

Disclaimer: I own neither High School DxD nor Demon Slayer. This story is purely fan fiction. Please support the official release.


I remember it like it was yesterday.

The bright sun filtered through the forest canopy, only allowing tiny threads of light to hit the ground littered with leaves.



A boy could be seen walking within the forest's confines, his steps creating a rhythm of footballs followed by crunching leaves.

*Step* *Crunch* *Step* *Crunch*

The logs tied haphazardly to his back knock against one another with each step, adding a soothing percussion to the serene atmosphere, while a few ginko leaves settle on his head. Coupled with his waist-length black hair, it made for an ephemeral appearance akin to a forest spirit.

He walks a few more feet before stopping in front of a tree. It stood at least twice his size and possessed a thinning crown, with a not-so-insignificant number of dead leaves on the dirt near the base of its trunk, signifying its old age.

"Hmm... This one should be good."

It seemed the tree died recently, still firm and not too dry either, perfect for firewood.

Pressing his palm on the withered bark, the boy then proceeds to take off the logs on his back, careful to not untie them, before reaching for the axe on his waist.

It had a head half the height of his own and a haft half the length of his arms.

The stark contrast between his thin, delicate arms and the thick handle of the axe would provoke worry from anyone watching.

Nonetheless, he kept a firm grip on it.


With a deep breath, he brought both arms to his right side, his left arm on the axe's knob while his right on its cheek, with the blade a foot directly behind his head...


Before slamming it into the tree trunk near the base! The axe became a blur as it entered the left side at an angle before seamlessly exiting on the other side.




And just like that, with just one slash, the withered ginko tree fell to its side with a resounding *thud*, the base of the trunk being the only remaining evidence of there ever being one.


Exhaling deeply, the boy kneels while pressing both palms in front of his face in prayer, thanking the tree for its sacrifice.

It was strange. This whole scene was strange. Never would anyone expect a boy looking not a day older than 10 to be capable of such a thing. Such a clean cut...

It didn't even look like he slashed with an axe! A sword would be a more apt comparison.

After splitting the trunk-turned-lumber into four equal pieces, he added them to the ever-growing collection of logs in his pack, all being uncannily similar in size.


Hefting the pack onto his back and holding the ropes secure with his arms to his sides, he trudged on through the path of leaves on the forest floor as small beams of light landed on the cyan tips of his hair.

Why am I remembering this now...?





*Drip...* *Drip...* *Drip...*

The vision slowly blurred and darkened as an image of an older woman appeared. Nothing above her nose could be seen, but her smile remained as bright as the sun itself.




The stinging sensation sends a jolt up my spine, snapping me out of my daydream. On my right arm, a rather deep gash could be seen. It's pretty deep, gonna be a pain to staunch it...


Looking around, it was pretty dark, but I could tell I was in some kind of warehouse. The moonlight came through the few windows showing there was dust falling around me due to the movements of whatever attacked me.

Speaking of which, I can't seem to make out its appearance. I could see something like a scythe's blade though. It's still dripping with blood. My blood.

"Hoohh...? Not bad, jumping back in the last second. I was aiming for your neck you know...?"

Oh no, the dust got in my nose...

"H-hold on, I need a moment." I say while raising a palm to my front. I might sneeze soon...

"What? Kukuku, are you so scared that you might piss yourself? How pathetic, hehehe..."

From the deep voice, I assume it's a male. It also stepped forward a bit, illuminating the front part of its form.

With the upper body of an adult human male but covered in solid-looking armor, it also had sickles where its hands should be and spines the size of pencils all around. Looks sharp...

"N-No, it's not that. It's just... Huh hu-huh..." Oh no, I can't hold it in.

"Could you not, seaweed brat? This great Hokkama-sama would prefer your flesh without the taste of urine at lea-!"


Aaaanndddd there it is. Finally. My nose feels a lot better. I can breathe easier now.


"Excuse me, what were you saying?" I say, wiping my nose with a hanky.


Hmm? Why isn't he saying anything? He was so talkative earlier as well...

"...? Hey, are you okay? Why are you so silent? What are you thinking about?"

"-ll you..."

Stepping into the moonlight, I could finally see his face. Goodness, what a look. Ew, there was even some strange mucus covering what I was assuming were his mandibles.

"Huh, if that isn't a face only a mother could love."

"I'll kill you!!"


In that instant, one of his sickle blades was right at the tip of my nose. I reach for the handle on my left side.

*Kiiingg!!* *Slash!*

"Oya? What did you do that for? Here I was trying to talk like a civilized person, and you try to kill me? Goodness, some people have no manners..." Ahhh, I love the feeling of this handle.

While I was busy leisurely admiring the katana I held aloft, it seemed Mantis-guy decided to get even louder. How annoying...

