
Part 4

When Luke woke up he felt his whole body complain like he was on fire. He groaned as he slowly sat up. But before he could even get halfway up he felt a warm hand press against his chest forcing him to lie back down. Then a familiar voice rang in his ears, "Drink this." Renna's voice almost made Luke jump out of his skin until she pressed a hot cup to his lips. Since his whole body wanted to fight him at that moment he didn't dare fight Renna, he accepted the cup drinking the liquid as it burned down his throat. It almost made him cough to drink it but he forced it down, particularly since Renna was forcing it to his lips. After he was done drinking he started feeling his body relax more and felt more energy go back into. The fowl taste mixed in with the after math easily told him he drank some sort of medicine. His eyes were finally able to make out things much more clearly. He was still in the cave but it was a completely different room, if he had to call it anything it looked like a cozy bedroom (if you could ignore the cave walls and floor). He was lying on a soft bed, softer than anything he had laid in, if he were to guess he was laying in some sort of feather bed, with an iron framing that seemed like it was made by an old style blacksmith. He noticed the room was lit by a single source, it looked like a fire place with a large dancing flame, but what had his attention was who was standing in front of the flames.

Renna stood knelt over the flames, prodding the wood with a fire poker, wearing nothing. When Luke first saw her the armor covered up her feminine splendors and now it was hard not to notice. Her athletic tone shown more clearly within the reflection of the fire and it was a magnificent sight to behold. He could see her wonderful curves that complimented her toned figure and since her back was to him at an angle, he had a nice view of her rather petite ass, he thought it was cute.

He felt in complete awe of a woman that was on the verge of carving him like a turkey the last time he had set eyes on her, he couldn't think of any other way his life could get stranger. He smiled to himself because he probably jinxed it. He knew he couldn't lie in bed forever, he forced himself to sit up. As the blanket came off him he came to realize he was naked. He looked down at himself surprised and looked over to Renna who had turned her attention back to him. She smiled warmly at him as she stood up, "Well it looks like your better already."

Luke barely heard her words as he caught full sight of her splendor. Her breasts were in full view and she had medium B cup sized breasts that suited her so perfectly. His eyes stared at them for the longest time till they traveled down south and saw the dark path of hair that covered her pussy. He was in complete admiration of her body when something caught his eye; right on her left inner thigh was a good sized cut. At first he wondered were that had come from until he was struck with the realization.

He won the fight.

Renna was fully aware of Luke eyeing her up and smiled widely when his eye caught sight of the slash mark on her leg. "I was just as surprised as you when you got me. I thought I had you for sure when you did something so reckless." She walked over to him, with her hips swaying with a natural warrior's grace. "We had made the conditions clear, and you prove yourself worthy." She now rested on the bed, sitting on her knees, as she took Luke's hand, "I will make a contract with you." She smiled widely before planting a firm kiss on his lips.

Luke was caught off guard, he was completely hung on her every word as he watched her walk slowly towards him. When she kissed him he returned the firmness of it, while gripping her hand firmly. He was about to pull her to him when she pulled him to her. He was caught off guard when she pulled him and held his head into her breast. She laughed with glee, gripping his hair firmly as she tried to suffocate him with her breast. He smiled into her flesh before sucking roughly on her breast, taking her nipple into his mouth and pinching it firmly with his teeth. This caused Renna to gasp with surprise, while throwing her head back, and grip Luke's head more firmly into her. He gave no second guesses to her urging as his arms wrapped about her form, pulling her close, as he sucked more roughly on her breast.

He gripped her nipple and breast with his lips, as she rocked them both back and forth panting and breathing heavily from the pure pleasure of his lips. Her fingers dug into his head and gripped his hair as if they were reins. She gripped him more roughly against her breasts to the point where he felt like he might actually pass out. He growled through the assault and bit her hard on the breast, taking both her breast and nipple into his mouth, as his tongue flicked wildly about her nipple. Her scream of pleasure echoed off the cavern walls as she rocked her body against his.

