
The Legend of the red eyed girl

Larisa, the sole daughter of the king, has grown up in solitude. Her father, frequently absent on expeditions, leaves her and her brother in charge of the state. In this isolation, her only solace is found in the company of Maynard, the duke's gentle son. Over the years, an unexpected love blossoms within her. As she navigates the complexities of love, Larisa is also thrust into a position of power, with all its responsibilities and challenges. Her journey is marked by a determination to pursue love while adapting to newfound authority, and she is prepared to overcome any obstacle that stands in her way.

Swaaan_dawn · ファンタジー
26 Chs

Show of gratitude

Larisa entered consort Ari's room unannounced as always since the door keeper is always so occupied with her fear that Larisa just started entering without the announcement.

She could swear that once upon a time things weren't always like this but she can't remember anymore when exactly everything changed and why.

Consort Ari was sitting languidly on her couch in all her beauty and majesty while embroidering something in her hands. She didn't look up knowing there is only one person who ever enters her room unannounced.

Larisa gave a small bow as she greeted her, "May the Consort be blessed and live a long happy and happy life."

Consort Ari answered indifferently, "Still not calling me mother even after I have taken care of you for all these years?"

Larisa pursed her lips and just stood there without saying a word.

Consort Ari gave a small mocking chuckle, "if the princess does not want to talk to me, princess does not need to force herself to greet me if she doesn't feel like it, this noble consort would not dare blame the princess."

"Etiquette must not be forgone, Consort has taken care of me for long, the least I could do is check up on you daily as a show of gratitude."

The consort rolled her eyes as she gave a small scoff, "is there anything the princess is lacking."

Larisa gave a small smile as she replied with a tilt to her head, "nothing at all, consort gets me everything I need before I even ask for it."

Consort Ari reverted back to her earlier indifference as she waved her hand at Larisa dismissively , "if there is nothing, don't let this old woman keep you from having fun."

Larisa disagreed, "consort is not that old yet, you are still so young and energetic."

She quickly left the place after excusing herself. An old woman came in from the adjacent room after watching her leave, she moved slowly to the Consort's side and placed the bowl of grapes she was carrying on the stool beside the couch then stood aside.

Madam woo looked at her mistress who has changed so much over the years, it only felt like yesterday when she was still the eldest miss Akari of the Auclair's duke mansion yet to be married, but in the blink of an eye she was now married and has an adult son, how time flies.

Madam woo took up a brush and started combing through Consort Ari's waterfall like silky black hair with a smile on her face.

Consort Ari let out a relaxed sigh as she said, "Speak."

Madam woo proceded to report the goings on that happened in Larisa's courtyard that morning.

Consort Ari caresed and admired the flower she was embroidering as she commented, "she won't die if she misses one meal, where was Lifar."

"She left the palace with that princess's guard they call Fay."

She only got a soft hum from the lady in response.

"Highness pardon my insolence in asking, you clearly do not like the princess but still pay so much attention to everything that happens with her, wouldn't it be fine by just making sure she is well clothed and fed, I don't see the reason to go the extra mile."

A melodious laughter filled the quite room, "she is the king's only daughter, I dare not neglect her lest he blames me, besides, it is not bad at all having someone around in this empty palace,"

Her eyes cast down as she asked with a frown, "Is it crazy that I sometimes wish His Majesty would take in more women into the harem?"

Madam woo's brows furrowed,"Why would you want such a thing your highness when you can have His Majesty all to yourself without the usual in fighting with other consorts and concubines."

"Indeed, why would i?"