
The Light Princess

Hollie Joy, an ordinary and beautifully average girl leading a tranquil life on Earth, is abruptly thrust into a harrowing reality when demons materialize, casting a dark shadow over humanity. With lives hanging in the balance, humanity is bestowed with extraordinary abilities to combat the demonic threat. Hollie, chosen as one of these gifted individuals, possesses the power to purify, heal, bestow, and amplify the abilities of others. Yet, the very gift that makes her a beacon of hope becomes a curse, attracting the attention of both demons and humans with sinister intentions. In a world teetering on the brink, Hollie finds herself hunted, navigating the treacherous landscapes of betrayal and malevolence. As Hollie grapples with the weight of her newfound powers, she discovers solace and strength in unexpected places — amidst friends who share her journey and in the love of her life. Together, they embark on an odyssey marked by peril.

nunumoriki · ファンタジー
16 Chs

Chapter 3- Awakening

As the man's body hit the ground, Hollie, gripped by a mixture of fear and determination, rushed to his side. Tears streamed down her face as she assessed his wounds, applying pressure to staunch the bleeding. Through choked sobs, Hollie reassured the injured man, promising him that everything would be okay. Despite the encroaching demons, she adamantly refused to leave his side, an unwavering presence of solace in the midst of chaos.

As Hollie tended to the man's injuries, an unexpected surge of power emanated from her hands. They began to glow with an ethereal light, casting a radiant aura around her. The glow transformed into a protective field of light that expanded outward, enveloping Hollie, the injured man, and the approaching demons.

Upon contact with the radiant field, the demons disintegrated into nothingness, as if consumed by the purity of the light. The once oppressive air was replaced by a sensation of cleanliness and renewal, a stark contrast to the malevolence that had previously loomed over them.

Exhausted from the intense ordeal and the emotional strain of the day's events, Hollie, her hands still gently resting on the man's wounds, succumbed to the overwhelming weight. She seemed to pass out, the cumulative toll of her efforts and the stress of the day taking its toll. The young and courageous pair, now surrounded by the residual glow of the protective field, lay amidst the aftermath, a testament to the extraordinary powers Hollie had unwittingly unlocked.