
The Legendary Swordmaster

The MC Shiro was on the game and then when he fell asleep he was in the game he was playing and don't remember what happened to him "it is a luminous dream or what?, please exploit to me god.

Denshin · ゲーム
10 Chs

Chapter 10

After Shiro got out of the cave he was walking on side of the Lake of Nale, the purist river in the kingdom of DragonNyle where the Dragonkin lives. Shiro pass through some dangerous route but it was simple as playing chess and he didn't even sweet from it so he got across the river and headed to the kingdom of DragonNyle where he can met the Dragonkin mention on the book written by the Legendary Swordmaster. Shiro " I don't even know what the name of Legendary Swordmaster? Well it's okay I know I may discover his name when I see and get his sword back" so Shiro wandering and asking if there's is a named "Julio"?. A craftsman who forge the sword that the Legendary Swordmaster wield? But not anyone knows that named so he seek again and again when a young girl name "Elli" was heard the name and said "mister are you looking for my father?" Shiro nood and said "Yes,why did you know that name" Elli explain that the name he mention was her father so Elli guide Shiro where she and her father live but it was a secret house and not anyone know it so that his name was not familiar to his kingdom.

So Shiro following Elli and see a man forging some fine wield sword that even the greatest swordsman cannot wield. Shiro "Greetings Sir are you by chance Julio?", Julio replied and confused "why did you know my name?, it was a secret name and not anyone knows it?".

Shiro explain how he obtain and know his name so that he can tell where the Stone Cliff Mountain where he is heading for.

So Julio welcome Shiro to his house for a cup of a tea and Julio will tell Shiro a secret story about how he met the Legendary Swordmaster, Julio daughter Elli wants to hear but Julio didn't want her daughter to know that so that the secret of him didn't go outside of the house for some reason. So Julio starts the long story about how he met "Lim" the Legendary Swordmaster, Julio met Lim on the Forest near the Kingdom of Stagron and he wasn't know where he is and his clothes was different from our clothes I don't even think he's a noble or a higher but I know he was kind and respectful person so we travel much and got a lot of memory to each other but one day he ask me where he can find a sword to focus on training because he was assign by the king of Stagron to become a hero so that the world was safe from the Demon Lord. So he accept the request of the King, if he didn't accept it he's daughter and wife will be killed threatened by the king and furiously said so he was no to reject it so I create a sword that he can only wield it material was unique and I am the only one that know where to find them so I started the fire and burn the material to the compound it's look like a iron bar but unexpectedly the bar was shining brighter than the light of the sun and it's magistic everytime I look at it. Then I start hammering it to the point it form a great size and shape so that I can easily sharpen it and compare to the size of his hand. The sword was complete and the embedded my name on it so that everyone can recognized if they see it, so we think about naming it because he was a great friend for me but Lim didn't even think about naming it he said that naming a sword was like stabing a friend at the back of his face. So I didn't want to pursue to name it cause my hard work pay a great artwork.

So that many months the Demon Horde was totally disappear and defeated and the reining Demon Lord was defeat and Lim got his peaceful life back until one day some rumors that Lim was killed by the witch that serve the Demon Lord and one of his Kings so that I rushed where the rumors spread and ask if the rumors was true and then after that the morning came my only best friend was killed by the witch who was in love with him. I cried and didn't want to go outside and I locked up in my room saying "you trust this sword to me that I create why did you leave it to me, there's a memory on it that only you and I know it". After a month I finally healed and realized that his Legacy was not written in any book or become a Legend so that I seek into this Kingdom to create another sword so that the Demon Horde cannot live again.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Denshincreators' thoughts