
The legend of the Tayati -The rise

The legend of the Tayati is a story that tells us about a girl who learns that is the rebirth of a great guardian and see how she learn to use her powers and defeat her enemy

Nash_8951 · ファンタジー
25 Chs


"you confessed so easily, which means you , you are not but you are a part" Allison said. and when she took a sword to kill Gray but suddenly she felt like she was fainting her eyes blacked out her ear could hear nothing .

she could feel the ground but soon the soil turned into silk soft now she is lost ,someone was playing with her mind to save Gray who could it be as long as rose is there who could it be . Alex ? red ? who is it ? she looked around it was a vast darkness all around. no light it was dark no light no hope.but then she asked her self what if its rose. Allison knew she had to do something she stood up in the endless place. she went through her memories and a light came out of her hands .she used it as a guide she walked but now she can feel someone following her,

she walked suddenly a gentle tap when turned back there was no one.then turned back she saw a man with blonde hair and blue eyes calling her. she first hesitated but later she walked towards him. she had no idea who it was yet she wanted to escape. "who are you mister ?" Allison. "shhhhh, no questions i am here to help " the man replied.

she walked with the man and soon they saw a light and the light got closer and closer and soon they entered a white room and at the center there was a dragon sleeping. it was so beautiful and white it looked like red. and she saw the man walking near the dragon.

"you are not locked, she can't lock you my love , i won't let her" the man said. "I know you don't know me I am your father, Ken" he said. Allison was a bit confused because Alex told her he died. but how is he in her mind

when allison was about to ask something,"i know you would be thinking how did this old hag enter my mind "he said and allison nodded and smiled." i am your other brain my memories were your dreams, don't you remember me teaching you to use your powers?don't you remember me ,your buddy?"he asked. (buddy was allison's friend that entertains during her time of coma )"but buddy was a cat" allison said."i can shift honey. now go and kick rose's ass."ken said "but how?" she asked, but ken simply kissed on her forehead and threw her near the dragon and she fell into an endless pit and woke up in the wet soil and now she saw lavina's dead body and a woman with long red hair fighting everyone. she stood up her body was covered with blood .

"ROSE, YOU BI*CH I AM STILL ALIVE." Allison screamed and everyone was shocked.

now allison wasn't alone she had a white dragon behind her. "how could it be ?" rose asked. "ok here is the question is it power, men, love ,revenge or mission ?usually villains become villains because of these reasons." allison said."none of it , i want everything deluxe had. she was stronger and powerful i want it all an army , dragonia and everything she had and you can join me i will let you have a position in my new kingdom " rose said. "f**k of b!*ch " allison said and ran in a light speed and stapped her .