
The Legendary Trainer

This is a rewrite of The legendary Pokemon trainer as i couldn't find a good translation i thought why not do it myself.. If original author wants i will remove this fanfic till then enjoy Synopsis: Sato kaede wants to become a person that can control his own destiny but in Pokemon world thats not as easy as it sounds follow his journey to power to a destiny far greater than his imagination. I got the cover from google if the original owner asks i will take it down Peace

BoredMortal · アニメ·コミックス
61 Chs

Chapter 52: Plot armor

It's a pity that Mudkip's dementia expression still hasn't changed much, but its eyes have become quite hollow, and it feels like Mudkip couldn't hear nor understand what he said.

"You can pretend all you want, lets see for how long you can pretend."

Kaede took out a blue plastic basin of water and a can of Top Rank Water Type Pokémon food from his body. Then he opened the Pokémon food can and poured the Pokémon food inside into the plastic basin.

Immediately afterwards, Kaede placed the plastic bowl filled with the fragrant Top Rank Water Type Pokémon food in front of Mudkip, and then took out a small fan and blew the fragrance from the Pokémon food to the Mudkip side.

No matter how good an actor Mudkip was it still couldn't help but glance at the food and salivate alittle but when it saw the crafty grin on Kaede face it immediately went back to its demented looks.

Suddenly Mudkip stomach growled as of protesting in hunger. A reddish hue appeared in Mudkips face as if it was embarassed.

"Okay, i wont tease you anynore, you can feel it, I don't have any malice towards you, eat it, it won't taste good after some time."

At this time, Kaede couldn't help looking at Mudkip, who was enduring very hard at this time. Finally, he put Golbat away and put the plastic basin in front of Mudkip, said with a smile.

Suddenly, with a sound of a woosh, Mudkip sucked his snot back, slowly went near the plastic basin, opened its mouth, and started to eat the fragrant Top Rank Water Type Pokémon food in front of him little by little.

Mudkip's eating habits are similar to those of Kaede. They chew up the food in the mouth slowly and carefully before swallowing it, and then close their eyes, seeming to relish the delicious food.

Seeing Mudkip finally started to eat, Kaede suddenly sighed in relief. He was really afraid that Mudkip was too stubborn and would rather endure hunger than eat.

"Okay, everyone comes out, our team has a new companion, let's get to know each other."

Later, Kaede also prepared the food of the four Pokémon in Pokéball one by one, and then released them all.

However, after seeing Golbat, Nidoran♂, Bellossom, Growlithe, and Ditto who fell from Kaede's face, Mudkip, who was still eating the food, immediately pulled away from them and continued to maintain the dull look it had at first.

"Don't mind everyone, Mudkip is a little bit shy, go get acquainted with it."

Regarding Mudkip's wariness of them, the cold-tempered Golbat didn't say anything, and flew directly in front of his own food, and then started stuffing its cheeks full of food.

Nidoran♂, Growlithe, Bellossom, and Ditto are more enthusiastic, and they are different. After hearing Kaede ask them to get acquainted to Mudkip, their became eager to have a try.

Especially the most extroverted Ditto, directly transformed into Mudkip, and then came to Mudkip for friendship.

Mudkip saw Ditto suddenly become his own kind, and his dumb eyes showed a hint of surprise. Then he began to be harassed by the Ditto passion bomb, and finally had to perfuse Ditto because he could not stand Ditto's enthusiasm, and said hello to Ditto. 

Seeing that Mudkip took the initiative to greet Ditto, Nidoran♂, Bellossom and Growlithe also immediately stepped up to greet Mudkip, so Mudkip had to greet them one by one.

Bellossom used the leaves under her body to weave a small leaf crown as a present to give Mudkip, Nidoran♂ gave Mudkip a high-quality Pokéblock that it had hidden in his big ears, and Growlithe gave her favorite food meat and a bone to it. (Growlithe needs meat)

As for Ditto, it showed his wonderful transform abilityin front of Mudkip, from all kinds of Pokémon he remembered to all kinds of human tools, which opened Mudkip's eyes in surprise.

After that Mudkip actively mingled with the rest of the Pokemon and played with the over enthusiastic Growlithe and Ditto.

"This is the benefit that you will get when you join me. Taste it. I just used Water Type Pokémon's favorite Berry Chesto Berry, mixed with Oran Berry, which can restore physical strength, to make gem-level Pokéblock. It will definitely satisfy you."

Kaede put some of the gem-grade Pokéblock just made from the Berry mixer on the plate that Mudkip just ate, said with a faint smile.

After getting acquainted with Ditto, Nidoran♂, Bellossom and Growlithe one after another, Mudkip already knew that Sato Kaede and Ditto were different from the humans he had encountered before and the Pokémon raised by humans. Now he saw that Kaede had make some brilliant things that were placed on the plate he had just eaten clean, and he couldn't help but look at it curiously. Under the encouragement of Ditto Mudkip ate these Pokeblock with relish.

Mudkip swears that these shiny things are the best food it has eaten since it was born, and these are more delicious than the Top Rank Water Type Pokémon food it has just eaten.

