
The Legendary Man

Long ago, there was a legendary man. He fought countless men to the death until he was labelled the strongest in the world. Years later, the man was on his deathbed, surrounded by disciples and he said to them, "One of you, continue my legacy and become the strongest". And so, bad times began. The disciples were loose lipped and spread the word and so, many began pursuing a life similar to the man in hopes of becoming the strongest. About 200 years later, our 'hero' is born. He too wishes to become the strongest just like the others. This story follows his journey to becoming the strongest.

Rolavin · アクション
58 Chs

I hope there's another time

After 20 days of travel by horse, we arrived at Ubok. The entrance was grandiose and had a big sign which read the kingdoms name and the cities name, "Lepdichu". We got off the horse and began walking but as we were about to go past we were stopped. "Where is your pass?" asked the guard.

"We don't have it" said Adae.

"Do you have money?" he asked getting more aggressive. She shook her head. "Then you are denied entry" he said pointing his spear at us.

"I'm gonna kill them" I whispered to Adae. She stayed quiet, weighing out our options.

"No, we should wait until the guards switch with the next set and pass while no ones there" She said. I sighed but complied. She was really stubborn, I'd come to know that arguing with her was pointless. We waited by the bushes and stared until they switched. We got out, crouched and just as we were about to make it past a voice said, "What are you doing?". I turned back and saw a guard. There was no choice now but to fight. I leaped back and drew my bow. He charged at me, raising his spear. I rolled to the side, narrowly dodging his swing and released my arrow. It hit his leg and he faltered temporarily. I readied another bow and struck him in the collar as his head was shielded by a helmet of some sorts. He clutched his neck before falling, dead.

We ran across and successful entered Ubok. We had to rush away or they would see the bodies so we ran into a random direction for a while before pausing. It was sunset by now since we waited. The streets were fairly empty by now but there were still some people. They were all as tall as me and had blonde hair with Piercing eyes with colors ranging from green to blue and had extremely pale skin. Their arms were freakishly long and they had strong V tapers despite not being muscular. I would stand out a lot if I didn't wear a face covering. "Where is the disciples treasure now?" I asked Adae.

"I don't know where in specific but it should be around the upper-class area but first, I need to wash myself". I nodded. We hadn't had a chance to properly clean ourselves on this journey. "We need money to use a bath house though" I said. She looked a bit disappointed hearing that. It was the first time something had escaped her on this journey. I hope there's another time.