
The life to success

Wasting the youth away, Fei Han felt extremely regretful in his adult life. He wished to relieve his teenage but Life proved him wrong and he died struggling. When he woke up again it was to the time he started being a waste. Given this second chance in life watch Fei Han's journey to success while he also gets involved in relationship with the love of his life.

Harshita_1589 · ファンタジー
2 Chs

The Regret

In the mid of November, the city was bustling with people travelling. The shops and sellers were busy conducting their business. In the midst of them sat a man of mid- thirties. His name is Fei Han.

Fei Han was an extremely lazy person who avoided working very often. He always kept his work for the last moment. Days passed and turned into years. His habit to work at the last moment still remain the same. Due to this he was often dismissed from jobs. He was barely surviving. He began taking loans. The situation slowly began to grow from bad to worse. No amount of extra jobs can help him cover his daily expenses and help repayment of his debts. The creditors began demanding money and threatening him. He was at his wits end.

Sitting inside the bedroom of his two-room flat, Fei Han watched outside his bedroom window. The weather was beginning to grow cold. The lush green leaves of trees were starting to slowly cover in dew. Birds were starting to migrate in search of better habitats. Fei Han observed all this in a daze. He slowly recalled all his life experience. How the extremely intelligent boy was thrown out of his house in his childhood, how he made wrong choices and how he wasted his youth away. It was not that Fei Han was stupid, no he was infact an intelligent boy but due to his wrong friend circle he made many wrong choices in life.

Watching time pass he regretted his decisions and habits very much. Sitting on his bed he thought of his life. He wished he could go back to his youth and rectify his mistakes.

Slowly he began to feel dizzy. The last thought in his mind before blackness was his wish to travel back in time.

He watched himself surrounded in a glass room. Slowly his life began to replay infront of his eyes. He watched the death of his mother, the remarriage of his father and his life with cruel stepmother and brothers. He watched as his brothers bullied him and felt incredible helplessness. The replay stopped right the moment he was asked to leave his house. Slowly the glass room began to dissolve and his body felt weightless. Watching all this, he panicked for the first time and tried to control his body. He felt paralysed. Moments passed and his brain felt hazy. This happened for nearly half an hour before he felt conscious. The moment he opened his eyes, he thought if he was dreaming because voila! he was back to the time he was thrown out of his house. He pinched himself to see if he was dreaming. His hand hurt. He tried to make sense of his surroundings and soon realised that he was back in time. His eyes shone with unshed tears but this time they were of happiness. He thanked heavens for giving him this second chance in life and promised to achieve all that he could not in his past life.

He promised to live his life with no regrets.