
The Legendary Swordmaster

The MC Shiro was on the game and then when he fell asleep he was in the game he was playing and don't remember what happened to him "it is a luminous dream or what?, please exploit to me god.

Denshin · ゲーム
10 Chs

Chapter 9

"I was live year 2030 where Earth was upstanding in technology and newer structure that was cool when you see with your own eyes but that year was also the end of the Earth, the asteroid falls to the ground the hard surface of the earth crack like chocolate bar and the ocean was drain by a mysterious wave known as the sinkhole that even the atmospheric scientist cannot explain. Then the end is nearing I was a part of the archeologist that had a lot of knowledge about archeology and acient scripture we travel the ocean when it's no water on so it's safe to walk like on the road side, we see different kind of fish die because of the water no longer there and even the deepest ocean in the planet was just a pithole on it.

Our expedition may seem safe but who will think that all of that was just a beginning. The Pacific that cannot explore more cause of the danger underneath it was solved and seen by my other archeologist, it was a really big snake that can eat even the Earth itself but it was sleeping at that time we seen it. So we explore deep into near it's body and we stumbled upon a "circle like structure" and the written on it was cannot read by modern human it's like the one we see when we visit the great pyramid but it was different. The others was confused but I was the one who can read it clearly because I study all of the historic and myth book that require on our expedition to help to unsolved the world end. But upon my reading the structure was lit and shine like the sun but I was confused "why my subordinate cannot see?, I am the only who seeing it's all dream right?". Then when I close my eyes and open it I stumbled where you where when you end up on this world I cannot save Earth but this world where we summon we cannot let this world vanished like earth in a natural way even the largest snake who sleep deep into the ocean of the earth cannot do anything but we we can do to save our love one's and this world within the loves of the people but I can't see that thing cause I was betrayed by the Demon army on her hands so it up to you whether you choose "good or evil" just stay where you want to be happy and don't forget to wield my sword within your arm you will realize how strong you is in your heart content".

Shiro got the message from the Legendary Swordmaster that was from Earth where he came from but he felt disappoint cause of what the message is so that he find the exit from the cave and he bring the book for his long journey, but the cave was never been seen again.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

ask me if there's a little incorrect words for my grammar

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