
3.Forge System

The Next day Ao Meng was grumbling miserably about yesterday's affair, how unlucky getting hit by a hammer falling out of the sky. The perpetrator lay next to him on the grass wet with morning dew. The hammer was non descript only the size of a normal hand tool weighing about 1kg. The hammer was barely adequate to be used in forging. Only suitable as a mallet used for tapping small objects. The hammer lit by the morning rays didn't seem like a heavenly object with its ordinary size and shape. However The hammer possessed a heavenly bearing, a subtle pressure could be felt emitting from the hammer causing waves and vibrations in the spiritual qi surrounding the area. This was definitely no ordinary hammer. Ao Meng who had just awoken from his comatose state was an ordinary mortal thus was oblivious to the pulsing spiritual qi around him instead he saw only an ordinary shaped hammer seemingly forged from exquisite materials with a refined air of craftsmanship. He ran his fingers over the small bump crusted with traces of dried blood that had formed on his forehead and looked at the refined hammer in disdain. "This hammer had to just fall and hit me on the head". Ao Meng reached out and tentatively grabbed the hammer by its handle. When his fingers came in contact with the shaft a strong zap of electricity shot through the handle stunning him and sending him reeling. When he recovered from the tingling sensation in his fingers and tried to focus his gaze on the hammer he realised it wasn't where it used to be, only lush green grass could be seen. Maybe it moved when he grabbed it or he flung it somewhere when he was zapped. Ao Meng got up off the ground and walked around the surrounding area looking for the hammer. After a brief amount of time passed and he still couldn't find it he realised he'd just spent the whole night passed out in the whole hammer debacle, evidence by his still damp clothes. He decided to head back to the slums.

As he walked he pondered what the hell was going on, first a hammer hits him then disappears.

Am I hallucinating?

oh well let's just get back home I'm sure the family is worried.

Ao Meng slowly walked back through the grass and the sparse tree's, through the dirty streets till he arrived home.

the rest of the day was quite uneventful, the usual routine cleaning up the house a bit making sense of his thoughts.

The rest of the household arrived back with some meagre food for dinner after their day working.

They chatted over the food discussing the days ups and downs adn also wondering where Ao Meng had got to during the night and why he hadnt came home.

He just replied that he was meditating in the valley and fell asleep

Ao meng didnt bring up the event with the hammer as he felt it would sound too strange.

They soon finished dinner, cleaned up and headed off to sleep.

Ao meng slid into his small straw pallet that was quite scratchy but when you are poor you get used to the small things that arent to your liking as you dont really have a choice in the matter, he slept quite easily while pondering what the hell happened with that hammer.

Ding! Ding!

Legendary forge system activating


a small hammer identical to the one this morning appeared in his mind spinning clockwise over and over again as the timer ticked down





do you wish to preview the system ?

What the hell is this ?

and why is that hammer spinning

I guess i'll preview do i have a choice?

His vision swung away from the spinning black hammer to reveals clouds his vision panned forward as he dropped through the clouds him a short period later he exited below the clouds to a birds eye view of a small villa like area surrounded by various mountains and hills some with snow, some covered in lush grass others with big black rocks with lava running down them.

each peak had a name hovering around it identifying it according to its attributes.

Snowy mountain was called - XueShan lv1

The black volcanoe with magma endlessly trickling down its slope was - HuoShan Lv 1

The lush green mountain covered in vibrant green trees and grass - LuDiShan lv 1

there were a few other mountains that were covered in clouds and identified as "unknown".

Ao meng's Vision slowly lowered until he was atop the Villa situated in between the mountains.This was no ordinary villa the system was identifying this building as the Legendary forge inside there were many facilites, most were obscured and identified as locked.

The useable facilities included:

Anvil lv1

quality: Poor

hard metal work bench used to work and hammer hot metal, can be upgraded

Furnace lv1

quality: Poor

Facility used to heat metal before working only reaches able to handle low temperatures can be upgraded

Bellows lv1

Quality: Poor

Used to blow air into the furnace, efficiency is quite low can be upgraded

Firewood storage Lv1

quality: Poor

Basic storage only provides low quality wood for use in the furnace and smelter can be upgraded

Basic ore storage lv1

Quality: Poor

Provides poor quality metal ores for the owners use

can be smelted at low temperatures, can be upgraded

These are all pretty shoddy equipment not even close to the forging equipment used when i was a so called apprentice.

Though i guess this is just a weird dream.

He had descended and was now standing within the forge he walked around to inspects each piece of equipment more thoroughly.

Just like i thought its junk barely useable.

Ding !

Forge Spirit activated

A massive ball of flame burst into existence in front of his eyes, waves of scorched air threw his hair into dissaray and singed his eyebrows.

He flinched and turned his eyes away from the brightness and heat that buffeted him.

he glanced back at the fireball in front of him through closed fingers, the flames gradually receeded to reveal a small wisp of ethereal flame that twinkled like starlight and emitted a comforting radiance.

The small wisp of flame spoke

"forge spirit at your service master "

wondering if i should use chinese names or just name it accordingly in english for example just keep snow mountain as snow mountain instead of XueShan etc let me know by commenting :) first comment and ill release the next chapter

HeavenlyMeatBuncreators' thoughts