"C-c-cut!! I GOT CUT! Me, of all people?!"

I looked at his arm. Ooooh, that's quite deep. And his blood's purple. Is it poisonous perhaps? Food for thought later.

"Isn't it obvious? Do you not have eyes or something? Here, let me explain it slowly so you can understand." While sheathing my sword, I raise a finger and point it at him.

"Youuuuu- get it? Youuuu tried to cut meee for no reasonnnn. So IIIII-" I jab my thumb to myself. " Simply cut youuuu in return!" Before finishing off by wiggling my pointer finger at him.

"I see..."

Oh? Looks like he gets it. Perhaps my social skills have improved since my death. Could they even do that in the first place? Is dying perhaps a prerequisite to getting good at socializing? A miracle of the Gods or am I just that good?

"I see... that you wish to die a painful death, huh? He... ehehehe!"

Man, he sure likes to talk, huh?


Or not... He's rushing at me with sickles at the ready to dice me to pieces.






Why is he so slow...? I could see the blades coming in slow motion. No, even more than that. The particles of dust falling from the ceiling behind him, the manic glow in his beady eyes, the subtle sheen on the droplets of blood falling to the floor.


"Rahh!! Hold still you slippery little imp!"

"No, I don't think I will."

*Slash-!* * Shiing-!* *Crunch*

Lean left, then duck a bit, now slide to the right, left turn this time...

I bob and weave through the flurry of slashes. He attacks everywhere, ruining the pristine and sacred appearance of the dusty warehouse.

"Haahh... haaahh.... why won't you die?!" He seems winded. Already? Seriously? Does he have a heart problem?

"Because you're too slow." I point out, with a polite smile on my face.


Thus, the cycle continues.

As his blade goes for my face this time, I bend backward and watch as it passes in front of my nose. Hmm, now that I think about it, I think I've seen him before...

"Hey, you." I say while ducking another slash aimed at my neck this time.

"Ragh! Shut up and die already annoying brat!!"

Hmm, I suppose it is annoying to keep calling him 'you'. I should call him by his name. What was it again...?

"Hikkama...? I jump left.

"Raaaghh!!" *Shiing*

"Hakkama...?" Then duck once more.

"Raaaghh!!! *Slice*

"Rokkama...?" Then jump back to distance myself a bit. A blade smashes into the floor where I once stood.

Then, it hits me. I smile involuntarily at my success in remembering!

"You're name is Raagh!!" I snap my fingers. "My apologies for getting it wrong the first few times."


"Areeh? Why so quiet all of a sudden? Are you perhaps moved to tears by my mistaking your name before? I apologize. No need to tell on mommy, okay?"


He lets out a roar before lunging at me, forgoing all defense, like an amateur.

"How rude, and to bring my mother into this..."

I cannot let that shit slide.


Steam rolls out between gritted teeth as I take a stance. One hand on my katana's hilt, the other on its sheathe.

"Mist Breathing: Fourth Form..."

Mist starts appearing all around us, some obscuring his vision while most gathering around my blade. With that, I lunge forward as well.

"...Shifting Flow Slash."


I could feel the flesh of his neck parting as my blade cut through with little effort, like a knife through butter, before exiting his nape.


The Mist around us disperses, showing that we are now standing back to back. I fixed my posture, from kneeling to standing, while he stood with his mouth still wide open, baring his ugly mandibles while his sickle arms were held aloft.

I exhale sharply while flicking my sword to get the blood off before pushing it back in its sheathe with a satisfying...


And as if taking that as a signal, his head finally rolls off his neck and falls to the floor with a resounding *thud*, his body following not long after.

"Finally, he shut up." I mutter while poking his body with the tip of my sheath. "Well, that's what anyone gets when they insult a man's momma..."

It was then that I focused my attention on my injured arm. It still bled a little, but nothing too serious. Just gotta focus more now...

"Feel the muscle fibers.... control your breathing... staunch the bleeding..."

Huh, I could feel it close up a bit. Good. That's good... now to leave it to my natural healing factor.

"Phew, looks like that's over. Now, where was I..."

I exit the warehouse. What about Raagh's corpse, you ask? Meh, not my problem. I'll leave that up to the two rulers of this town. Actually, it could already be considered a city, no? Why insist it's a town when it's this big? Whatever.

"From what I heard, they should be studying here..." My feet carry me several blocks more before arriving in front of what is possibly the biggest and fanciest-looking building I have ever seen.

I barely hold in a whistle in admiration as I approach one of the signs in the pillar.

[Kuoh Academy]

"Huh, guess this is the place?"

I wonder what lies ahead in this new life of mine. I can barely contain my excitement.