
The Legendary Trainer

This is a rewrite of The legendary Pokemon trainer as i couldn't find a good translation i thought why not do it myself.. If original author wants i will remove this fanfic till then enjoy Synopsis: Sato kaede wants to become a person that can control his own destiny but in Pokemon world thats not as easy as it sounds follow his journey to power to a destiny far greater than his imagination. I got the cover from google if the original owner asks i will take it down Peace

BoredMortal · アニメ·コミックス
61 Chs

Chapter 7: Taming Zubat

Sato ventured into the underground market present in the Team Rocket HQ and proceeded to find the most suitable and cheap instruments to tame his Zubat.After going through most of the shop present there one thing became clear to Sato kaede that these people wanted to rip him off by put too much price on there stuff he also came to know that he can only get the earbuds and Blood packs from the integral points exchange shop.After skimming through some shops he was able to find iron cage with relatively cheap price but it came as a surprise that a person Miyamoto sakura gave his portable torch to him free when he was inquiring about the shops from him.This debt will be cleared one day.

Accidentally obtaining a portable bright light from Miyamoto Sakura, and accidentally obtained a iron net and a training item from Baron who was a shopkeeper from whom he also got valuable information about taming his Zubat. Now Sato Kaede needs to conquer Zubat by a blood bag and soundproof earbuds

Without wasting too much time, Sato Kaede said goodbye to Baron after exchanging communication methods. He quickly left the public market, and then returned to his room as he remembered.

As soon as he entered his room, Sato Kaede immediately turned on the computer, then used the Team Rocket watch to enter the Integral Points Exchange System, and then spent 45 Integral Points to purchase 5 packs of blood,1 soundproof earbud and a Pokemon Dinner plate (10Integral Points one, durable)

About ten minutes later, someone was knocking on Sato Kaede's door. When Sato Kaede saw this, he opened the room and saw a middle-aged man in a handyman uniform carrying a package standing outside the door.

As mentioned before, in Team Rocket, the people who are lower than the recruits are the handyman personnel. These people are the people who have not passed the rookie test. They are at the bottom of Team Rocket. Their role is similar to the handyman. Yes, they do all the dirty work.

Of course, these miscellaneous personnel have not completely lost the opportunity to continue to be promoted, but their promotion path is several times more difficult than when they were recruits.

After all, they have been in the most severely exploited position without any source of Integral Points. The heavy handyman work can only guarantee their 3 meals a day and accommodation, and they completely lose that many free things and free Integral points during recruitment. Extra Help for Points (Once the recruit period is over, the free Integral Points will be cleared to zero unless you are promoted to a small soldier).

In this case, the difficulty for the handyman personnel to tame Pokémon is naturally even more difficult. In fact, only one or two out of every 100 handyman personnel are successfully promoted.

Without any communication, Sato Kaede took the package from the handyman and closed the door again.

After all, Team Rocket is a dark organization rather than a charity organization.They have themselves to blame for the position they are in. Those who fail to pass the trial of recruits are destined to receive serious exploitation by Team Rocket.

Blood packs and soundproof earbuds are also now available to him. All the preparations before taming Zubat have been prepared. Sato Kaede then turns on all the lights in the room and prepares the items. After preparing the items, he brought out the Pokeball from his waistbelt and held the Pokéball in his hand.

"Everything is ready, come out, Zubat." After taking a deep breath, Sato Kaede put on the earbuds and pressed the button in the center of the Pokéball, and then threw it infront of him.

In the next second, a white light shot into the air from the opened Poké Ball. After the white light disappeared, a Zubat of normal size of about 0.6m in height appeared in front of Sato Kaede's eyes.Blue body, a bat whose wings which are purple in color are wider than the body, with a pair of outgrowing ears on the head, 2 sharp teeth protruding from the mouth, plus 2 pointed tail behind the abdomen, no doubt , This is exactly a Zubat.

However, this Zubat seems to have been kept in the Poké Ball for a long time. The shriveled belly is the best proof. Now with the stomach rumbling with hunger Zubat that just come out of the Poké Ball,used sound waves to attack Sato Kaede the prey he found but seeing it not working Zubat took next steps.

As soon as he found Sato Kaede, Zubat who had been hungry for several days, immediately flapped its wings, and quickly approached Sato Kaede. During the flying process, a dizzying ultrasonic wave came from his big mouth.

Unfortunately, due to Sato Kaede wearing sound-proof earbuds it still didnt effect him.

"Sure enough, you still need to be rough at the beginning, i thought of doing this with any violence alas this is what you asked for." Seeing Zubat thinking of him as a prey, Sato Kaede's eyes became cold, and immediately turned on the button of the portable bright torch, and pointed the strong light beam aimed at Zubat, who was flying towards him.

Next moment, Zubat was hit headfirst after being exposed to strong light, and it seemed that he was in serious pain .

"Zi~~~" A painful neighing sound was released from Zubat's mouth, and then he quickly flapped it wings trying to hurry back, trying to avoid the bright light. (Zubat does not have eyes, but he is still very afraid of bright light. If exposed to bright light for a long time, it will become very weak.)

