
Who am I

Long ago in an ancient City there was a king whose name was Charlie, he had a gorgeous wife named Lilith, Lilith was admired by all, she had the heart of a lion and was always righteous she wanted whatever that was wrong to be right, Unlike her husband who's mischievous aim was to become the king of all cities, Lilith and her husband had no children, in other words successors.

One morning as Lilith was taking her birth she had a brilliant idea, she went to the top of mountain called wara wara mountain, now this was no ordinary mountain it was a mountain it was a mountains curved by the ancient Gods themselves it was a place of worship so only royals were allowed to visit Lilith went up to the mountain to beg the Gods for a child, the next day, her prayers got answered, she became pregnant her husband was happy, until the day the baby was given birth to,he looked into his eyes and found out that it was not his child he became angry and tried to kill him but Lilith ran with the baby, Lilith had realized that, that baby was no ordinary one it was the Son of a God