
The Light Kingdom Revolution

As a running away princess from her kingdom, Princess Chandra decided to surrender her throne and nobility to her father's stepbrother, King Brutus. She tried to escape from her possessive suitor, King Dragon who wanted to make her a submissive princess and marry her only with the purpose to conquer her as a successor of a wealthy kingdom. Would she be able to make King Dragon realize the value of true love? How about Kumara, a half-celestial prince of wars who help her to get back her throne? Will Princess Chandra be able to make revolution under the name of the Bhagavanta Kingdom and resolve her conflict in love?

pandora_blessing · ファンタジー
33 Chs

Is She a Half Celestial Creature?

Chandra was flashed by her memory about her childhood memory whenever she was curious about her mother. She felt abandoned since she missed and craved her mother's fingers on her head, whispering her a lullaby song at night before sleeping just like other kids ever experienced, talking about some private issues between a daughter and a mother just like other girls did. Chandra inhaled deeply.

Her emotion was flowing wildly. She remembered King Dragon, how the charming king had tried to enter her love life after her first love, Tristan, had gone forever because of his severe pneumonia.

"I am glad to see you here," King Dragon smiled at her as they met each other in a public carnival a few months after Tristan's funeral. He attended to celebrate his new release for his music. He found Chandra walking around alone as she tried to get rid of her emotional burden. As people looked at them curiously, King Dragon tried to escape with her from the crowd. "I am sorry, I don't want people talking about us!" he explained as Chandra tried to release his grip on her arm. "It's difficult for me and any woman that I want to talk to and get closer to her for me without people's attention!" he sighed and released his grip on Chandra's arm.

Chandra looked at him and still waited for his further explanation.

"I just want to know you, Princess Chandra," King Dragon smiled, his lips making an inscrutable smiling line.

"How do you know my name, Sir?" Chandra looked at him skeptically.

King Dragon's eyes looked so expressive in taking that young woman's curiosity, "Tristan was one of my students in music class. He often told his classmates about you!"

Chandra wrinkled her forehead, 'Why is he supposed to interfere with those boys' rumors?'

"Please, don't misjudge me! I am wondering who you are in real life, he mentioned you a lot," King Dragon paused, looking at Chandra inquisitively, "He praised you a lot!" he sighed.

Chandra stopped her steps, but King Dragon turned his back to her. "Come on, I don't have any bad intentions! I come as your friend!" he smiled and put a tap on Chandra's shoulder as he took both of them to a small cozy place to eat. King Dragon was a good storyteller, he could share many things that made Chandra feel curious and absorbed to listen to his life stories, his adventures, his struggles, and his dreams.

"You should not worry about your life without Tristan by your side, my dear!" King Dragon spooned a chocolate cake into his mouth. He had attracted the young woman's attention with his story. "I know you have a wonderful personality. You're potential to be a good successor!"

Chandra started to be skeptical, "It seems that you've known much about me, Sir!" she asked curiously.

King Dragon smirked, playing with his eyes and sight hilariously, "You're Princess Chandra, aren't you?" he rubbed his nose and looked at her flirtatiously. His eyes could speak more than his words.

Chandra smiled and turned her face down, 'I don't know but his eyes started to talk to me!' she sighed.

"I am not flirting with you, Princess Chandra. I just want to know you better, as your friend!" King Dragon shrugged, and he could make the conversation flow naturally.

"You have the same taste as Tristan, I think! You both like the cake with this cheese," he said in a sincere tone.

Chandra smiled, "We used to share the same cake!" she paused, her mind remembering the moments when they were having beautiful moments as a young couple.

King Dragon inhaled deeply, "Both of you love each other deeply! What a beautiful story, I really want to arrange some songs and music for your love story!" he looked into Chandra's eyes with an intense tone of eye contact.

Chandra grinned as she found pure intention in those eyes, "Thank you!"

King Dragon chuckled, "No, don't mention it!" he stopped and seemed to think, "I am wondering how to portray a love story between two young persons that stupidly romantic!" he giggled again.

'Stupidly romantic?' she lifted her eyebrows and got startled by his statement. "What do you mean, Sir?" she required more clarifications from him.

"Yes. Romantic but stupid. Sharing a cake is romantic but mourning for the death of a lover, don't you think it is stupid but at the same time, romantic? How do you waste your days for someone that never comes back to your life?" he sarcastically asked her with an expressive tone.

