just seen it as one more unpleasant thing to endure when lying with him.

It had never sent a jolt through her body.

What was a nipple anyway but a harmless little peak of pink skin?

His fingers gave another stroke and she shuddered, suddenly feeling weak.