
Much Larger Than a Wolf

"She said it was not much larger than a wolf. You remember the ghoulish chimera we defeated, right? It is going to be a piece of cake." Grim had a thumbs up sign as Dart got out of the backpack, after seeing nobody else was there to see him.

The two of them walked slowly to the front door of the home, making sure that they would not startle the chimera inside. "Walk slowly, Grim!" Dart told his partner. "By the way, why are we not just merging right now?" the baby dragon asked him.

"No. There is no telling who might see us, it could get rough once everyone knows about it. I might even be questioned and branded one of the chimeras. Not everyone knows about the Fenris' blood and what it can do. I prefer for us too beat this thing without merging – that is the last option in case we have nothing left in our arsenal anymore." Grim answered back.

Dart nodded as he understood the implications of what Grim said. As he walked, though, his foot snapped a twig in half on the floor. Both Grim and Dart looked down with faces of shock and worry.

All of a sudden, the chimera pounced at them – breaking the door as it leaped outside right at them. "Get down!" Dart exclaimed and pulled Grim's feet with his tail. Making the elven boy fall on the ground face first.

"Hey! What's the big idea! I could have dodged and ducked by myself!" an annoyed Grim Fenris exclaimed at Dart. "Nope, you could not have. You were about a second late in reacting to it, if I did not intervene, your head would be flying off by now – that means I'd be dead too." Dart was horrified just thinking about what would have happened if he didn't act quick on his feet.

After the smoke has settled, they finally saw what this chimera looked like. It was huge, much larger than a wolf, opposite of what the old lady said. Grim stood up and held his knife with his right and both his feet properly distanced.

Dart climbed up his back in preparation for a merge. "I don't like this, Grim. I have a bad feeling…" "Yeah. Me too. But what kind of chimera hunters would we be if we backed down against one?" Grim was truly afraid now, but what kept him together was his will and determination to fight and never back down.