
The Leisurely Life of Infinite Gods

Ko-fi.com/mltnovelupdate Three years after graduation, Chu Mo, who could barely maintain his most basic life, opened the Shenhao system, and an unlimited and safe bank card appeared in front of him. start a company? to invest? buy stocks? These in unlimited banks…

Mltnovel_update · 都市
89 Chs

Chapter 002 Unlimited quota

Chapter 002 Unlimited quota

The sun overhead is slowly sloping westward, and when you look up gently, you can see the high-rise buildings on both sides of the street that cover the sky and the sun, and the modern city built of steel and cement is dazzling and dazzling.

Here, if you don't have a firm and strong heart, it's really easy to get lost in the feasting.

Chu Mo is only a graduate of the second degree, and he does not have any special skills that he is particularly good at. In addition, he did not spend the four years of college studying hard in the cold window. After graduation, he encountered several interviews, which can be imagined.

Picking up his old job and becoming a freelance writer is actually the result of being forced to help.

At the most difficult time, he ate instant noodles for three consecutive months. Until now, Chu Mo, who is 1.82 meters tall, is still 20 pounds thinner. This is the result of going through the dark times in his life.

Having experienced social beatings and three years of graduation, Chu Mo has learned to tolerate and be content...!

There is no way, how much ability, how much can you enjoy the results!

With his current state, if there is no change, unless he decides to leave the magic capital, go back to his hometown, accept the blind date arranged by his parents, and then live peacefully in that small fifth-tier city in his hometown.

Otherwise, in this cold city, even if you want to find a girlfriend who works hard with you, you can't do it.

However, that was all in the past.

Touching the gold-plated bank card in his pocket, even though he had calmed down in the coffee shop for more than half an hour, Chu Mo's palms were still covered with sweat.

It has been verified on the mobile phone before, and the balance of 50,000 yuan in the Weixin wallet is still vivid in my mind.

However, Chu Mo still needs to personally verify whether this card has an unlimited limit. After all, seeing is believing.

After leaving the coffee shop, there is an agricultural bank in the Wanda CBD not far away. With a notebook in his hand, Chu Mo went directly to the ATM machine on the side of the bank, and an uncle who had just withdrawn money left an empty seat.

With sweaty palms in his palms, Chu Mo inserted the golden card in his pocket into the card slot, and tried again to recall the sound that appeared in his mind before.

The password is eight eights, yes.

Enter the password with slightly trembling fingers, click Confirm, and then press Balance Check!


"Balance: 100000000000000..."

How many zeros are there?

Not counted.

I opened my eyes and tried to see if there was a decimal point after the "1"...

No, indeed not.

So, this is really an unlimited bank card.

The fingers that had been trembling all the time miraculously returned to normal, and even the pounding heart slowly returned to calm.

Chu Mo didn't know what happened to him, as if his soul was out of his body, and everything that happened in front of him was like watching a movie.

Everything is so unreal.

Now that your hands are no longer shaking, let's do something serious, take out the wallet from your pocket, take out the salary card you usually use, and enter the card number.

Originally, the maximum transfer limit of the ATM machine should be 200,000 yuan, but this amount of money is not enough for my own expenses. If I want to buy a house and a car in the magic capital, and I want to live comfortably, I am afraid that I need at least 10 million yuan of funds.

With some probing, Chu Mo entered 10 million in the transfer amount, and was about to confirm it. After a little hesitation, he added a zero at the back.

Click to confirm, and for a moment, the phone in the pocket vibrated.

He took out his millet thousand yuan machine from his pocket, and an unread text message appeared on the screen.

"Your card ending in 0071 will receive 100,000,000 yuan from the Agricultural Bank of China at 16:12 on May 4 (interbank remittance), and the balance will be 100,012,000 yuan. (Agricultural Bank

One billion, that's it.

However, looking at the series of zeros on the phone, Chu Mo had no sense of reality at all, as if these numbers were really just meaningless numbers.

After a moment of hesitation, Chu Mo, who retrieved the golden card, walked towards the bank lobby.

