
Setting Things Straight

The Biscayan diplomat, Baron Varsami, was the first to return to Celia's apartments. He was clutching a glass jar full of what looked like shriveled leaves.

He motioned for Celia to cup her good hand. When she did, he tipped some of the little leaves into her palm.

"This will help dull your pain, Your Grace."

Celia nervously looked at the herbs. "Will it be safe for my baby if I take it? Because if it might not be, then I'd rather go without. The pain is manageable if I keep my arm still."

"I understand your concerns, my lady." The baron frowned anxiously at her. "But I think it's best you take something for when the physicians treat your arm. The setting of broken bones is very unpleasant and that kind of pain is no good for the child in your womb."

Celia felt her head start pounding. Without even thinking, that stupid boy had put her little one in peril. He'd never accept any responsibility if something were to happen to the child either.