He continued attacking her breast for as long as he could till she gripped his hair firmly, pulling him off of her breast. With all her force she pushed him back down on the bed, kicking of the blanket, before straddling his hips. Both her hands gripped his face as she kissed him with a wild passion he had never felt. His hands began to dig into her back gripping her firmly as he kissed her back just as furiously. Their lips attacked one another and tongues slipped in and out of each other's mouths with pure animal passion. Their bodies grinded furiously against one another, Luke could feel her pussy grinding against his member and the juices start to drip over his flesh.

He grew bolder and rolled her over so he was on top. Without even thinking about it he bit hard into her neck, causing another scream of pleasure to escape her lips. Her fingers dug into his back, leaving claw mark from her nails. He groaned and growled into her neck biting even harder as his tongue danced along her flesh. He began to grind just as furiously as she had against him, rubbing his member deep into her pussy's lips, forcing more moans and groans of pleasure from her lips.

This time she rolled them over, trying to pin him to the bed, but Luke remained attached to her neck sucking more furiously than ever. She continued to scream and moan in pleasure before taking his earlobe into her mouth, biting and sucking on it. More growls and groans escaped Luke as he bit harder, he was almost to the point of breaking skin but Renna didn't seem to care. She just grinded against his cock more furiously, moaning directly into his ear and driving him to go crazy.

He finally broke from her neck moaning with pure joy of feeling her body against his own. She pulled away from his ear and smiled down at him with deep hunger in her eyes. He couldn't wait any longer, he rolled over pinning her down as he rammed his whole cock deep inside of her, forcing it all in, which caused her to arch her back. She arched her whole body and head attempting to scream but the sound was caught in her throat. Luke didn't even bother to wait for the moment to register as he began to impale her harder, ramming his dick deep inside of her. She finally found her voice and began to scream in pleasure as she ran her nails down his chest.

She began to hammer her body into his every thrust causing both of their moans and screams of pleasure to ring throughout the cave. Renna grabbed onto Luke's neck pulling him into a deep passionate kiss to silence them both. They kissed furiously, moaning deeply into each other's mouths. He moved his legs to part hers more and hammered her pussy even harder, diving more deeply, causing her to scream into his mouth. He had to pull away from her mouth to breath and her screams echoed into the cave once more. Luke gripped her hips pulling her into his thrusts and forcing his member even deeper inside her. Renna was now gasping more than screaming in pleasure as her nails ran along the length of Luke's forearms. He felt wave after wave of orgasms pass through her, soaking his cock as he continued to force himself even deeper inside of her.

Suddenly she flipped them both over pinning his shoulders down as she continued to ram her body down on his member. Their hips grinded and slammed as their voices rang clearly through the cave. He laid there moaning and gasping in pleasure as she pounded and grinded on his dick. His own hips moved on their own, thrusting upwards to force himself into her very depths. Their bodies grew hot as sweat dripped over their skin, their flesh glistening within the fire light. Luke could feel his climax growing as she rocked his body repeatedly.

He broke away from her hands, sitting up to hug her frame and pounding more furiously into her. Growls and groans escaped his lips as well as hers, filling the entire cave with their wild sounds of ecstasy. She gripped his head with one hand, entangling her fingers into his hair, while the other ran down his back, clawing him even more. A growl escaped his lips as he exclaimed, "Fuck, I'm cumming!" At that moment Renna bit down on his neck, sinking her fang deep into his flesh, and piercing his skin. He screamed in both pain and pleasure as he erupted into her and she flooded his cock with an intense orgasm. Just then Luke was filled with a large amount of energy, just like he had when he first had sex with Manira, and just like before it disappeared as quickly as it came.

They both laid on the feather bed, soaked in sweat and each other's juices, as they panted and gasped for breath. Renna laid slightly curled next to him, just staring at him. For that moment Luke couldn't have guessed she was a warrior, she looked like a giddy lust filled woman staring at her lover. The only thing that kept pulling him back to the fact she was a warrior were those red eyes of hers.