"Welcome to the Family Mudkip."

"Unconsciously there are 6 Pokémons in my hands, and 2 of them have reached level 30, and this is just the result I have achieved in less than a month. It always feels a little weird to think about it."

Looking at the Pokémon who are resting on the ground or sofa, especially when I look at the Golbat on the roof and the Bellossom who is resting on the sofa, Kaede can't help but sigh. 

But he knows that even if he has the power of a small time Team rocket Captain Kaede is still far away from being able to control his own destiny.

After quickly discarding the useless feelings, Kaede returned to reality, and then continued to figure out how to continue to enhance the battle strength of Pokémon in his hand based on the resources in his hand.

After completing the preliminary acceptance of Mudkip. Kaede's first thought now is what he could obtained with 10 gold game coins he casually won in the game field on the ship. It was a gambling machine and due to his system ability to appraise and increase his reaction time he won alot of games there. These gold coin can be exchanged to buy different stuff but not too expensive.

He exchanged 3 gold game coins for 6 Hidden Power TM in one go (Ditto cant use this). Since he was a saviour of the ship he got a good discount. After this Kaede also bought a Protect TM and an Everstone.

In terms of potential Nidoran♂ hasn't fully tapped into his potential. Thus incase of accidentally evolving before time Kaede bought an everstone to squeeze out all the potential Nidoran has. This everstone was crafted in a shape of moon and Kaede made it into necklace and put it on Nidoran♂ neck. Bellosome seeing this also brought her Miracle seed as she also wanted an necklace, which Kaede obliged.

After redeeming the above 3 things, Kaede still had 6 gold game coins left. Finally, he gritted his teeth and spent 5 gold game coins in exchange for a Thunderbolt TM.

Because the next journey is at sea, if you have Pokémon in your hand that has Electric Type moves, it will increase your safety.

Of course, a large part of it is that Kaede has high hopes for Nidoran♂, so he chooses to take precautions. For Nidoran♂, who has implicit Characteristic Trait, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam and Flamethrower are all very core abilities, and they can make Nidoking a force to reckon with.

If Nidoran♂ can master these abilities as early as possible, when he evolves into Nidoking in the future, it will surely be able to destroy his enemies.

As for the last gold game coin, Kaede used it to redeem some Top Rank Pokémon food, which is enough for 6 Pokémon in his hand at this time to eat Top Rank Pokémon food for 3 months.

It has to be said that with the help of Ditto, he can switch between different people at will, and the game field has now become one of the means by which Kaede can earn resources.

In the end, Kaede sold a luxury SS Ticket for the St. Andrea which he also won in the gambling den, which he could not use, at a premium price of 150000 P$ to a businessman who needed to travel to Hoenn Region for buissness from time to time.

After sorting out the above resources, Kaede took out a small instrument called the learning machine from his backpack.

Compared to the old learning machine that at first Kaede saw in the free trading market of the underground base of Pewter City Team Rocket, this small learning machine is a mini versionof that. Of course, the effect is not bad at all.

After Kaede used 5 Hidden Power TM, Protect TM and Thunderbolt TM on his Pokémons through the learning machine one after another, he also started to leave the room to start the Pokémon training in the afternoon.

But what made Kaede somewhat distraught was that when he opened the door, a female Trainer was waiting outside, and she seemed to have been waiting for a long time, and the other party's intention was very simple. That is to ask Kaede to be able to treat her Pokémon. Kaede obliged as no one forgoes a opportunity to earn money. Kaede chaged 1000 P$ per treatment. So when he started treating her Pokemon more people came and surrounded him thus by the end of the hour Kaede had healed 8 people and 32 Pokemon and since Bellosome became tired he abstained from furthur work and took his leave.

"Although the money earned is not much, it can be regarded as the accumulation of contacts. Maybe at some point in the future, these people may help me."

Kaede sent away the last Trainer who completed the Pokémon treatment, closed the door, and then handed 2 gem-quality Pokéblocks to the tired Bellossom for consumption, and then put her into the Pokéball.

Reaching the training field he could see loads of trainer coming and going, Now he was regreting his choice to accept being a Medical Officer in the tournament. But what's done is done. Kaede made his way to the regustration office and entered the Tournament as he was a Pokemon trainer first and then a medical officer. The valuable experience that this tournament would provide is just too good to pass on.

However, when Kaede completed the registration for the competition and was about to go to the training room for Pokémon training, a female Trainer named Anna recognized him as a half-hearted Pokémon Medical Trainer and asked him to treat her Pokémon.

Kaede did not refuse the other party's request, but in order to avoid other people coming to request treatment and interfere with his training, he took Anna into the paid training room, and then released Bellossom to treat her Pokémon.

Judging from the other party's expensive dress and nerdy temperament, Anna's background should be very good. But she doesnt dress in extravagant dresses and had bangs covering her face and big round glasses on her face with a single ponytail on her head.

But even if she doesn't dress up very much, Anna's own beauty is still very good. Now at 16 years old, she already has a very proud figure. Even with relatively loose and conservative clothes you could still see her mature curves.If Anna could dress up a little, she would definitely be a great beauty.

