
The Legion (A Walking Dead Fanfiction)

WARNING!!: This story has extreme themes some may consider triggering, you have been warned!! Augustus Luthen, a teen from Eastern Australia who lived in the foster system most of his life, finds himself in better circumstances when one evening, tensions between him and his foster father boiled over as he pushed them both through a window to their deaths. Awakening to find himself in Imperial command over a small but varied group of mystical Roman-themed soldiers given through a system, he decides that for the first time in his life, he will take matters into his own hands and build an Empire from the remains of America.

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6 Chs

2-Freedom Giveth, Freedom Taketh

Later That Night, Somewhere in King County Suburbs, Georgia

"Damn, how do you keep beating me kiddo!" Morgan said to his son Duane as they played a game of chess.

"I know you're letting me win dad, you moved into checkmate in only a few turns" Duane replied with a smile.

"You got me" Morgan chuckled, throwing his hands up with a smile, only for the barricaded front door to creak slightly. "Stay put son, I'll go check!" He commanded as he got up from the floor, slowly sneaking over the door to look through the peephole, rifle in hand. 

Suddenly without warning, a blade as long as a man pieced through both the door and Morgan like they were nothing, causing the man to throw up blood before the blade was drawn back, leaving his body to slump to the floor lifelessly as blood quickly flowed from his gut into a pool.

Lanius bashed the door in with a single kick as though it was made from Styrofoam. Slowly walking the small cloud of dust that was created on the door more or less exploding, the giant quickly locked sight on Duane. Making no attempt to flee as the shock of watching his father get cut down, Lanius grabbed the boy by the scruff of the neck but left him otherwise unharmed as August made his entrance behind his Legate.

"Loot the house" August commanded as he looked down at Morgan's now lifeless body as a squad of four scouts rushed in next to him like a S.W.A.T. team. "Don't exactly have handcuffs now do we..." He said while looking around. 

"No, my Master, but we do have collars. They are enchanted to never allow the wearer to disobey or go against their designated master, that being both you and I in this case" Aurelia replied before pulling a silver metal colour from the system that was inscribed with Latin text. 

"How costly will one of these be to make?" August asked.

"That can vary my Master, for enchanting is a timely process, but these take not but a few minutes" Aurelia replied.

"Very well, put it on him, he marches with us" August commanded as Aurelia chanted a single word, separating the collar into two halves before placing it around the half-sobbing, half-shell-shocked Duane, causing it to disappear into what appeared to be a tattoo around his neck inscribed with the same characters.

"Interesting..." August spoke. Kneeling, he removed his helm to meet face-to-face with the boy. "Now, If you behave, you shall not be harmed, but misbehave, and I cannot guarantee your safety from my friends, they don't appreciate disobedience, understand?" August asked as he waited for a moment for the boy to regain enough composure to nod in agreement, rewarding him with a rub on his head with a smile on his face before putting his helmet back on. 

One Hour Later

King County Sherriff's Department

"My Emperor, they have found the weapons you spoke of within the armoury" A Scout reported as he knelt before August who by his point had discovered Arion, an immortal Pegasus he bought for one thousand points on the market.

"Very good. Store them and we shall move on to our first prize after we clear out this rabble" August commanded with a salute from the Scout before he ran off back into the Sherriff's Department, all while watching with fascination as the Legionnaires took out walkers with skill and efficiency. It wasn't combat for them, it was merely their job, like a store clerk stacking cans. 

As he opened the inventory to wait and see what had been collected, August noticed that whenever a Walker was killed, he gained a single system point, a nifty feature that meant he had multiple avenues for earning. 

Moving northeast towards Atlanta and out of the suburbs until the fall of night forced them onto an abandoned farm, August engaged in small talk with his men around the fire late in the night. Taking to the farmhouse's living room that had since been looted and cleared by the Scouts, August unequipped his armour and readied himself for bed, however, before his dreams could take him, he was visited by someone unexpected.

"Master!" Aurelia greeted with a salute as the two Praetorians manning the door let her through without question. Whether it was out of fear, or simply out of pre-established orders he didn't know for sure. 

