
The Lone Wolf (novel)

(Omegaverse, Once a week updates, bxb, mature) Disclaimer I do not own the cover art On a night when the moon was shining Blaze came across something peculiar in the woods an omega not just any Omega but a male Omega.

Amber_Sato · ファンタジー
35 Chs

~Chapter 18 Blaze's POV~

~Chapter 18 Blaze's POV~

Last night I went to bed thinking what does "wo ai ni" mean. Why did Dustin whisper it? Why didn't he say what it meant in English? I went to sleep with questions on my mind. I was also nervous about the meeting with the Elders because I know how they act.

They want me to marry a female Alpha from another pack. They like to stick to tradition and they don't like surprises. A few of the Elders are more easy going though which will work in Dustin's favor. Plus if they want the best for the pack I think it will go well. I have to look in my closet for a suit that will fit Dustin. If the suit doesn't fit then I'll have to run out and find him one that will fit. If Dustin does get the Elder's approval then he will have to go through training.

Since he doesn't know much about the pack roles and the business. The thing the Elders will want the most other than a strong Luna is children. One of his many duties is to provide children as a sign to the Elders that the pack has a future. To be honest the Luna has more duties than the pack Alpha.

The Luna is also the person pack members go to if they need to talk about something. I think Dustin will be able to help others without a problem. Dustin has a kind soul. It may have a few chips or cracks but that is what makes Dustin, Dustin. Dustin's amazing he doesn't let what has happened to him be his downfall. I moved the blanket off of me and covered Dustin up again. He should sleep a little while longer so he isn't falling asleep in front of the Elders. I walked downstairs to a puppy wide awake and ready for a walk. From what I can tell Oliver behaves himself when Dustin and I are asleep but he could be plotting something. Animals are like that sometimes.

I grabbed his lease and put on my shoes. I'm not going to be taking him all around town like yesterday. I'm only going to take him out to go to the bathroom and run around a bit. I put the leash on his new green harness. I don't really like to walk an animal using a collar because they sometimes choke if they try to run when you aren't expecting it. I was nervous for the meeting with the Elders. You know that feeling you got when you were younger and got to go to your friends birthday party and hang out. I feel like that right now but it isn't because I'm excited. I opened the door and Oliver immediately started pulling on the leash.

"Okay, Okay. I know you want to go out but be a little bit more patient." Then it dawned on me I don't think Oliver can hear me. I do not know how severe him being deaf is but he might be able to hear me a little bit. Oliver enjoyed going outside even though it was short. Who knows if my secretary isn't that busy today she could play with Oliver while we are with the Elders. I made up a quick egg, ham, and cheese sandwich for Dustin and I so we ate something before the meeting. I walked upstairs and went into our bedroom.

Dustin was already awake and just walked out of the restroom. "Morning," I told Dustin. He nodded back rubbing his eyes. After all my years of life I still don't know what causes that sand stuff in your eyes. Everything is going smoothly until we arrive at the Pack House. The Pack House is basically like a city hall except larger. Some pack members if they choose can stay in the Pack House. Actually most of the pack members that stay here are Elders, families, and some warriors.

The college students and some unmated pack members live in apartment complexes or in their house in the city. Each pack had about a city's worth of territory and some more. I had found one of my suits from when I was a teenager and it fit Dustin so we didn't have to go out and find a suit. When we walked into the building I felt all eyes were on me and Dustin. I held his hand as we walked up to the secretary's desk.

She looked up from her computer before greeting me. Ms. Mary has always been a hard worker and is always nice to everyone. "Hello Mr, Ember. Are you here for your appointment with the Elders today?" Ms. Mary asked me. "Yes. I was wondering which room they are in. Also this is my mate Dustin." I said while turning towards Dustin. Dustin put out his hand and gave Ms. Mary a handshake. "It is nice to meet you Ms. Mary. Blaze is always telling me how much of a hard worker you are." Dustin is already making people like him. Ms. Mary shook her head and said "I do work hard but my work isn't as important as the Warriors or the Elders work." "I'm sure your work is important. Every pack needs a strong backbone and you help with that." Ms. Mary was smiling and thanked Dustin for the nice words.

I don't know what questions the Elders will ask which makes them a "Wild Card" right now. "The Elders will be meeting the two of you in the board meeting room." Ms. Mary told us before going back to her work on the computer. I heard a few whispers coming from around the room but I couldn't understand what they were saying. I had somewhat of an idea about what they were talking about. I ignored them and continued walking with Dustin. The meeting room was on the first floor and close to the training arena. When we arrived at the doors everything was silent. I gripped Dustin's hand and knocked on the door. Then a voice said, "Come in."

~The End Of Chapter 18~

I'm finished with all of my exams so I will have more time to dedicated to writing and in the future there will be a large timeskip because I hate writing fillers and need to start planning season two of The Lone Wolf. There was a part I had to cut from the last chapter but all the line said was, I whispered "wo ai ni" (I love you). Dustin was telling Blaze before he went to sleep that he loves him. Blaze doesn't know this though since he doesn't understand Mandarin.

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