
The Living Wound

How can something dead be alive, something so little control a whole?? Who is that in James that is dead yet alive? Based on a true life story

Angela_Norm · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Just a dream??

The lights went out, no one else was home.It was dark and quiet.

But Dave,Dave felt the presence of something unusual, but couldn't see a thing.

Something was trying to reach him, he couldn't understand it.

He started hearing whispers, "Dave , Dave... "

He looked around but saw no one, but this thing he couldn't see kept calling his name.

The voice became louder and deeper, "Dave come rghhh closer..."

He listened and moved two steps forward.

This strange thing said again in an even louder voice. "Hmm, listennnn to me. I'm da one , da ownerrrr, heheehe".

Something came out, it was unbelievable, it was...


Honestly just let your imaginations run wild, think of the worst. Put yourself in his shoes and read again.