

At the very beginning of time, the universe was a mass of pure darkness and chaos. It remained so for countless years until the darkness and chaos energies present coalesced to give rise to something so inhumane and ghastly it cannot be described in words..... this dark mass later gave rise to5 entities that were called the primordials.

The primordials didn't have a consciousness initially and were said to be the embryos of our current universe.

Countless years later...

Outskirts of the Kingdom of Everglade

Near the entrance of the kingdom, tall royal guards stood at attention, they looked intimidating watching everything and everyone with a cold gaze. One could see rows of carriages trying to

enter the kingdom. Amongst all the carriages there, there was a plain wooden carriage, which would not have gathered any attention at all among the various gold-plated carriages. However, when this plain wooden carriage arrived at the entrance of the kingdom, the Guards asked for the carriage driver to open the carriage door to verify the identity of the person inside, they were highly surprised and fearful of the man they saw sitting inside. It turned out to be the kingdom's main support system, Alexander Winston.

He was the backbone of the kingdom of Everglade. He held the ability to summon many powerful beasts at a moment's notice and could mass destruction at the snap of a finger. This was what created fear about him. No one knew how old he was but everyone knew that the man was not to be trifled with. He had a beard and looked like a typical friendly grandpa and had clear blue eyes that would pierce your soul. The guards quickly saluted him and let him pass through to not anger him.

The outer district was where the carriage first entered the kingdom ...The outer district was a place where the commoners, the banished nobles, illegal immigrants, and slave traders called home. It was a dark and bleary place that one would venture into out of their own volition. Many illegal gambling dens, prostitution rackets as well as drug deals went on in its back alleys, the kingdom and its soldiers often turned a blind eye to its happenings because it was a sort of exile that nobody wanted to see improve.

Commoners often went hungry as well as underwent daily harassment by the local gangs who extorted them. It was not a fun place to be. As the carriage made its way through the outer district at a moderately fast pace, nobody paid any attention to it for displeasing the person inside it . A carriage was generally owned by rich nobles. Nobles in the kingdom were known to frequently abuse their powers and kill commoners even for looking at them erroneously. As the carriage continued on its way a black-haired child was suddenly flung in front of the carriage ...were it not for the experienced carriage driver the child would have been crushed to death. The carriage suddenly swerved and avoided the child by a hair's breadth.

Due to the sudden movement, Alexander who was sleeping inside the carriage was jolted awake ...he was disheveled and had a bit of drool coming out of his mouth. He quickly wiped his mouth and straightened his clothes to maintain his staunch image. He asked the carriage driver what had transpired when a group of bald thugs dragged the unfortunate child and started beating him black and blue. Alexander noticed this and asked them what was going on ...one of the thugs replied "fuck off old man don't poke your long nose in someone else's business or we will beat you up too ".The thugs laughed loudly on hearing their friend speak.

A little-known fact about Alexander was he absolutely despised people who commented on the length of his nose, it was a sour subject for him. As the thugs were about to beat the young boy again ....the temperature suddenly dropped ...the thugs suddenly went stiff and started shivering when they looked at the old man again they saw a small bird perched on his shoulder which had eyes bluer than the sky itself, they saw its eyes shine for a brief moment and they suddenly started to freeze from the waist down and in a few short moments, they became terrified ice statues whose eyes had held a great amount of fear before their death which then broke and were dispersed by the wind.

The carriage driver who noticed all this turned a blind eye to it as though he was already used to such things happening around his master, Alexander calmed down his rage he looked down at the pitiful child who appeared to be malnourished and parts of his body were covered by blue and purple bruises he was covered in mud and dirt. Taking pity on this child, he asked the carriage driver to pick him up and put him in the carriage as he was doing this , a crowd of people had gathered watching him intently, he looked at the crowd with his blue eyes and suddenly all the people in the crowd were gripped with intense fear and dispersed as quickly as they had gathered. The carriage driver carefully placed the child inside the carriage and waited for his master to get inside. Alexander went inside the carriage and the carriage driver then resumed his journey towards the capital of Everglade, Avalora.

This is how the black-haired child who would later come to be known as the legendary dark summoner who single-handedly destroyed many kingdoms met his mentor, master, and friend. Humble origins of the black-haired child that led an extraordinary life and would be the tale that was passed down many generations later.

Hi everyone this is my very first novel Please Suggest ANY IDEAS on how to improve my writing style as well as anything that may be helpful, can be written in the comments.

Thank you everyone and please join me in following the journey of the legendary dark Summoner.