She finally stopped admiring and propped herself up on her elbows and wore her all knowing smile. Luke realized he was going to have to get use to a lot of people wearing those until he had a better understanding of being a sorcerer. She ran her hand over his body with a smile, "I guess Bradley was right you are special."

It had never occurred to Luke to ask, especially during their sexual bliss, about what happened to Miss. Bradley. Renna just smiled, "Don't worry she's fine. After you passed out she left you in my care and will be back to pick you up in the morning."

That brought another question to mind, "How long was I out?"

Renna smirked and looked as if she was trying not to laugh, "You were out for about five hours." When he heard that number his body reacted before he could, his stomach growled like a hungry bear. This time Renna couldn't hold in her laugh. She smiled shaking her head and prepared them a meal.


Just as Renna said, Miss. Bradley was waiting for him the next day. This time she was wearing a sundress of green and blue that left most to the imagination but hinted towards what the dress itself hid underneath. She sat in her car with a wide smile as Luke walked up. After a full meal and a full night of rest Luke was ready to leave.

As they drove off Miss. Bradley wore her coy all knowing smile brightly, "So looks like you made another contract."

Luke would have been embarrassed if it weren't for the fact that he had already had sex with Miss. Bradley herself. So he just replied with a shrug, "It was an interesting night." Miss. Bradley smiled and chuckled. Luke couldn't help himself, "What?"

"You do realize that her biting you was her way of completing a contract?" Miss. Bradley looks like she was trying so hard not to laugh at Luke completely.

Luke was stunned, "Then why the hell did she sleep with me?"

The look on Luke's face was enough to make Miss. Bradley break her composure as she tried to say the words, "Well she is a woman after all, and does get lonely." She winked playfully at Luke and this time he was embarrassed.


Miss. Bradley dropped Luke off at home and told him that she would be waiting to pick him up after school. He nodded at her and went to walk the rest of the way home. He wasn't looking forward to going through those doors and explaining were he had been the past couple of days to his family, or why he was covered in scraps and cuts. He was about to ask Miss. Bradley to take him somewhere else but she had already drove off.

With a deep sigh he walked through the door to be greeted by his sister, who took one look at him and panicked. She rushed over to him looking at all his bruises, scraps, and the cuts on his face and leg as well as his shambled clothes. She looked like she was trying to say something but the words never made it past her line of thought as she just gawked at her brother. Finally common sense won over and she took him to the bathroom and tried to clean up.

Luke was torn between appreciation and annoyance, "I'm fine really."

"You're not fine!" His sister exclaimed, "You got jumped again didn't you!? You look terrible, and look at your clothes. Did you get mugged to?"

She started fussing over his face when he caught her hand and smiled, "Sam, I'm fine really. Ya, I got roughed up a bit but nothing I can't handle. I promise." His smile was warm and that seemed to surprise Sam more than anything else.

She sighed and threw up her arms, "Well alright, just be grateful that mom was pulling doubles all weekend so she didn't have a clue, but I would suggest cleaning up just in case."

Luke smiled after his sister as she walked away from him; she turned around and looked at him shaking her head. But something surprised him, a voice. He heard Sam's voice as if it was in his head. "If he gets into any more trouble he's going to worry mom and me to death." Sam was all the way down the hallway when the voice finished and Luke blinked after her. Her lips didn't move at all yet he heard her voice in his head.

He had just heard her thoughts in his head.

Luke turned towards the bathroom mirror to wash his face as a wide smile crossed his features. Life was sure getting interesting and he didn't know what else to expect. But, one thing was certain; he wasn't going to be bored.

Based on the feedback, I’ll write more and even take suggestions. Depending on certain suggestions I might even alter the story in that direction. Here is a chance to add and adjust a story. Even if you don’t see any changes that need to be made I wouldn’t mind some positive or constructive feedback. Hope to hear from you all.

WriteRJWcreators' thoughts