

Earlier on back in Sector B

Victor head back to the upscale hangar after rushing his food. The instant noodles were cold and difficult to eat. He wished that Shao Lin did not cooked for them. Rather they just cook their lunch themselves instead. He coughs out more and more. More blood. He hated having to put makeup just to hide his problems. It almost amazes him how no one realizes he was using makeup. Being outside sickened him even more with his constant, hard to cope nausea. He takes a tissue paper and wipes off the blood, placing it into the bin as he watches Harold and Leroy do their thing with the portal.

He thinks of Sylvie, who has went downstairs to Sector B's main lab. She had always been keeping tabs on everyone's health, after all she was a doctor. How would she feel when she hears about his condition now? He frowns when he hears a loud thud, snapping awake from his thoughts, he looks to see Harold and Leroy bickering.

"What the f*** is wrong with you!!!" Leroy shouted at Harold, the portal increasing and decreasing in size violently. Freaking out several soldiers and engineers on site.

"You told me to check well for the readings. If I never threw the stuff toy at it, the readings would go out of hand!" Harold reasoned with as Leroy insulted his toy, "That baby blue crap unicorn needs to go, why is it here even let alone in such a disgusting color?" He throws it back at him who struggled to catch it and rather infuriated. He sighed. Too bad he won't get along with a man who had made a breakthrough. He looks up to the sky, seeing his own project coming to fruition. Just he wait. He looks back, staring back at him with annoyance. However before the situation, a monster escaped, attempting to maul an engineer close by before being blown to bits by another mono-eyed monster.

Victor looked in awe at the machine. Impressed at the pilot's reaction time despite being stuck onto the wall with metal chains and hooks. It was thick in terms of armor yet very similar to the regular, mono-eyed mobile suits around which looked like a German soldier.

"What's going on?" He interrupted their conversation looking at the two men, still with angry expressions, seemingly about to kill them. Then they switched into uneasy laughter, trying to hide their commotion. "wE ArE ToTaLLy nOT HavING an ArGumENT RigHt nOw..." they both said to Victor as soldiers and engineers rolled their eyes. Harold sneered at them, they looked the other way as they got to work.

Suddenly the portal whirled as the group returned. Derek, who was the first to appear, tripped over, still unable to take the forces of the portal as every one else landed on him. Causing him to gasp for air with each impact. Shane barely avoided the crowd as she held a large box, the liquid heard slushing inside.

"Get... off... me... Max!!!" Shao Lin moaned as Baku slipped out under her. When they got up, Derek's mouth was bubbling aggressively.

"Does he need a doctor?" Harold asked. Baku quickly replied, smug, "He is fine really, he just need more of such training!" She watched as he pulled a middle finger.

"Screw...you...rob-" He moaned as Baku grabbed his hand and steps on it. "Cyborg," she smiled as he is taken away to the medical hall.

"Weird how part of their world got swallowed up..." Baku said as she glared, looking at the dead humanoid corpse with tumors from earlier, it's body laid in disarray from the shot as cleaners scrambled to clean up. She looks back, spotting Leroy turning around. His eyes widened as he asked calmly, "What did you mean?"

Shao Lin, who had managed to get up from Max's squishing quickly explained to the trio as Leroy's eyes widened further. Victor quickly realized what had happened and adds in the words the now lost Leroy wanted to say, "Harold and Leroy had some issues earlier. The machine was knocked hard. If that's the case then, the chip must be secured well."

Leroy hastily stuffed the chip into styrofoam as he placed it in a cardboard box next to Harold's setup. He stares at everyone, especially Harold. Silently telling them not to touch it.

Harold closed his laptop as he realizes Linoleum stood behind them, surprising Harold as he jumped. Nearly hitting the box.

"Father can you chill?" Harold complained as the group at each other confused at his words. He continued, "Just note that the queen herself has invited you all for dinner later. She is really interested in your work." Harold makes a quick bow as he walks away. Shane spotting the queen still staring at them from a platform, still looking at her sternly as she left.

Shane and Baku carefully took the box and head downstairs. The lift rumbling hard as they were lifted down. Shane looks at Baku, amazed how the twenty year old had accomplished so much and yet have so much disrespect for everyone.

"You know, I originally thought he was useless," her sudden conversation woke Shane from her thoughts, turning towards the short robot-looking woman as she continued, "but his shooting was impressive. You know what, I should give him more training!" Her words slightly annoyed Shane as she asked her for answers, "Why do you hate amateurs like him so much. He may not even join The Light of Men, if there is even any."

"Look! These people weakened the corporation for what they stand for. So they must all be trained. I must also be stronger, so that they will know how hard it truly takes to be part of the organization," Baku flexed her robotic arm, fizzing smoke as she answered. Shane looked at her slightly upset. How could she have such an ideology? What sort of event traumatized her to such an extent? Like any hero with a reason? Yes, he is a piece of crap and a cunt for successfully blackmailing her but that doesn't mean he should be tortured out of existence. It was not worth her energy.

They reached the basement. The place was just like a hospital. Faded vinyl flooring and white walls covered the corridors. Heading past several doors, they spot the trio.

They watched Derek was just wheeled in, doctors all still looking at the puking man. Beside him, Sergio laid in bed, still alive but barely showing any signs of life. Shane frowned, saddened at the lack of luck she had. She probably still hate her for not helping her out sooner. She turns away to see Alfred, doing way better. His skin color was less pale and was much fatter than before. Munching quickly on a burger. She smiled as Baku spots Sylvie coming out from the toilet, grabbing her toolbox full of medical equipment.

"Are you tired?" Baku asked her, looking up at the tall woman as she shook her head, her white robes and long orange hair swaying in the air conditioning as she asked her about the box. "Quickly we must pass it to them," Shane interfered as she walked off. Baku sighed as she rushed to catch up to her. Sylvie quickly followed suit.

They knocked on the glass door. A young woman with straight black hair put up her hands, asking them to wait as she looked at the specimen through the microscope. This place was much more like The Light of Men building with modern equipment and well placed items. The place unlike the other areas was clean and tidy. Most likely the entire room belonged to her. Sylvie spots the name marker. Two male names and a lady: Verda Al Bonds. Weird. She looks towards the door where Verda finally was done. She switched on the switch and allowed them to enter.

"No touching!" She shouts as she continued, "Anyways why are you all here?" Baku places down the box as Shane talks in place, "help reproduce these items."

"Why?" She looked on, realizing that it was exactly the group that her father told her about.

"We need to reproduce the items right now. They are the only things capable of truly hurting that being," she pleaded as Verda carefully opens the box. The whole box was filled with carefully made murky green liquid. None of which were diluted.

"Look are you trying to rush to reproduce these liquids?" Verda asked, glaring at her with a rather annoyed and killer expression, rattling Shane's legs as she continued, "Yes." Verda sighed, glaring into her eyes as another knock came in. Linoleum stood there, surprised that the trio were there. He gestured her for dinner as she nods. She quickly but carefully placed the box in a freezer as she locks the place. The trio following suit, nervous to meet the famed queen.

Baby Unicorn.

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