
The Leisurely Life of Infinite Gods

Ko-fi.com/mltnovelupdate Three years after graduation, Chu Mo, who could barely maintain his most basic life, opened the Shenhao system, and an unlimited and safe bank card appeared in front of him. start a company? to invest? buy stocks? These in unlimited banks…

Mltnovel_update · 都市
89 Chs

Chapter 27: wonderful life

Chapter 27: wonderful life

The taxi stopped for a while at the entrance of the community. Chu Mo, who was sitting in the co-pilot, just nodded slightly. The security guards at the door were straight and serious, and immediately waved their hands to let them go.

There are only nine villas in the entire Diwangxuan, and Chu Mo alone owns two of them. In the business, every security guard and even every cleaning has already engraved Chu Mo's appearance in his heart.

Naturally dare not have any neglect.

The taxi goes along the straight avenue, and the green area in the community has definitely reached an unimaginable level. Even if you come to the Forest Park, some people will believe that there is a scenery of birds and flowers everywhere.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, it would be hard for anyone to believe that there would be such a green villa area in the inner ring of the magic capital.

Turning at the intersection of a European-style fountain, walking 100 meters, two taxis slowly stopped in front of a huge gate. When Chu Mo got out of the co-pilot, there was a middle-aged man in a black suit. Welcome up!

"Mr. Chu, it's ready as you ordered!"

There was no need for Chu Mo to bother. Immediately, a tough man in his thirties walked to the taxi and waved to the two taxi drivers at the same time. Someone would be responsible for the fare.

Turning his head to look at the four girls with novel faces, Chu Mo, as the host, naturally has to do his due diligence.

"I asked someone to prepare a random lunch, and I don't know if it suits your taste, Xiner, why are you still standing there, calling your classmates in!"

Chu Xiner's blushing face widened her eyes. She didn't even hear her own words. Chu Mo found that among the four girls, she was the most exaggerated.

Shaking his head slightly, he stepped forward and grabbed the opponent's little hand. Chu Mo suddenly found that this girl's little hand was cold.

A hint of distress flashed in his heart again, and Chu Mo, who sighed softly, said to the three girls beside him:


Crossing the gate, the 9,900-square-meter courtyard is also full of birds and flowers, and various flowers and plants embellish the entire courtyard like a sea of ​​flowers.

Turning around a sea of ​​flowers, there is a huge rockery in front of you. The highest point of the rockery is more than ten meters high, with clear water constantly pouring down.

Passing through the rockery, the eyes suddenly opened up, and a huge building full of European style appeared in front of him.

The huge villa with three floors on the bottom covers an area of ​​more than 800 square meters, and the three floors together, the total area has reached an astonishing 2,400 square meters.

Just from the outside, a luxurious and elegant momentum blows.

In front of the villa, a huge swimming pool with a length of 11 meters and a width of 5 meters is rippling. If you can swim here in the hot summer, just thinking about it will make people feel yearning.

Chu Mo, who was holding Xin'er's little hand, walked in front. While leading the way, he would also randomly introduce some buildings in the courtyard.

The three girls who followed behind had obviously seen the world. After the initial surprise, they had gradually returned to normal.

I just don't know why, even Tao Yun, the most lively, looks like a good girl at the moment, and he has completely lost the lingering he had when he was in the mall.

A middle-aged man in a black suit and a face with Chinese characters respectfully followed behind several people. As the housekeeper of the entire villa, the only task of the middle-aged man is to obey the master's wishes and provide the best service to several guests!

Chu Mo, who had been walking in front, noticed that the girl named Song Xiaoxi took a second look at the swimming pool in front of him, and immediately said:

"You are all Xiner's classmates, don't be restrained, you can come and play often in the future."

The words fell, but the girls didn't react, but Chu Mo was not in a hurry, and led a few girls into the villa, but to Chu Mo's surprise, in the huge living room, there were twelve servants dressed in attire. The maid in costume is split on both sides.

The moment Chu Mo stepped into the door, the maids on both sides bent over and said respectfully:

"Welcome home master!"