The system has said before that the use of this bank card is absolutely safe. Since the unlimited limit is true, then Chu Mo is naturally willing to trust the system.

The ceiling of the bank hall is extremely high, and the clean and tidy hall is crowded with people. The sunset, which has already slanted westward, sprinkled on the glorious floor through the glass of the hall, bringing some warmth.

Walking into the lobby, I found a staff member and explained that I was here to withdraw money. The staff member in a suit in front of him asked:

"Sir, how much do you plan to withdraw?"

Hearing this, Chu Mo looked slightly stunned. He just wanted to take some cash for backup, but he didn't know how much to take. However, when he thought of the 100 million deposits in his bank card, he hesitated a little, and Chu Mo said directly:

"Five thousand... no, three hundred thousand is fine."

"300,000? Alright sir, please wait in the VIP room!"

I followed the staff to the VIP room on the second floor. Unlike the bustling lobby downstairs, the environment here is very quiet. When I walked into the room, there were two sets of sofas at the door, and snacks and a set of tea sets were placed on the coffee table.

There is an open counter window at work.

Chu Mo sat on the sofa and waited. With the sound of light high-heeled shoes hitting the ground, for a moment, a woman with a delicate face stopped in front of him.

The woman looks about twenty-three or four years old, a dark blue sleeveless suit, the clothes are very close-fitting, making her curves fully show, Miaoman's figure shows a youthful and noble style, with black slacks under her body, just Simple collocation reveals a clean and refreshing intellectual beauty.

Gently coming to Chu Mo, a woman's voice with a smile on her flawless cheeks said in a clear voice:

"Hello sir, I'm Ling Yue, Manager of the Financial Department of the Magic Capital Branch... Ah, are you Chu Mo?!"

The words that sounded in his ears made Chu Mo, who had been fluttering, as if his feet were not touching the ground, finally returned to reality.

Raising his head, looking at the beautiful woman with ninety-three points in front of him, Chu Mo, who suddenly widened his eyes, said in surprise:

"Lingyue? Is it really you?"

When calling out this name, Chu Mo suddenly felt a sense of good fortune. Lingyue was his college classmate. After three years of graduation, he didn't even know that she was working so close to him.

If it weren't for the fact that I happened to get an unlimited credit card today, I wouldn't come to the bank, and it would be even more impossible to meet this old classmate.

It can only be said that all of this seems to have its own providence.

"Just now I was thinking of where the big customer came from. He would withdraw 300,000 yuan in cash at a time. I didn't expect it to be an old classmate. You didn't see that you were a rich second generation when you went to school. I really can't think of it, Chu Mo, you actually Hidden so deep!"

Hearing this, he shook his head gently, and Chu Mo with a bitter face sighed:

"What kind of a rich second-generation I am, making small troubles!"

Gently rolling her charming white eyes, she stretched out her slender fingers and brushed the hair beside her ears. Ling Yue, who looked playful, said softly:

"Valented users like you, come to our bank are the key service targets, we can only be ashamed if we are humble! Old classmates, you have to give me a chance, I will invite you to afternoon tea when you have time... I'll handle the business for you first."

Handing over the bank card and his ID card to the other party, Chu Mo, who was full of sighs, said softly:

"Lingyue, you are the school flower of our school. It is a matter of great pride for any boy to talk to you more in those days..."

He took the bank card from Chu Mo's hand, and then swiped the bank card on the machine. When Chu Mo entered the password, Lingyue Yuguang, who was still relaxed, glanced at the long string of zeros on the screen.

After a slight cold war, the next moment, the whole person unconsciously bowed his head slightly, covered by the long bangs, a pair of bright eyes were already full of shock.

If I read it correctly, the balance in the card seems to be 100 million.

Originally thought that this old classmate of his, if he withdraws 300,000 yuan in cash at a time, he may be worth more than one million yuan, but now, he has seen with his own eyes a deposit of 100 million yuan.

Lingyue knew that her old classmate was really not as simple as it seemed.

Gritting her teeth slightly, Ling Yue's eyes became hot at this moment.


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