
The lightning wolf

godlycat_ · ファンタジー
1 Chs


It was on April 1st, When a little mystery struck shadowy town and ruined the rest of the summer.

They were just teenagers, sixteen or seventeen years of age when the strange incident happened... they were students from shadowy high school; Bill and jane. They left their homes telling their parents they had assignments to work on, unknown to their parents, they were going to have fun in the woods of shadow, very strange wood which is believed that anyone who enters never come back alive and some says it is a garden for lover to be away from the world and to be blessed by cupid the goddess of love ..even though they knew all this were fantasies, they still believe there is something sinster about the wood that gives an ominous feeling.

Despite been warn by most of their friends they turned on deaf hears because they've gone there two times on a row with no trouble.

The lovers; bill and jane snuck into the woods avoiding the nightwatch men. Above the town a three quater moon casted a pale, bloodless light across the bright town they climbed to the top of a huge ravine and held each other's hands towards the moon...a kind of oath that is mostly done by lovers___it is know as the "I'll never leave you, love". Bill and jane still holding hands stared at each other affectionately soon they started kissing enjoying the taste on each other's lips as bill grabbed onto her waist pulling her closer. Their kiss turned even more passionate as seconds went by without them separating. When a low growl sound in the distance broke the lustful scene.

"Bi...ll, did you hear that?" jane whispered in frightened tone holding bill who smiled in return saying it was nothing. The growl sounded again but closer, jane noticed a change in bills mood.

"I'll be back wait for me" He said jane tried following him but he gave her a reassuring smile saying all will be well soon, "It'll be fine" he smiled patting janes head and gave a kiss in the forehead.


Disappearing into the wood; bill appeared running and suddenly stopped, he looked at his surrounding he saw several mutilated corpse___his gang members corpse. He saw his best friend jamel standing with his back against him with a squelching sound as if he was chewing.

"Oh...no jamel how did you guys get here? and what have you done?" he cried, almost touching his best friend's shoulder, his best friend fell down almost lifeless "He...lp m...e" he managed to say before his last breath, in front of him was a smokey demon like creature with huge red eyes and saber fang.

The demon roared as black fire blazed on it body.

Bill's eyes turned yellow, claws grew from his finger and his teeth elongated into fangs...he launched himself towards the demon slashing at it before it could even react his claw met with the demons body but didn't even manage leave a single scratch on it...he sent out more slashing like before, the demon evaded it all. "You weak pathetic bastard is that all you've got" The demon taunted kicking him in his gut.

Bill got up quickly and swung a kick at the demon's face who had already vanished appeared behind him.

'I can't beat this thing it too fast, i need to get jane out of here' he thought, clenching his teeth...he ran to the other side in Jane's direction the demon followed.

Arriving at the ravine "Run!!!" he shouted at jane, who screamed when she saw him...it was then he felt something penetrate his body, it was the demons hand 'Blergh' he vomited a mouthful of blood... falling on the floor the demon dragged his body away, jane ran away too terrified to even look back with what she saw bill is a monster_he has fangs and claw...she could not even think_it was too much for her, she kept running screaming and crying for help, she remembered the phone in her breast pocket. Shakily she dialed 911.

In a big building belonging to government agencies.

A green haired woman with a fair face and a blue uniform sat in front a computer.

"This is 911 what is your emergency?" The woman asked.

"It... i'm in shadowy woo..." The caller didn't finish before

"kkkiiiaarrrccchhhh" a scream rang out at the other end.

The caller hung up 'connection lost'.