At this time, Sato Kaede naturally took advantage of its situation to use more light to damage it with the strong light of the portable torch, so that Zubat, who was very afraid of strong light, was finally forced into a corner.

When Zubat was forced to a corner an iron net was thrown at Zubat by Sato Kaede, and Zubat was then captured in this solid iron net.

Seeing that Zubat was successfully wrapped in iron net, Sato Kaede also turned off the switch button of the portable torch in his hand, ending the bright light exposure to Zubat.

"Zubat, I know you can understand me. Now you have been caught by me. I don't want to continue to hurt you with bright light. How about you follow my orders and become my Pokémon?" At some distance away from the net, Sato Kaede caustiously crouched on the ground and said to Zubat.

But Sato Kaede was a little disappointed, this wild and unruly Zubat obviously didn't want to obediently acknowledge allegiance to him.

When Sato Kaede approached it and then squatted down, Zubat with his back facing Sato kaede immediately turned his body around and a small Black Energy Ball appeared in Zubat's mouth which it then aimed at Sato Kaede's head and released it.This was shadow ball..This Zubat was a cunning fellow it used the moment Sato was trying to talk to it and gathered a Shadow ball in its mouth while hiding it from Sato kaede.

Sato was impressed by its cunningness but It's a pity that Zubat's little moves were doomed to fail. How could Sato Kaede, who has always maintained the highest vigilance, commit a error like getting hit by it. When Zubat just turned around, he quickly jumped out of the way and easily dodged Zubats Shadow ball.

Seeing Sato Kaede avoiding the shadow ball he had completed in secret, Zubat immediately started to struggle trying to break the iron net entangled around him, but he had even begin to move for a few seconds when a dazzling bright light suddenly appeared once again.

In an instant, under the strong light, Zubat suffered tremendous pain just like the Leech Life move used by ghost pokemons.

And this time, Sato Kaede, who had a cold face, didn't give him the opportunity to even move from its place. He just dragged the iron net to turn him to the light beam.

Soon, under the continuous frontal illumination of strong light, Zubat soon began to make a special voice to Sato Kaede as if to beg for mercy, but Sato Kaede ignored him and continued to illuminate him with the strong light.

Sato Kaede had understood. If he wants to subdue the cunning Zubat who just wanted to kill him, he must defeat it head-on, so that he is fully convinced who its leader is.

About one minute later, Zubat was already a very weak and lying on the ground squirmingdue to pain. At this time, Sato Kaede, whose eyes were aching, turned off the bright light.

Afterwards, Sato Kaede picked the Pokéball that had fallen on the ground, and then used the Pokéball to capture Zubat. Then, he threw the Pokéball toward Zubat in the iron net.

Poké Ball hit Zubat and then Zubat, who was unable to resist, was captured by the Pokeball

When the red light on the button in the center of Pokéball blinked a few times, a "boom~" sounded, and the red light on the button went out. Zubat was officially subdued by Sato Kaede.

Sato Kaede picked up the Poké Ball on the ground, and after a short while, he released Zubat again.

Because the influence of the strong light gradually faded, Zubat at this time recovered some strength and could fly in the air. This time, when he saw Sato Kaede and the portable strong light in his hand, he was immediately frightened.

"Don't worry, Zubat, you are my Pokémon now, I won't hurt you anymore, eat, this is your food." Sato Kaede slightly smiled when he saw Zubat's scared appearance.

As soon as he finished speaking, Sato Kaede tore the Blood bag on the table, and poured the fresh blood into a Pokemon plate.

Sato Kaede just tore the Blood bag, and a strong smell of blood emanated from it, and Zubat, who was extremely sensitive to the smell of blood, immediately smelled it, and its stomach began rumbling with hunger he immediately salivated, but because he was still afraid of Sato Kaede and because of the bright light in his hand, he just stared at the blood in the Pokemon plate from a distance.

After several gentle persuasion by Sato Kaede, Zubat was also unable to bear his hunger. Under the gaze of Sato Kaede who continued to hold the bright light, he approached the Pokemon plate cautiously.

Soon, Zubat was sitting on the Pokemon plate, and then elatedly tasted the blood in the plate. At this time, Sato Kaede also put the bright light on the table, then squatted on the ground, looking excitedly.

"Be my partner, Zubat." Sato Kaede stretched out a hand and said to Zubat, who was already full.

Facing Sato Kaede who had lost the bright light in his hand at this time, Zubat flying in midair hesitated for a while, and finally, he slowly landed on the arm Sato Kaede extended,and quietly looked at Sato Kaede.

this was the moment when one person and one bat finally established the initial friendship, and Sato Kaede's trainer journey officially began at this day.

what will happen to Sato will he catch more Pokemon will he achieve his dreams is yet to be seen but at this moment this little victory was enough to fill Sato kaede heart with happiness.

To be continued…



There you go guys finally after 7 chapters our MC finally got his Starter Pokemon.What do you think about Zubat as his starter?

also guys support this fanfic it means so much to mean that someone is actually reading what i write i know im not the best when it comes to writing but still thanks.

Peace out ✌