
The Little Mermaid and the Mighty Sea Serpent

The universe is a vast space full of mysteries and unknowns. We don't know what's lurking out there, more so trully knows what we believed is the truth and what we see is the reality. As science expanded their exploration, many truths will slowly uncover within. But is that 'truth' reality? What if, what we know is just the surface and not what it trully is. ... People all over the Earth were anticipating this unbelievably astronomical events that were currently taking place at their own Solar System. This is the first time in human history that a perfect planet alignments will be recorded with the complete evidence of its occurrence. Even more so, the one's in a lifetime total solar eclipse will be happening the same time the planets will align. Unknown to anyone that this phenomenon will result in multiple souls that died the same time to be suck inside a black hole that appeared in the middle of the black sun. Unfortunately, no one will know... ... ... ... Carrying the burdens of their death, Reed took a final look at his lover who was doing the same. Death by poison and then engulfed by the flames, Reed finally bid life within his beloved's embraced. Never would they thought that death was just the begin. ... The Chasm in the Sky... For them it was their chance to live again. To be together and love each other all over again. This is their second chance. And they will gasped this chance for each other to finally end this story in a happy ending. *** Note: some names and scenes will may or be familiar, since the novel will be using some scenes and names coming from different fantasy stories/tales and movies.

Aachiin0914 · ファンタジー
25 Chs

Chapter XV : The Overseer of the Sea

From another place, deep down below a certain ocean Trench, certain mighty creature was having a staring contest with a certain Sea Nymph.

Blob. Blob.

Bubbles. Bubbles. Bubbles.

Although, scared Thetys remains unmoved despite how frightening and scary the man glared at her.

"Y-you, you... S-stop glaring at me like that! It's not my fault that she does not remember anything. No one expect her to suddenly wake up, and who would've thought she suddenly swim off by herself like that! Hmph!"

Feeling pressured and nervous, Thetys just blurted out what came to her mind acting all haughty and proud.

But deep inside, she was really scared and wanted to kill herself.

Why did she just said that!

'My god, I'm dead. Totally dead.'

She was really shocked and surprised that time that she forgot how to act, by the time she realized what was happening. She was already out, swimming her way towards the labyrinth.

She panicked, she does not know what to do. She can't follow her towards that treacherous place, she might not be able to go out again.

She only have one job...

She watched her for thousands of years, waiting for her eyes to open again.

Always cautious and alert. She have to protect her, watch over her. Until she wakes up, she have to accompany her down this crystal cave.

But when she did...

When she finally did!

She immediately made a blunder!!

Her mind was blank and in disarray. Seeing her gone, she immediately fled towards the other side of the mythical tree to alert her lord of their Majesty's awakening.

However, by the time she came to, it was already too late.

She already arrived at the bottom of deep trench using the portal from the tree, when she remembers–

Their mighty overlord was asleep!

Currently resting for over thousands of years!

How could she wake him up!

That overlord is super frightening and will became a demon lord when woken up.

How can she do that! She will never wake that nightmare inducing Sea Serpent!

So, she blended with other water nymphs out of fear of being discovered, completely forgotten that she was a Nereid.


The man glared at her one last time, and Thetys shrunk her shoulders and shivers as she quickly shut her mouth.

The man shook his head and heave a heavy sigh, while his face went back to being cold and indifferent, but still staring at the scared Thetys in front of him.

"Did your age already affect your brain?" The man's cold and magnetic voice rang like an overbearing stream attacking Thetys in many different ways.

"W-wha- what did you say?! Are you saying I'm old!! Don't forget that you're much older than me by at least 500 years!!"

"Oh. Then I supposed you just forgotten what your job is. Is that how is it?"

With guilty conscience, Thetys slid her eyes off to the side evading the man's sharp and fierce gaze, and shouted in agitation.

"O-of course not! I am Thetys! The head overseer, in charge of watching over the seas and her majesty! I possess the...eye...that see... through... everything..." Her voice went small as she continued to speak, realizing her faults.

Bubbles. Bubbles. Bubbles.

Her body puff out multiple bubbles as her body shrink into size of a palm.