"Aurelia? What can I do for you?" August asked.

"Apologies for any possible disruptions. It is the individual soldier's duty to report ailments such as disease or infection to the Arcanus daily, lest they be penalized. When it comes to you, however, It is my sworn duty to see to you personally. May I begin my analysis?" She requested.

"And what would that be exactly?" August inquired.

"I can demonstrate if you wish" She replied by holding her hand out.

In pure curiosity, August granted her request as he placed her hand in his, only to receive a pleasing, cooling touch as little by little his body was relieved of all possible aches, pains and discomforts no matter how minor. Eventually reaching his head, his thought process was immediately calmed and streamlined. Any medication he'd ever taken felt infinitesimal in effect to the full mind and body cleansing she'd gifted him. 

"What...what was that..." He asked with a chuckle as his head slumped back.

"Arcanus of every branch takes to practice the healing arts to their fullest before they are sub-divided. Have I succeeded in aiding any possible ailments this evening?" She asked.

"That and then some. You'll need to teach me sometime. Say...do you ever take off your helmet?" August inquired.

"It is forbidden to look upon the faces of the Arcanus under penalty of death for all but the Emperor, but unlike my sisters, even if you commanded me, I would be unable, for solely only you can" She replied in what sounded like a begrudged tone. 

"Would you like me to?" August asked.

"If you command it" She deflected.

"That's not what I'm asking. Would you like me to? You have yet to allude to any real dangers if I were to do so" August insisted.

"I...I...would like that" She relented.

Slowly he placed his hands on both sides of the heavily decorated helmet. Instantly it recognized his presence as the golden hands covering its face began to unfurl not too dissimilarly to an adult peekabooing an infant. Almost blinding lights shot from the eye-sockets of the helm before quickly fading. With a simple tug, the helmet lifted from her head as all present Praetorians turned their backs in unison, either out of instinct or another pre-existing command. Looking upon the 'closely guarded secret' for the first time, August was both surprised and underwhelmed.

"Apologies for any discomfort It brings my Master" Aurelia responded with a surprisingly shy expression despite her reputation for stoicism. 

"Might I say something that I don't mean to come off as offensive, but purely in the nature to dispel a possible misconception?" August asked.

"My sincerest apologies if I've offen..." 

"You're actually quite beautiful, and...young despite your voice" 

The room fell silent as the two looked into each other's eyes for a moment. One of the Praetorians guarding the door looked to his partner in confusion, only to catch a dismissing punch to the shoulder before both returned to full attention in staring at the wall. 

"As I said, only you are able to look upon my face without disgust. Your flattery is also wasted on me" She rebuked.

"Let me test that theory. You there" August called upon the same curious Praetorian.

"My Emperor!" He said as he thumped his spear into the ground, but otherwise remained staring at the wall.

"Turn and look upon the lady Aurelia" August commanded.

"Please forgive me my Emperor, but it is forbidden!" He replied.

"And now it's not. Proceed" August diffused before Aurelia attempted to object, but was shut down.

Slowly the guard turned, sweat building on his brow despite being one of the most elite men in the army. Closing his eyes, he paced forward far enough to be right in Infront of Aurelia. Forcing his eyes open as though he was being forced to look upon Medusa herself, the guard shot out laboured breaths as his eyes were met with a simple woman with an undercut. 

"Not a lot of turning to stone, exploding or death...ness happening" August observed out loud. 

"If that will be all my Emperor!" The Praetorian requested quickly and bluntly. 

"That will be all" August chuckled as he dispelled a misplaced taboo.

"He will now have the worst of fortunes, my Lord, pity will not be enough" Aurelia said in shame.

"Let me ask you this. Has any person who ever seen your face ACTUALLY died a death that wasn't a punishment for doing so?" He asked.

"Negative" She replied.

"Has anyone you've ever heard whose said escaped punishment, aside from Emperor's, died of something that couldn't be considered natural causes?" He asked further.

"...Negative" She admitted.

