

It's a fantasy story that doesn't mean to demean or demean any party, with less and less forgiveness and thanks. Somewhere in the unknown. There was a light that split itself into two rays of light, and then one of them formed a life as well as civilization. In this story, there are 3 creatures. Angels, genies and humans. The angel kind is made up of the 3rd class, the heavenly angel, earth angel or fairy and the heavenly heaven/afterlife angel. Then even the jinn is made up of three classes, the jinn which has an animal base form or likes to be called demon, then the jinn which is able to change forms into human or animal then, the last one being born in heaven/afterlife, because of its good deeds during the world. Then the last one is human. Humans, in turn, are of three kinds, normal humans, next to giant and small, animal-like humans. This story begins, from an angel who befriended another angel, then he makes an unimaginable mistake. Finally, after forgiveness. He was once again reborn as a genie of the afterlife. She never knew of her past life, each time she was revived into another being. Then, too, he was forgotten from the origin of his creation. Enjoy reading

Numus · ファンタジー
3 Chs


500,000 years later,

Somewhere in the world.

The civilization of the Hin can be seen which has looked advanced and modern, with its tall and majestic architecture towering into the sky.

The towering, triangular-shaped buildings are very similar to hills or general usage. Even now there are no longer visible forests and trees on the hills and mountains.

The modern progress of the Hin, now has an impact on nature that looks damaged and not as beautiful as before.

In fact, now many oceans are dry into deserts.

It's not just plants like trees that die. However, the animals are now starting to look extinct civilization.

Then somewhere, which is above the mainland of the earth. There were several creatures from the Hin clan, seen being gathered together.

Then they heard their voices. The Hin, who were discussing something among themselves were heard speaking,

"Okay, is that really the only decision we have to make?"

"If we are going to use nuclear weapons on a mass scale to destroy them, then we too have to be prepared for the possibility of the destruction of this world, and fly in search of life elsewhere like planets, stars or something like that."

"No! Do all of you really believe there is a place worthy of all of us?" Said the creature whose face was like that of a bird but, its body was like that of a human and had flames wrapped around its body.

Everyone was silent, and soon there was a creature from the Hin clan who answered,

We've all run out of options, and it seems we have no choice but to use the Nuclear!

For our next destination, scientists have found the right place. That is, somewhere in the star called the Syrian Star, far away at the far eastern end of the sky.

"Alright. If that's the case then, Let's all prepare to start the end of this world!" replied the bird-faced creature, and there were loud voices approving the decision.

Long live the chief… Long live the chief… Chief's life...

A boisterous voice, sounding excited.

Some time later, it looks like millions of creatures of the Hin people, began to enter the bridge in the middle of the great triangle of the Pyramid.

Then the flow of electricity began to be seen rising and falling covering the sides of the Pyramid that carried the Hin, the Pyramid slowly moved up like a helicopter. However, this was the size of a mountain or hill.

Elsewhere however, still on earth.

Seen a civilization of the Hin, who built life under the ocean waters.

Seen several figures who are negotiating with each other. They heard the words they said,

"Looks like they're ready, let's go too."

"Has everyone been evacuated?" Asked a creature, the body of a human with the face of a crocodile,

"All the residents have boarded the ship, President. We are all just waiting for your orders!" Answered someone, who was in front of the crocodile-faced creature.

"All right. Let's go!" He concluded, then together they walked away to enter a pyramid-shaped plane, which was under the ground in the ocean.

slowly the pyramid-shaped plane, was moving up to the surface of the sea.

Meanwhile, somewhere else, in the afterlife/heaven.

Sumiya and Lilith were seen, who were sitting relaxing together on the bank of the river, whose water was yellow like honey.

Not long after, an angel appeared quickly in front of them. Instantly Sumiya and Lilith, too, turned towards the figure who was directly speaking to the two of them,

O Sumiya and Lilith, the Creator has ordered me to ask you about 2 options!

The first option, you will be left to live forever in the afterlife/khayangan but have no offspring. Or the second option is, you can live for a while in the world and have many offspring. So what choice do you two want?

Sumiya and Lilith looked at each other, after hearing the angel's question conveying the message of the Creator to her.

For a while there was no response from the two of them namely, Sumiya and Lilith who briefly smiled happily and then said,

"Indeed, both of us have been waiting for orders from him for a long time, even this heart feels impatient to wait for the promise made by the creator of this universe. Namely, creating us to be the first creatures for our group, believe the Jinns." Sumiya said, her face shining happily.

