
Mother’s Daughter

19 February, 1369. St Ivan's Palace, Havietten.

Celia walked slowly towards His Majesty's presence chamber, as reluctantly as a convicted criminal would walk to the gallows.

Tobin walked slightly ahead of her, still complaining about having to rise early to escort her to his father's apartments.

Celia had never been to King Aron's chambers before. Why would she? She'd never been comfortable in his presence, so avoided him as much as possible. He tended to ignore her in return. She knew the king saw her as little more than an annoyance.

When the young couple reached the grand doors decorated with the royal crest, the guards standing on either side opened the doors and announced their arrival.

Celia gulped in a large breath to try and steady her nerves. Then she straightened her shoulders and followed her husband inside.