"So, you do know. How about taking a looked with that 'eye' of yours, the things that's been happening outside."

Thetys looked the overlord suspiciously.

Is he planning something? Did he knew something that she did not know?

Throwing all her thoughts, she denied it impossible. This man, despite looking the same as always, was weakened. Thetys can sense it, his slumbering was not just to passed time. This man his wounds were not yet healed.

Transforming with the helping hand of the Nymphs was the best evidence for that.

Then if that's the case, then, this evil lord needed her to find the missing princess, it is, isn't it?

'Hehehe.' Thetys eyes sparkles in excitement. This is her chance! She will make this overlord beg and kneel before her!

The man saw her change of expression and immediately knew what she was thinking. It was so obvious and it was written all over her face. Clicking his tongue, he smirked.

Seeing the man smiling like that, Thetys snorted. 'Just you wait! You won't be smiling like that when I found your princess!'

She turned away with a humped and said with arrogance, "Fine. I will find your princess for you. But it depends whether I told you or not."

Rising one of his brows, the man smile faded, but not because of what she said. It seems that this idiot, not only was she thinking something absurd, she even brought his intention the wrong way. Did she really thought that he wouldn't know where his little Mermaid is? Too naive!

Thetys was overjoyed. Now the overlord knew how powerful she really is, being helpless and feeling inferior– 'how do you feel now?!' she thought. She wanted to ask that very question, shouting it loud and clear! How good must it feel.

However contrary to her expectations, the man just nonchalantly agreed.

"Oh. Then, feel free to tell me anything if your in a mood."

Baffled, Thetys shouted in confusion. "Fine! Don't go begging and kneeling in front of me later! Because no matter how you pleaded I will never tell you where your princess is!"

"Suit yourself."

"Arrggg!" Swimming off towards the white tree, Thetys polymorph into her original form and sat in one of the white branches.

With eyes gleaming with determination, she closed her eyes.

Ting. Thin light shot from her forehead and it exploded, making a light of shock wave that will cover the entire ocean world.





Swoosh~ Splash!

Waves died down as it met the white sand of the beach. But soon as one dies, another came crashing down again and this cycle went on together with the sea breeze blowing through the entire beach.


"♪♪ Come on let's go~ ♬"

A beautiful sweet voice tinkle a clear childish song.

"♪♪Today is hot, so ♬"

"♬ Will have some fun out in the sun~♪♪"

A girl with short stature and petite frame was happily playing with the wet sands as she mould it into shapes she desire. Her fin ears flaps excitedly, her aquamarine eyes shows stars that shines brightly and could even rival the big sun on the sky.

Her skin was so white, whiter than the sands she was playing with. Her fingers were still connected by thin skin, and a little bit of her fair skin were covered by shiny tear shaped scales– mostly her hands and specially her feet.

Her long ombre hair flew as the wind passes by, they danced together with her white chiffon dress with blue hue at the middle, centering a white long ribbon. It was layered by four large ruffles staring below the ribbon reaching up to her knees.

Above her were three basketball sized water balls, hovering around as they bounced in the air in sinc with the rhythm of song the girl was singing.

"~♪♪ Let's build, build, build, a castle~♬"

"Build, build, build a castle~♪♪"

This girl was, of course, Reed.

Reed placed a wet sand on top of neatly shaped and beautiful sculpted castle. Although, the castle looks complete and well sculpted at that. Right now, Reed was adjusting some places around the castle, while singing some beach song that just appeared in her head.

When she just arrived in this island, that song already appeared in her mind. She was curious at where she heard the song, so she went to her movie theater.

It turns out that song was one from her last life. It was from her glory days, when she was still a celebrity. She accidentally heard this beach song from one of her assistants who was watching Cocomelon songs on YouTube for her son.

"♪♪Let's build, build, build, a castle.♪♪"

"♬We're playing at the beach.~♪♪" As she sang the last line, she was already done with her simple modification. She walked away as she patted her hands off the sands and patting her butt, she stopped in the distance where she could get a good look of her own creation. While the three water balls followed her as well.

