
A Quick Trip

Two days after the Alchemy Shop opened for operation, Brian was currently chilling inside the Association, the location where official records in Soliel are being recorded and taken into measure. He was with Paia who was playing with the wrinkled clothes of her father.

The reason why Brian brought Paia this time is because they would be leaving the Soliel City for the first time ever since they woke up in this strange new world-- And what they were doing in the Association is meet a fellow merchant who has business to where they're planning on going.

Only after waiting for a few minutes, a fat pigman even for his race greeted them and shook hands with Brian when they saw each other.

Hamlet, a well groomed and well-dressed pigman merchant who would be popular with the ladies if it wasn't for his face and body. Maybe he is still popular- -- Brian doesn't really know the standard of beauty in Soliel City. It's one of the many things Brian is not sure yet.

"Are you both ready?"

"Yes, Uncle Piggy!"

How Brian and Hamlet meet is not through luck. Hamlet approached Brian first by waiting for him in his Nova blacksmith.

Hamlet is what you'll imagine what a merchant is in previous centuries. A man who trades goods by buying them from one place then trading them to another where it can be sold for more. Travelling is their thing, risking their lives along the way.

Today is the day where the wares of Nova blacksmith would be sold outside of Soliel. That was the purpose of Hamlet for visiting Brian's shop. He wanted to ask if he can trade Nova's goods through the other cities and even villages.

As a man whose 50% of his earning is being put to his debt because he promises to do so, Brian saw the potential to earn more money. Unlike his alchemy shop who is still running out of supply, his blacksmith has a surplus of goods because Richi was improving so much he doesn't fail and waste as much resources as before.

And the reason why he's accompanying Hamlet for his first trade outside using Nova products, you can blame the System for it. And this is how their conversation went the day before…

"Merchants should be one the richest group right? Can I just put Merchants in my list, I should have researched enough since I, myself is a merchant."

<System: The User barely can be considered a Merchant. Learn from the peers of this world and understand how merchants works>

"If I'm not a merchant owner, what am I? Shop owner- I guess that fits my occupation better."

Back to present…

Hamlet led the father and the daughter to his personal carriage. He has several of them, but because it's just a short trip, one carriage is enough to bring everything including the passengers.

Hamlet's purpose is to test whether Nova wares will be popular, and he's planning to test in a nearby village related to Soliel. He only brought the cheapest wares the Nova has since the place they were going to isn't as well-off.

The name of the village is Gorgdon Village, consisting of snake related race population. It's not far, and they'll probably able to return before dinner time.

Riding a carriage for the first time excites Paia like she found her new toy. The beast pulling them is still a horse but in steroids. Yet, it was friendly that Paia was able to calmly pet its mane with the help of Brian.

"We'll pass by District 9 first to get the wares. Then we'll leave."

Richi and Lucy have already prepared the things they would be selling in Gorgdon. Except for the Specialty Products and the equipment made from the most expensive materials, they placed everything behind the carriage.

Brian would add some potions and scrolls in the mix, but Samon is still working overtime inside his shop. Also, Hamlet doesn't need his alchemy shop products-- yet.

Bidding farewell to his employees, Brian carried Paia to the passenger seat. The potion Steron gave him really helped alleviate some weakness on his body. Though now that he knows he's still in death's timer, he felt weaker compared to before he knew it. It's more of a mental state rather than physical.

Leaving the city gates is easy. Passing by and greeting the guards along the way, the father and daughter was greeted with a gorgeous green scenery they never saw inside the man-made city.

From the gate, tons of people are in a line heading waiting for their turn to head inside. Compared to leaving Soliel, entering is more difficult. Especially for non-residents of the city.

But that is past them. With the sun just rising on the horizon, their carriage left.

"When you said it was close, you weren't exaggerating." Two hours after the start of their journey, they reach a swampy terrain roads that can only hold two carriages at a time-- the size Brian and the rest are in.

"The Gorgons prefers to stay away from crowded place. That's why despite being protected and being under the dominion of Soliel, they rarely visits the city. So it's up to us merchants to bring the goods they usually can buy in the city."

