

In a world where super beings are a thing of normalcy, the "LEVIATHANS" an almost extinct mutant species stand out among the rest.....

TheQuill · SF
2 Chs


Power precedes acclaim, whether it is positive or negative it is a know fact that where power precedes itself there will always be an attraction to it.

Roughly 200 years ago in the year 2505, a spacecraft with alien visitors appeared on our planet on an exploration visitation. There were about six of these creatures in number, all with humanoid appearances but with a very powerful aura protruding from them. Presenting themselves to the government they made their intentions known, and with permission they were give six earth months to conduct their explorations after which they will leave the planet. They called themselves anodites, a species of energy based beings capable of manipulating a powerful energy source called the "ORCA"... With this ability they possessed a wide number of other abilities, ranging from energy projection, flight, telepathy, teleportation, super strength, speed, reflexes etc, and the fear that the government had towards these visitors was what contributed to their cooperation with these anodites.

During their stay they were given the freedom of movement, but we're also put under close monitoring and supervision. Not too long after there arrival, their time on earth had elapsed and it was time for them to leave. And just as they agreed when they first came they began preparations to leave the planet, but just before they left an encounter a human will have with one of these visitors would change the course of human history forever.....