
The Legendary Swordmaster

The MC Shiro was on the game and then when he fell asleep he was in the game he was playing and don't remember what happened to him "it is a luminous dream or what?, please exploit to me god.

Denshin · ゲーム
10 Chs

Chapter 7

The girl was telling the story about her father and she but something feel's of the atmosphere outside change and the true image of the surroundings was seen it was full of demon that's can killed even the strongest person here in the kingdom,but the girl was a ghost so she didn't even scared anymore of the thing but Shiro pull his sword and make a stance for "Dawn of Whisper" to attack the demon but the demon block his attack the demon attack Shiro but he dodge it cause the ghost girl helping Shiro to get the book and find the Stone Cliff Mountain where her father died so the girl has a magic on her sleeve and use some attack that can block some attack of the demon but the magic that use by the ghost girl is breaking so Shiro ask the girl where did she hide the book that her father wrote before he was killed by that evil witch.

The girl point her finger in the bookshelf and said that "there was a small button there push it and it will reveal the secret passage that my father build when he is still alive if a disaster happened that was the safe route to the river of Luke so when you walk through the passage there was another bookshelf there and find the thick book that looks old but it was embedded by magic by my father's will goodluck" said by the ghost girl and Shiro push the button and didn't hesitate to Abaddon the ghost girl for his own safety but the ghost girl little by little vanish because she fulfill her father last wish.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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