
The Liabilities of a Wizard

After Voldemort's death, a lasting era of peace begins. The heroes of Hogwarts; Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley are hired into the Ministry of Magic and Minerva McGonagall becomes the headmistress in Hogwarts. Everything is fine for the wizards, this is their golden age. Or so they thought... Author Notes: I do not own J.K Rowling's fictional universe and characters.

HardcoreScore · 書籍·文学
20 Chs


Moonlight, Hogwarts castle stood proudly over the Black Lake, painting a dazzling reflection onto it. The forest was silent, the only noises being uttered by nocturnal creatures preying upon the oblivious animals. Silent dead, the playground of hunters.

Inside, empty hallways and lonely spirits were the only things still awake, alive frames cut out of the long nighters. The students were already deep dreaming, some snorted while others tried to find the best position to sleep, yet another long day of studying.

Underground, now that's a totally different tale. Buried deep down the earth, long tunnels and chambers were dug out. By whom? No one alive really knew, just ghosts being able to tell. Perhaps elf slaves? Or greedy goblins? That's something for another night. At the present moment, something else was more important. And that is... an illegal fight club meeting. Of course, not a friendly meeting of good old folk. Nah, we are talking about young magicians searching for fame and glory or... a better bedroom.

That doesn't matter though, everyone has their reasons. Noah, for one, had an objective in mind for the event. He was there to assert his power and position, to show his prowess, and somehow gain some followers.

"How are you feeling?" He asked Juniper.

"Great... just great." She sighed, using her right hand to support her head. If that wasn't enthusiasm, in Noah's head, then what could be?

She still regretted accepting his request of being his battle companion. Her concern for his health was still there, even after being told hundreds of times that he was fine. Only with lots of bartering and negotiation, she had agreed with his proposal.

"Hold yourself up, I need you clear-minded for what is coming." He patted her back reassuringly.

"That's easy to say. Let's see how doing it will go like..." Her expectations on their chances were pretty low, after all, her only partner has just gotten himself a discharge from the nursery. Not only that, but they would be fighting against older students.

'I hope there are security measures here, else I will be the next in hospital.'

Meanwhile, Noah methodically analyzed his surroundings, eyeing every nook and cranny. The fight club took place at an underground chamber, roughly 100 feet in diameter and 30 in height. Obsidian structures were raised at the four cardinal points of the chamber, depicting the Houses' symbols. Ravenclaw at the North, Gryffindor South, Slytherin West, and Hufflepuff East. Curiously, only the Ravenclaw statue glowed with an ominous red glow, the raven eyes bright red as if activated by magic - which was probably the case. 4 doors were paced under the statues, each one with the House symbol intricately engraved onto the stone.

'There isn't a single speck of dust in here. For a place below the ground that's quite impressive. Did they place an enchantment in here or are there people who come frequently to scrub the floor? Huh, there is more to this club than what they've told us. As for these doors and statues, well, that's way too obvious. There isn't even a need to tell us about it.'

"Attention, the first match will begin! Challengers, please head down to the arena." Elise, Ravenclaw's leader, said with an amplified voice.

Juniper and Noah gulped a dry gust of air before exchanging looks. They went down from the grandstand, taking measured steps towards the ring. All the other students stared at them as if judging idiots. They are too young to fight! That's what passed through their minds before quietening down. Everyone had the right to fight as stated by the House rules after all.

Noah glanced around only to find 6th and 7th years.

'How did they get here? Didn't they live by the woods? Then, is there a subterranean passageway to the forbidden forest? And why are they here anyway? To get better rooms? Hah, as if. Maybe more privileges which we don't know about? Ah well, forget it.'

These thoughts went away just as fast as they came. This was the moment he had been waiting for, there was no room for useless thoughts. Those 2 spells he made were meant for this moment, not later, not sooner. Immediately, as they stepped inside the challenge ring, all external sounds cleared out and all Noah could hear was his partner stride. Frightening, to say the least, but he was already prepared for such. This was the works of a magical barrier, which not only blocks sound but also spells and people (not including the match's judge of course).



His adversaries entered, clacking their feet on the stone floor. They were 2nd years, the weakest of their class, and the closest to Noah and Juniper's strength.

"Begin!" The judge's voice vibrated inside the silent arena. Noah didn't run at them or away. He and Juniper only stared at their foes, analyzing their actions and predicting what they could do next.

'Increase the distance?

Walk closer?

Cast offensive spells? Or defensive ones? What will be their next move?' Noah speculated.

And yet, they did none of the above, completely disregarding his assumptions. Instead, they did... completely nothing. Their expressions were akin to kings, smug and smart-asses, almost like tasting victory already.

"This is way too easy." A male student said excitedly.

'What can they do anyway? Cast Wingardium Leviosa? Lumos? Hahaha!' He laughed at their luck to find such weaklings.

And not outside of his expectations, that's exactly what Noah did. For a moment his vision went black, shut out from the outside world. Then before he could scream, bile shot up from his stomach, blocking his airflow, his head swinging left and right.

Thump! His body hit the ground, cut out of its strings by an invisible knife.

Just 5 seconds after the judge's approval. Five insignificant seconds. His partner looked to his right, staring dumbly at his limp body. Where did it come from? His opponents didn't even raise their wands, just how?! His brows furrowed to the point of absurdity.

"Wha-" Juniper tumbled on her own words. She rubbed her eyes just to make sure she was fine or no illusions were directed at her. Not that she would discover by doing that.

Thump! The other guy dropped to the ground, landing at an awkward angle, right at his friend's ball sack.

"End! Winners: Juniper and Noah!" The judge determined before the barrier disappeared. The silence continued as though the barrier was still there.

"Impressive." Elise muttered. In contrast with the 1st and 2nd years' incredulous faces, she and many others featured surprised and knowing looks.

Impressive - that's what happened.