It's not your typical trade of goods merchant wishes to conduct. Because it's just a two hour trip, the profit merchants can only get from trading in this village is just the cost of transportation.

Nevertheless, this place is a good first stop for merchants who are heading north.

"Just don't take every one here personally Bry. They are rather foul-mouthed."

"Thanks for the warning."

Their carriage was not the only one parked in the only inn of Gorgdon Village. There were eleven, separated between three people according to the name written on side of each carriage. Hamlet would be twelfth, and the smallest one.

"Both of you can stay here or follow me look for gorgons interested in what we brought. Either way you should be careful. There's a lot of insects that bites here."

A nature oriented village. Brian only saw few gorgons along the way so maybe that is why Hamlet is planning to look for one. There were no shops or gathering places they can drop their goods. They can only rely on themselves.

It's a good opportunity to know more people. Brian won't let that opportunity to go to waste.

"What is fat pig and a skinny human are doing here?!"

"Get out! We don't need your useless knives here!"

"You're just going to scam us again! You think we're idiots!"


Brian saw why the gorgons were considered to be foul-mouthed. He made sure to cover the ears of Paia when walking passed them.

He and Hamlet didn't have any luck finding people curious enough to follow them and buy what they were selling. And the biggest reason for their zero customers is because no one believed a steel knife is being sold for 8 coppers.

The Nova branded products are too cheap, too good to be true. Gorgons have experience numerous times being scammed by these merchants so they were very cautious. Yet they still need to depend on them if they want to continue their practice of not going inside Soliel.

That's why despite being scammed by merchants coming from time to time numerous visits, someone took the bait and didn't curse them for the first time.

"That's an adorable human child you have. You're going sight-seeing?"

"We are, but I'm also selling the stuff from my blacksmith."

"So Sir human is also a blacksmith… But I heard humans aren't good in craftmanship." This gorgon with cracked scales on his lower body shows he is one of the older ones among their village.

"I'm just the owner, the blacksmith is a wolf from the Triphon tribe. And I'm confident he is the best blacksmith of his tribe."

"Oho~ He must be very good. I'm also planning to gift my grandchild a shield for his coming of age ceremony. Maybe I can take a quick look."

Seeing there is a potential customer, Brian told Hamlet he would be returning with the gorgon to show him the wares. Hamlet remains and continue his unavailing persuasion.

The gorgon Brian is bringing along seems to have status in his village since the gorgons they met did a little bow to greet and show respect. It's Brian's first time coming here so there was no reason why he and his daughter will be given this much respect. This grandpa snake most likely is the reason.

"These are all the shields we brought. We have perfect size fitting for your people, and the materials ranges from simple steel to carbonite." Brian the most expensive one and gave it to the customer.

"Just 239 coppers for a carbonite shield? You sure this is not made out of paper leaves?"

"I'm confident. But if you aren't convince- You can try it if you have the means."

"Ok… But I won't pay if it breaks."

"Of cou-" Before Brian can give his affirmation, the shield grandpa snake was holding flew away from his arms.

What he thought was a weak and aging body part, the tail of his customer hit the center of the round shield. It must have pack quite a punch if the sound it produced was loud.

"Just a little dent… That's good. I'll buy this and another."

If he was satisfied after knowing there was a visible damage from his attack, then it only means grandpa snake was planning to destroy it. Brian can only thank Richi for creating such a strong carbonite shield.

Meanwhile, Paia was not satisfied by the little coins she saw being handed to his father.

"Grandpa snake! Your grandchild will want a sword to be together with the shield so why not buy one."

He was amaze that this little girl knows how to speak Tera language already, so he delightedly replied to her, "I already own one little human child. I'm planning to give him my sword during my days."

"But Grandpa snake looks very very very old already. I bet that sword is very old also."

"hehe~ Sorry for my daughter." Brian can only be bewildered how Paia can throw subtle insults without sounding like insults.

Grandpa snake can only smile wryly when this little human girl describe him as old- with three very. But the words of the child also made some sense.

"You convinced me little human child. My grandchild probably doesn't want a rotting sword… I'll also have your best sword."