
The Magic Realm

My name is Emma Heartfillia, I am 16 years old, and the princess of the the magic realm. The magic realm is my kingdom, and the reason magic exist in this world. The magic realm is covered by a magic shield that makes us invisible to the outsiders. Outsiders are what we call the people without magic, they don't know that I or any of my people exist. A few of the outsiders have made up stories and lengends about us. Saying things about how powerful we are and the things they could do with our magic. This is why we hide, because a really long time ago us magic users were attacked by the non magic users. The outsiders wanted our magic for themselves, so they attacked us wizards hoping they could gain controll of our powers. In the end the wizards won, and went into hiding hoping nothing like this would ever happen again, but I don't think the outsiders are as bad as the stories they are told in. You see I secretly sneak out to watch and and interact with them, while I'm undercover. No one knows about this except for kind animals who have became my friends. What I am doing is against magic law, but I have to do this I don't believe the outsiders are truely bad people.