Chandra wrinkled her forehead; her eyes were staring at the eyes of King Dragon that also looking into hers. 'What the point did he say something like that?' she got irritated with the questions. She rose from her seat, "Thank you for everything, Sir!" she walked away after leaving some coins to pay the bills for both of them.

"Wait!" King Dragon followed her from behind after leaving his more coins to pay for the bills. He got irritated as Chandra tried to dishonor him.

"Do you get insulted by my questions, Princess Chandra?"

Chandra stopped her footsteps, turning around to him. She didn't answer his question although she hoped her gaze at him could explain more than her words.

King Dragon inhaled deeply and decided to approach her in more calm gestures. "Please, don't get me wrong!" he tried to explain patiently. "As a princess and a successor, I know you could be more acceptable in a good manner!" he paused, "Please think deeply and wisely!"

Chandra reduced her intense gesture as King Dragon's eyes looked at her in more empathetic ways. "I do, Sir! For the time being, please allow me to dismiss!" she turned her head down slightly before leaving him alone in his standing place.

Since that day, King Dragon seemed to try in getting more chances with the intention of knowing her better. He often invited her to attend his events and said that those of his creations were inspired by her.

"How far have you gone to attain the young ladies' intention?" one of the royal men asked King Dragon at his opening musical event party one evening. There were five royal men of the Triangulum Anatolia Empire including King Dragon. They were toasting for his event and achievement.

"As long as gentle approach, golds, and pieces of jewelry and also sweet charms speak to them, we could easily melt their heart. Time is worthy to have waited until we got them!" King Dragon chuckled, taking some sips of his wine. "It's always worthy to conquer their minds under the name of love!" he smiled with a proud expression.

"Yeah. We saw your games with Queen Alexa! As she left her husband for being desperately in love with you," a young royal man toasted for him as if he was a champion.

Chandra sighed as she listened to every word those men were speaking about. 'Knight of Ruda, my gosh, I just knew what in his mind about women so!' she spoke in her silence. 'A calm, polite, and charming knight of Ruda! Damn, how naïve me!' she blamed her first impression of Knight of Ruda. She disappeared from her standing place as she decided to leave the party. 'There's aimless of my existence here!' she walked in hurried steps as she tried to dismiss without anyone's concern of it.

Else, she was wrong as her scent was captured by King Dragon's smelling sense and his eyes were following her movement.

"Why do you escape from the party?" he suddenly appeared next to her and grabbed her arm. He manipulated successfully the situation that night and trapped the young woman in his grip to admire him more and more unintentionally. He often helped the young woman build her dream for herself and her kingdom's future without being alert was hidden beyond his charming statements and gestures.

Chandra screamed in her anger as she remembered all those things. She rose from the stone where she sat. Her anger had taken her overwhelmingly. She wanted to take an act of revenge. She felt her body was shivering with her emotions. She sensed her blood was flowing fast into her vessels. She was panting in her anger. Her fingers were clenched tightly. All she wanted was nothing else than her need to taste the blood of revenge and projected her anger into something that she could rip off with her claws and fangs. She roared…Any eyes of creatures could capture that she had changed to become a fierce tigress with her angry red bloody eyes and fiercely hungry fangs to rip off as she was a beast. She jumped and ran fast to look for something to fulfill her thirst for blood. Her eyes captured a folk of rabbits, and she was targeting the biggest one to be ripped off by her fangs and she could taste its fresh blood. She roared and sensed the blood of victory inside her mouth as she saw the rabbit scattered into pieces. She enjoyed its scream to the death was calling as she brutally chopped it alive.

A few seconds later, she lay down on the ground. She was scattered emotionally with her mouth stained by the innocent blood. She felt so scared of herself as she could not remember anything at all.

She opened her eyes slowly. She found Light Owen looking at her sadly. He repeatedly took a deep breath.

"I opened the energy portal for you!" he confessed to her and sat next to her. Chandra found her in the cave. 'Did Light Owen bring me to this place?' she looked at the old man with her heart full of sin. 'I killed an innocent creature!' she cried.

Light Owen brought her something to drink and let her finish her cry.

"You should learn how to adapt to the energy that has entered you and the energy that is flowing inside your body, Princess Chandra!" he spoke softly. "Indeed, you can change into a fierce beast!" he paused; his eyes looked so sad with what had happened. "You wake the tiger soul inside you!" he talked again. "I wish I knew that you have inherited that blood from your mother! So, I could teach you first about the wisdom of energy!" he sighed.