
A Small Dream

After Ponnappan had his little talk with Thankappan and Scarlet, both of them told the entire sequence of events that happened all these days.

"Ha, you guys… are totally stupid! I mean, you already live on the edge with John living with you and you took an unnecessary risk like this? You know what would've happened if John was the one who found the truth first? Well, I don't have to particularly speak about it now, do I? I mean, you know it already, right? It'd mean the end of this base as a whole. So, why? Why take such a big risk, huh?" Ponnappan asked.

"Well, we weren't meaning to take such a risk. It just… happened. I mean, everything was going way too fast that we didn't get a chance to think it through and we made the wrong decision. But at least, we didn't get caught. So, that's a plus." Thankappan smiled a bit, but took the smile when he saw the grim face of the commanding officer.