
Day 1

I have been advised by someone dear to me to keep a diary of my adventures here, for as my father states "Much like a salad with bacon, a journey is never lacking in interesting bits". As such, into a tomb of ink and paper, I embalm this day forever. Forever shall I remember the cries of the gangplank, shrill and coarse like that of a banshee. I had not the fanfare of an admiral, but neither do I have the skills. As such, the quiet support of my parents will suffice. It interests me, how big of a change, three steps can make. Three steps in battle, be it forward or backward, will brand a man as coward or courageous forever. For me, three steps across the gangplank has baptized me as a navigator. Be it wise or folly, my fate is now bound to that of this ship.

They will be short, but they will be daily

HenloMenlocreators' thoughts