
The Legendary Trainer

This is a rewrite of The legendary Pokemon trainer as i couldn't find a good translation i thought why not do it myself.. If original author wants i will remove this fanfic till then enjoy Synopsis: Sato kaede wants to become a person that can control his own destiny but in Pokemon world thats not as easy as it sounds follow his journey to power to a destiny far greater than his imagination. I got the cover from google if the original owner asks i will take it down Peace

BoredMortal · アニメ·コミックス
61 Chs

Chapter 12 Preparations and TMs

This is going to be a short chapter also now the training and battling will be starting so keep an eye out for that till next time peace✌



The Berry mixer at the absolute corner was placed in a really good spot as no one would disturb Sato kaede there .Now he just hoped that making of Pokeblocks was the same as the games he used play.All he needs to do is to put the berries in the mixer and the mixer will process it automatically into a Pokeblock.

Sato kaede put 3 Oran berry and 1 Nanab berry in the mixer and pressed the on button.Now mixer shredded the berries into a clear blue liquid now Sato pressed another button which made the Mixer use some high power compression on the liquid to make a Pokeblock.

Pale blue pokeblock were made by the mixer lokking at the pokeblocks Sato kaede couldnt help but wonder"Is this really a Pokéblock? It seems that there is a considerable changes between the reality and the game. he really didn't expect that Pokéblock can be processed to such a degree, and I finally did not waste my hard work. "Sato Kaede picked up a Pokéblock resembling a square block from the glass container in front of him, and thought with a smile on his face.

Afterwards, without hesitation, Sato Kaede directly put the attractive Pokéblock in his mouth for tasting.

In the next second, Sato Kaede's eyes widened, and immediately afterwards, intoxicated eyes appeared. The Sapphire-like Pokéblock was like a expensive level candy, he really enjoyed it.

Sato kaede immediately stored the pokeblocks in a bag and after 2 hours of work Sato Kaede currently has 19 high-grade Pokéblocks in his hands. More than 400 middle grade Pokéblocks and nearly 200 low-quality Pokéblocks.

"So many Pokéblocks are enough for Zubat's daily diet and training for a month. If the results are good, I can also try a small amount of high-quality Pokéblock sales." Put the last pack of Pokéblocks in the fresh-keeping bag.

Now that Zubat's training conditions have been fully prepared, Sato Kaede slightly estimated the number of remaining Integral Points in his hand, he decided to go to the public market again, hoping to use the remaining Integral Points. Get a life-saving thing.

Sato Kaede immediately left the mission hall, which was already somewhat empty at this time, without leaving any traces, and then quickly returned to the public market along the same route.

This time Sato Kaede went to the public market to buy the life-saving thing that is a TM, and the name of this TM is also very familiar to everyone, its name is "Protect".It cost only 600 integral points so after finding a stall selling TMs he looked through it hoping to find "Protect" and "Gust" which is relatively cheaper TM as Zubat didn't have any good long range move.

While he moved to other stall he saw Alexa and Victor there too but they didnt inteact with each other. Perhaps due to having a flying type Pokémon spearow Alexa too decided to but Protect and Gust TMs.

Sato kaede spend 700 points to buy both TMs leaving him with only 2 integral points.Sato kaede made full use of his 3rd place prize.

After buying the TMs sato kaede made way to a booth with learning machine he was behind Victor who had just bought "Rock slide" TM for 1500 integral points. The booth had a open space for the trainer to use the TMs after learning. After waiting for 10 minutes it was finally Sato kaede's turn he put the TM and the Zubat Pokeball on the Machine and used it to learn the moves after which the TM disc broke apart.

Now after learning the moves Sato kaede moved to the open space to try and perform the moves thus he released Zubat into the air and asked him to perform the TM moves.

In the end, Sato Kaede was not disappointed. Both TMs took effect. Zubat successfully displayed a small dark-green energy shield and a small whirlwind with the flaps of its wings.

"Zubat now has two new moves of Protect and Gust in its arsenal, now its survivability and attack ability are also increased. The next step is to carry out strict training. Must train him into a strong Pokemon in my hands." Sato keade thought secretly.