
A Mountain of Tinder

Celia chuckled. "I'm not surprised. My father is an ambitious man, just as his father was before him. Both of them seek the best for their kingdom. But Islia and Moraigth have been rivals for many generations. I can't see King Kenneth allowing his heiress to take an Islian husband, can you?"

"Ordinarily, no. Nine times out of ten I'd agree with you on that, Princess." Lord Van der Voreen held his empty mug out for his page to refill. "But in this case, he may not have much choice. Not when the boy in question also has his own blood claim to the Moraigthian throne. Better to unite both claims through marriage than have his daughter's claim challenged."

Celia set her tea down and propped her chin in her hand, elbow resting on the plush arm of her velvet chair. "You've lost me, my lord. I thought there were no royal boys in the Stephenson family line anymore."