"So...You think there's a possibility that whoever inducted you into the order, was misled by her inductor, and so on until there was a person HOWEVER long ago who made it up?" August asked.

"I'm...unsure my Master, that is simply what we were taught," She said in deep contemplation.

"Do not take my words to heart if I have in some way shamed you, I was simply demonstrating that some lessons may not necessarily be warranted in a lawless world, some of us will inevitably change, especially when the days of reclamation come. Thank you for your assistance this evening my Lady" August comforted the Sorceress while placing her helmet back atop her head, its golden hands sliding back over its eye sockets. 

"The honour is mine my Master, you have bestowed wisdom on me no other can. I will leave you to rest" She said as she quickly got to her feet to salute before excusing herself. 

Noon, The Next Day, Woodlands, Outskirts of Atlanta Georgia

"If your predictions on this outcome will come true, would it not be better to strike while they're separated into two groups?" Lanius asked.

"No. When sheep are away from the rest of the herd, they're more alert. We wait for nightfall and strike when they're huddled around they're fire" August spoke from atop Arion who turned and rode back up the hill. 

The hours passed into the night as August enacted his plan. Lanius led ten Legionnaires in a rushing surprise attack, incapacitating any stragglers not with the main group before meeting them head-on. Bullets flew as Lanius stood infront of the shield-wall formation, taking the brunt of the fire that might as well have been marshmallows hitting his armour that was rated for .50 BMG. This distraction allowed August to lead the other ten Legionnaires in a pincer maneuver, surprising them from behind. 

Incapacitating the lot with the only loss being Merl who Lanius bisected in one swift motion, his men quickly placed the enchanted collars on all the survivors, leaving them helpless. 

"Line them up, not all of them are living tonight," August said as they were all lined up before him. Dismounting Arion, August paced up and down alongside the line in contemplation. 

"Check this one's mid-section for bites" He spoke as he pointed to Jim.

A Legionnaire approached, pulling the man's shirt up to reveal a bite. Without question the soldier took his blade and relieved Jim of his dead, causing a few present to scream in shock. 

"Do not fret, some of you will live, but you may come to wish you didn't" August smiled.

"The men will become labourers, the woman...well, you'll all find out soon enough" August smiled as he ordered Dale to the chopping block, leaving no weakness in their number. Many in the group, especially Daryl, cried out in pain, but soon all fell quiet as the shock seeped in.

"YOU'RE GOING TO FUCKING DIE!!!!" Daryl screamed as the tattooed collar began to glow, causing extreme pain to rip through his body.

"Well...that's handy," August noted with a small nod. 

"A necessary feature Lord, to ensure obedience" Auralia replied.

"Very good. I want two patrols consisting of three Scouts and two Legionnaires each to be established. Only then tents will be set up. The order for bed slave choice until further notice shall go as such. Legates, the Arcanus Sisters if they...do...that, Praetorian Guard, Centurions with their Opito's, and the rest are free game. I want no arguments, no slave deaths, and no children to be touched, or it's flogging, removal of a hand and ration cuts. Am I understood?" August said as he got applause from all his men.

"If any of you assholes so much as lay a finger on any of them I'll...AH!" Shane attempted to threaten, only to get grounded by the staggering waves of pain unleashed from his collar. 

"I will take him if you allow it, Lord, I like the fighters..." Aurelia spoke.

The permitter was set and the Fabri with the assistance of the remaining Legionnaires got to work setting up tents while August claimed the RV, along with Andrea and Amy. 

Two Praetorians took the girls into the RV, six were stationed outside, and two others were sent to guard the children. August entered the RV as he dismissed his guards. Taking a seat on a stool and removing his helmet, he took a long swig from a bottle of water, offering it to the girls, only for Andrea to slap it out of his hand, giving her a small shock that set her in line.

"Water is precocious nowadays, can't go wasting it my dear" August said as he picked up the bottle that still had a small amount before placing it on a table at his side. "Now, I don't believe I need to give the speech as to what will happen, you know, the whole easy way hard way cliche? So, how will this go?" August asked as he pulled up a system panel to his inventory, removing his armour similar to how a game character would, leaving him in only finely made pants and a long sleeve.