Letting out a sunny smile, Reed giggles as she praised herself for her good work. The three water balls also give her some praise. They spat some water that burst a gentle shower rain. Because of the sun, as if thousand glitters were threw in the air, the shower rain give off that kind of shimmering effect, seemingly imitating a fireworks.

Reed was really thankful for that, it was trully beautiful. The castle she made looked very realistic. Actually, it would be more accurate to say that, it looked more of a city than just a castle. There is a castle, but it was placed on the middle, and the sand sculpture was actually tall. It was as tall as Reed, who barely made it to five feet tall.

It was shaped like a spiral with three tails. It was constructed like a stairs with every level made to be someone elses' home. It looked like an apartment complex, except that, there's a huge and majestic castle at the middle. It was slender and pointy style castle. Even the wide and sturdy looking fortress surrounding it, seems to looked like it was curved randomly. Nevertheless, that didn't damage the beauty of the castle, in fact, the shape and that of the fortress appeared to be fierce and strong, complementing the elegance of the slender and tall castle.

Reed nodded with satisfaction, she wanted to take a picture and maybe let Echo see this wonderful sculpture someday. She had never thought she'll make something this beautiful. No offense, but Reed was really confident of her art works. But she fancy music more than crafting, that's why she pursued music.

Anyway, Reed thought something seems to be wrong about her sand sculpture. She encircled it, while inspecting every nook and cranny. She held her chin with her right hand, as she bend her body down.

She really can't catch what's wrong. So, she stopped and stand still for a moment to think. As she tapped her finger in her cheek, her gaze unconsciously turned at the white stone not far from where she stands.

And like a light bulb liting up on top of her head. She finally knew what went wrong. This castle like city sand sculpture will looked more beautiful if it was sculpted using large white jade stone.

It will trully looked more awesome. She can maybe try sculpting it in stone. She nodded her head in agreement.

Then, while she was planning how to find a large enough stone to fit that large sculpture, she noticed her side and above were quiet.

Since the three water balls were always with her, afraid she will get lost again, Reed will always feel their presence near. She could always hear the sounds of water giggling beside her ears or sometimes above her head. But looking around, they seems to have disappeared...

Looking confused, Reed tried to call them over again. But just as she was about to open her mouth, she hear crisps clear sounds of steps behind her.

She was startled.

And when she turned to looked who or what that is, she was horrified.





At the same time...


A certain Sea Nymph came bawling her eyes out towards a certain mighty creature.

The white haired man stared expressionlessly towards, Thetys who was hugging his bare foot tightly, as she cries tears that will definitely cause a high tide.

When Thetys went running his way, he already knew what transpired for her to be like this. He snorted, he shook his foot wanting the Nereid off.

Seeing the Nereid not bulging, he frowned. He really didn't like someone or anyone other than his little Mermaid touching him. This woman was really annoying since long long time ago, actually all he wanted is to kick this woman away from him. But he can't hurt her.

"Let go." He ordered. His deep penetrating voice stab Thetys like lightning. She was shocked and immediately let go.

She was overwhelmed by her feelings after what she saw. She quickly run towards the person she knew who could help her, that she didn't realized what she did.

Terrified, Thetys immediately kneel and beg the overlord while crying intensely.

"You need my help?" Asked the man quite uninterested.

Thetys rigorously nodded her head, feeling quite nervous to be rejected.

"I thought I have to kneel and beg you before you tell me anything? Oh. Right. You said you will never tell me anything even if I beg and kneel before you right?"

Lifting her head, Thetys saw amusement in the overlord's eyes.

When she saw it, she curses rain like storm on her heart. She almost blurt it out.

It was a trap!

Now, she was the one ended up doing the begging and kneeling! She really wanted to hack this evil guy to peices!

"Can you please help me, Lord Levi? Please?" She pleaded, as she keep on blinking her dewy eyes that were producing beautiful crystals making her looked cute and adorable.

But Levi frown only deepen because of how she acted. Disgust showed in his cold and indifferent face, and without any hesitation–

Levi poke her eyes.


Hehehe. I neglect writing today!


I went back reading pile of updates in my bookmark!

I'm reading this now, "BOSS Transmigrates as a Little Cutie."

It's a QT novel. It's fast pacing story never hinder the plot. It was actually interesting!

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