Unconsciously frowning slightly, Chu Mo glanced at the middle-aged man who was always behind him. The battle in front of him should have been arranged by this housekeeper!

Although he didn't like this kind of battle, but the guests were in front, Chu Mo didn't want to say anything more. He pulled Xin'er, whose hands and feet were trembling slightly, into the living room. Chu Mo smiled and said:

"Sit as you like, just like your own home!"

"How dare we!"

A weak voice sounded behind him, Chu Mo turned his head and saw Tao Yun's cautious appearance!

Turning his gaze to the middle-aged man, Chu Mo ordered:

"Danny, leave two here to serve, what should the others do!"

"Yes, Mr. Chu!"

The middle-aged man named Danny had a slightly hoarse voice. After replying respectfully, he bent down slightly and took two steps back, then turned and walked towards the two rows of maids.

For a moment, after only two maids were left in the originally depressing hall, the expressions of the girls seemed a little more at ease!

The huge living room with a height of 6.7 meters was opened on two floors. Even if there were just two rows of maids standing, the living room of nearly 200 square meters did not feel crowded at all.

At this time, when a few girls finally relaxed, they were in the mood to look around.

At the entrance of the living room is a porch shoe cabinet with a very elegant design.

On the right is a hollowed-out screen entrance with white orchids on display. The view is very transparent and the view is very private.

The huge crystal chandelier above the head is from Italy, and just this chandelier is enough to exchange for an imported car.

The mahogany sofa gives people a feeling of luxury and atmosphere.

Zhou Yuanyuan's eyes were quickly attracted by the blue-and-white porcelain vase in the corner of the living room, and various expressions of suspicion and surprise were constantly exchanged in her eyes.

Several people were seated, and Danny, the personal butler, immediately stepped forward and asked:

"What do you want to drink?"

After shopping all morning, Chu Mo, who was a little thirsty, said directly:

"Give me a bottle of mineral water, what do you want?"

This meeting has gradually returned to the lively Tao Yun and said directly:

"Let's also have mineral water. The weather is a little hot, I just sweated a little bit, and I'm a little thirsty!"

Seeing several girls nod at the same time, Danny immediately stepped back respectfully.

Without the initial restraint, Tao Yun, who had some inexplicable emotions in his expression, immediately couldn't hold back and said:

"Brother Chu, I just heard from Xiner that you are a writer. I am very interested in literature. I don't know when I will be able to read your masterpiece!"

Tao Yun's eyes were full of little stars, but Song Xiaoxi, who was beside him, whispered in a low voice:


Hearing this, Chu Mo, who was beside him, was stunned for a moment, then immediately waved his hand:

"It's just casual writing. It's not very elegant. If you like it, I can send you a few books when I publish it in the future!"

"That's for sure."

Tao Yun, who had a sweet smile on his face, straightened his heart slightly. Under the pure white shirt, Miaoman's figure was even more attractive.

The maid with 85 points of good looks brought tea, Tao Yun, with some doubts on his face, gently touched his girlfriend next to him with his elbow, and picked up the bottle with golden wings on it, and the bottle mouth was printed with The mineral water of the golden crown, at the same time raised his eyebrows slightly at his girlfriend, and whispered in the ear of the other party:

"Yuanyuan, why is this bottle so beautiful!"

Beside her, Zhou Yuanyuan, who had always been absent-minded, followed her gaze. When she noticed the mineral water in front of her, she raised her eyebrows slightly, and then said softly:

"The frost flower decoration pattern of this bottle is painted with Swarovski crystals and precious metals. It is known as the most luxurious mineral water in the world. It must be beautiful!"

Seeing that her best friend was still winking, Zhou Yuanyuan, who knew the other party's thoughts, took the initiative to lean into the other party's ear and whispered at the same time:

"This is mineral water from RB Kobe. The price of this bottle in your hand is 1,580 soft sister coins!"

Glancing at the seven or eight bottles of mineral water in front of him, when he found that just these few bottles of water were tens of thousands of soft sister coins, Tao Yun suddenly had the urge to take out his mobile phone and take pictures and send them to the circle of friends!

The life of a rich man is really wonderful.


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