"Please, If you don't hurt her, I will do whatever you want..." Andrea begged, knowing threats and resistance would only result in prolonged self-torture.

"Hmmm, perhaps, though she is a far...far greater prize you have to admit" He replied as he admired Amy's slim figure that had all the curves in the right places.

"Please..." Andrea begged with tears in her eyes as August stared into hers.

"Very well. She will not be used by any of my men, and not by me...tonight at least. Come now Andrea, you have a deal to uphold" August replied as he got up from his chair, with Andrea following behind, but not of her free will, she tried all she could to stop, but the collar commanded her body, leaving her mind as merely a passenger. 

Both stepping into the small bedroom, August closed the doors before removing his clothes as Andrea followed, once more breaking down into tears.

"You know, for such a 'strong independent woman' you're easily brought to tears" August spoke as she finished undressing, leaving him to admire the goods.

"On your knees" He spoke as she slummed down, only to be met with his new cock. Six inches soft, eight hard. "No biting. Suck it down like it's your last meal on Earth, who knows, it maybe will be. Doesn't need to be anything special, just wet enough for the second act" August spoke as Andrea was forced to get to work.

She expertly used her tongue for circle work on his tip, resulting in a tingle shooting to both his toes and up his spine. Before getting into the nitty gritty, she took his balls into his mouth, causing her cheeks to bulge like a chipmunk as she stroked the shaft. She had clearly done this before. Placing her hands onto his thighs, she began throating his cock like it truly was her last meal on earth, eventually leading her to reach his base after half an hour of bliss. Grabbing the back of her head with one and hand a fist-full of hair with the other, he unloaded into her throat, resulting in her reeling from that attempt to breathe. After almost half a minute of pumping a steady stream directly into her stomach, he released her, but not before grabbing her face and holding her mouth shut, refusing to allow her to regurgitate it. 

"Now now, it's discourteous to bring up a meal your host has provided. Keep it down sweetheart!" he chuckled as her stomach churned, but eventually settled, leaving her with a warm treat she still tased on her tongue.

"That's only the beginning. Up you come!" He ordered and pointed at the bed which she slowly climbed onto, unable to find the will to fight back, the top half of her body slumped down, leaving her head down ass up. 

"I permit you to scream, cry...beg. You're going to be doing a lot of that" He said as he slid into her, only reaching 1/3 the way from the surprising grip she still held, even after all those collage antics girls tend to always get up to.

Gripping the bedsheets, Andrea screamed as August began thrusting quicker and quicker, eventually stretching her out enough to hilt inside of her after many long minutes of work, leaving her a sobbing mess, even more so for Amy as she slumped to the floor on the other side of the RV. Eventually finishing in her once more, he pulled out, only to then position his cock against her hole instead, quickly causing her to plead, only for it to prove useless as he pushed in any way, stretching her out and making her scream the worst she had yet. Eventually finishing for the final time after another twenty minutes of ploughing, August got up from the bed and made his way his way through to the other side of the RV. Sitting down and finishing the remains of the water from earlier, he looked over at Amy who sat there with a shell-shocked look on her pretty little face.

"Come dear, clean me up" August spoke as Amy's body acted. Grabbing a clean rag from a shelf nearby, she made her way over and knelt before him, only for him to grab her by the wrist. "Nuh uh uh, your tongue sweetheart" He spoke, causing Andrea to jolt her head back in shock from his words.

"N-NO, YOU PROMISED!!" Andrea screamed.

"I said will not USE her, I never said anything about her assisting me," August said with a smug look on his face as he wrapped his hands around the back of his head as the little beauty polished his staff.

"Well, the Emperor seems to be enjoying his choice of the plunder" Titus chuckled as he sipped his water skin, all while getting serviced by the sobbing Carol under the table. 

"I would go as far as to say Lady Auralia is enjoying hers more" Lucius replied as he looked over at her tent where she was currently riding the now chained-up Shane.