"So what are the two of you?" Ask Angel,

"We choose to live in the worldly realm and reproduce in it until the time that has been set for us." Sumiya replied, and suddenly Lilith heard Lilith interrupt the conversation by saying,

"However, may we ask 1 thing?" Lilith replied,

The angels looked directly at him as did Sumiya, who then nodded their heads at Lilith.

"What is it? Let me ask the creator," said the Angel.

"Allow once every 1,000 years, during the world. Among my descendants will be born and live in the afterlife/heaven to worship the creator." asked Lilith,

Not yet, the angel answered. There was an echoing voice saying, I allow…

Sumiya and Lilith, seemed even more pleased. It was clear from both of their faces.

Alright, your request has been granted. So right now I will take you down to the natural world, said the angel.

Sumiya and Lilit immediately said at the same time, We are ready…

In the natural world.

There was a large pyramid-shaped plane, floating above the earth and then they started a war with each other. Using lasers and missiles or rockets, knock each other's planes down.

Explosions occurred everywhere, on land it seemed to be at war with each other with creatures that appeared using ships from the ocean, while in the sky pyramid-shaped planes were also seen shooting at each other.


There were explosions everywhere…

Finally a big explosion was heard,


One explosion of nuclear weapons destroys the land which immediately invites a giant tsunami wave in the ocean.

Seen thousands of weapons of mass destruction, namely, Nuclear falling in the sky from inside the pyramid-shaped plane, which instantly made the whole view glow white.

Time seemed to stop, and one by one the nuclear weapons finally fell and hit the ground, then the sound of a very powerful explosion sounded very thunderous.

This is the end, said the bird-faced creature, watching on the plane with some of his subordinates and again saying,

Hold on, we're going to slide past 7 of this earth's ozone. After that turn on quickly, power jet our plane, he shouted.

Meanwhile, the other leader is a crocodile-faced one. Seemingly surprised by what was about to happen, from inside his plane over the ocean, he was heard speaking,

"It turns out that they really do want to destroy this world. All of you then, prepare for the shock of this explosion." Said the creature, screaming.






The loud sound of the falling of thousands of nukes continues to boom, and the worst is the effect of the explosion. Instantly destroys land, mountains and hills, then the sea water rises to thousands of kilometers high and the speed of the giant tsunami is like sound.

The world looks messy, and the sky is dark filled with black smoke, for hundreds or even thousands of years this all went on.

The sun's rays were unable to penetrate the darkness of the world, some of the Hin who were on the Pyramid ship survived the incident. Likewise, the pyramidal airplane that threw the nuclear bomb was finally able to penetrate the sky at a speed driven by a nuclear explosion.

The remaining people, some live in the oceans, there are also those who live at the ends of the world and the perpetrators of the explosion are now living at the end of the sky called the Syrian Star.

For 20,000 years the dark smoke had just begun to dissipate, and it was only in 120,000 Years that the earth, recovered from radiation and the impact of the explosion of nuclear weapons.

And now thousands of years have passed after the war that almost destroyed the world, and now the earth is slowly starting to come back to life, after the season of ice or snow has passed.

With the prolonged winter season the soil became fertile again, and it was now clear that some of the trees had grown well, rising high into the sky.

In fact, there are now many trees that are able to grow to touch the clouds above, as if the forest near the mountains in human times, maybe just like the bushes in a garden.

The animals are now starting to be seen, and grow very large when compared to the size of the animals, hundreds of thousands of years ago.

Then from the sky there are now 2 figures of light, which seem to bring Sumiya and Lilith to come down to earth.

Slowly they descended from the sky and finally the soles of Sumiya and Lilith's feet began to tread on the earth.

Then a voice echoed from the sky saying, To both of you, I will extend your life until the end of the world. So, be grateful and worship only me.

Sumiya and Lilith too, immediately prostrated and thanked the creator. After that the angel moved away from in front of the two of them who looked at all directions of the wind.

Sumiya said we should go now and find a good place to take shelter.

And Lilith too, just smiled. Then grasped one of Sumiya's hands, which at that instant the two of them immediately shifted places very quickly like lightning.

Meanwhile, from above the heavens of the earth, the figure of light that escorted Sumiya and Lilith, changed physical form into the two angels that was told at the beginning of the previous chapter.