Anna was holding a thick notebook in her hand, waiting for Bellossom's treatment of her Pokémon to end, while reading the contents of the notebook carefully.

And Kaede is also waiting patiently for Bellossom to complete the treatment process this time. He will not start any Pokémon training before the outsider leaves. The Pokemon being treated is a Rattata which was surprising as girls usually dont like such Pokemons.

"Mr. Sato are you also participating in this Pokémon competition?"

After Bellossom used Grassy Terrain to treat her Pokémon, Anna closed the notebook in her hand, held the glasses on her face a little, and then turned to Kaede and asked.

"Yes, although it may not be possible to get a bonus, I will not let this game that can promote the growth of Pokémon go."

Hearing the other party's question, Kaede handed a Pokéblock to Bellossom, who was mentally tired, and then nodded replied.

"Mr. Sato is too modest. In the battle last night, i saw everything with my eyes. you were able to defeat an angry Gyarados alone. This is not what an ordinary Trainer can do. It not only requires courage, but also enough strength."

Anna hearing this shook her head, then said with a hint of dissatisfaction.

After that, she reopened the thick notebook in her hand and quickly turned to a certain page.

And what is written densely packed on this page is surprisingly some information about Kaede Golbat and Bellossom. There are also two portraits drawn on it. The portraits also comment on the height and body data of the two Pokémons.

"Your breed of Golbat is very good. Its size is ranked third among Golbats I have seen, and it has a very high level of Air Cutter. It can integrate 6 small Air Cutters into a one large Air Cutter in 7 second, Its formidable power can even directly destroy the hard scale on Gyarados."

"And your Bellossom is equally strong. it can quickly release 2 to 9 Energy Balls with a diameter of half a meter in just 1 seconds, and the energy ball released is highly concentrated. The power in it is therefore very huge."

"According to my analysis Mr. Sato, you have a great probability of breaking into the top 8 or even the top 4. Therefore, you are a very strong player in this Pokémon tournament. A competitive opponent."

Anna looked at some of the contents recorded in the notebook, organized the language in her heart, and then quickly said these words that shocked Kaede's heart.

"Miss Anna, your observation skills are really great. It seems that you must be a very good Trainer. I look forward to fighting you in the game."

Kaede, who also likes to collect data and sum up his experience, naturally knows that Anna would have already obtain some useful things for coping or dealing with his Golbat and Bellossom.

"Similarly, I am also looking forward to a Pokémon battle with Mr. Sato on the battlefield. However, I believe I will definitely beat you. Don't expose too much data before me. Otherwise, your chances of winning will be fewer and fewer."

Hearing Kaede's words, Anna nodded, slightly smiled, and then answered very straightforwardly. Her eyes under her bangs and glasses shone with an amount of confidence that made Kaede's heart skip a beat.

When Kaede looked at the eyes that exposed from the dense bangs under Anna's glasses, he suddenly had an illusion in his heart that the person in front of him was not a weak woman, but that huge Ursaring which he faced in Viridian Forest. This soured his mood and his eyes turned cold.

In fact, Anna was born in a Pokémon Professor's family. Yes, her parents are both Pokémon Professors with small reputation in Pokémon world. Perhaps she inherited the outstanding genes of her parents. She was very smart since she was a child, no matter what she learned. she learned quickly.

Therefore, under the deliberate cultivation of her parents and manipulation, the smart Anna became an Alliance-certified Pokémon researcher when she was 15 years old.

But for all of this, Anna, who is precocious, is actually very dissatisfied. She hates the life arranged by her parents and hates her parents for taking away her beautiful childhood.

Therefore, after obtaining the identity of a Pokémon researcher certified by the Alliance, she resolutely broke away from her parents' control and chose to live alone.

In a year, in order to satisfy her wish of being free because of being "imprisoned" for a long time, Anna used the excuse of researching Pokémon around the world. She defrauded an objective fund from Alliance, and then began to tour all around the world.

But it is clear that the influence of her parents on Anna is very huge and far-reaching. Like her parents, she also has a strong desire for control, and this desire for control becomes more powerful as she ages.

In order to satisfy her growing desire for control, Anna did many things during the travel, but she quickly lost interest in these things. In the end, she found one thing that can satisfy her desire for control, that is Pokémon fight.

There are too many uncontrollable factors in Pokémon battles, but for Anna, knowing how to eliminate these uncontrollable factors and then turn Pokémon battles into her favour is exactly what she uses to satisfy her desire for control.

She came to Kaede this time, in addition to letting him treat her Pokémon, but also to challenge him in person as she became intrested in him after seeing him last night.

"Mr. Sato, your eyes suddenly become terrifying, but that's okay. I like the look you look like now. If there is a chance to fight me with Pokémon in tomorrow's game, I hope you can keep that look. Compete with me seriously."

Anna said and gave 6000 P$ to him.

"Wait a minute, Miss Anna was able to collect the detailed data of my 2 Pokémons. You must have been there in the battle between me and Gyarados last night, so did you see the person who sneak attacked me?

"What is the benefit of telling you?" Anna inquired.

To be Continued.....