

The last stronghold of the devils.

For more than a year now, there has been a bloody battle to exterminate all the devils.

The entire battlefield was dotted with tens of thousands of corpses belonging to the once great and powerful devils and gods. They were those who stood above this world and were revered beings.

And so the great battle was approaching its final climax, the forces of light prevailed, when suddenly ...

~ Boom.

A huge white ray of light shot from heaven. A tremendously powerful explosion sounded, the shock wave of which killed everyone who was in this world, absolutely everyone was erased in no time.

There was a dead silence ...

This metallic smell of blood was no longer felt and there were no cries of suffering and pain.

When the dust settled, an unprecedented funnel appeared. It was so big that it passed through the core of this world.

Due to a damaged core, the last world of the devils began to die.

In the void, above the devil worlds at the moment was something.

It was a very tall and thin humanoid-like creature. His skin was white as marble, reminiscent of a work of art.

It was faceless, and many horns of various lengths protruded from his head in different directions.

On the chest of this creature there were perfectly even cutouts, and his long and thin hands, like a match, were spread out in different directions, as if he was calling someone.

The skin on his palms was ashen, and his fingers were like needles.

Overgrowth stuck out from behind his back, which resembled in structure wings without feather cover.

Not far from the creature a gap in space opened and a middle-aged man in flawless gold armor stepped out.

This man was like a mountain, from him came confidence and strength.

Although he was already over ten thousand years old, there was not a single wrinkle on his face.

The hair on his head was blazing and fluttering in different directions.

In the man's hand he held a huge hammer around which red lightning sparkled.

Looking at the humanoid creature standing in front of him, the man was very scared, he recognized him.

In order not to show himself rude to this creature, he decided to introduce himself: - I am Ormund, ruler of the world of flame and one of the supreme gods salute the immortal Proserpine! ~ Ormund bowed politely.

The immortal answered him with a voice filled with wisdom and antiquity: "Why did you come, Ormund from the world of flame?"

Droplets of sweat appeared on Ormund's face, he felt fear for his life when he heard the voice of the immortal, because he is filled with power that he can never reach.

The supreme god didn't even think of lying before a powerful creature, he answered honestly without daring to make his interlocutor wait: "I apologize, great Proserpine, I came here to help my allies in destroying the last world of devils, in order to permanently expel this evil from our Void, but it looks like I'm late. ~ In the last words of Ormund, there were notes of disappointment.

- ours? ~ Proserpine grinned. "Since when does emptiness belong to people like you?" "Do you even realize what you, the supreme gods, did when you started the war with the devils?"

- "..." ~ Ormund did not know what to answer, and would not dare. But he felt that the situation was starting to heat up.

The woman lowered her head down to where the perishing world of the devils was.

- Because of your ambitions, you despicable did not even think about that upset the balance of forces in the Void.

~ With a malevolent grin, she continued: - It is not known how "she" will react to this, but one thing I know for sure. In the future you will regret what you have done and no one will help you ...

The next second, Proserpine disappeared from the place where she stood and was a couple of centimeters from Ormund. She lightly touched her beautiful face with her thin finger.

After a brief touch, the man's face turned dead white and expressed only endless fear, and his body began to collapse turning to dust and dissolving into an endless void.

The immortal turned and went somewhere far into the distance and said: "You should be grateful to me for giving you such an easy death despite your terrible sins."

"Five hundred years ... what will she decide?" whispered Proserpina as if she already knew everything, and then disappeared into an infinite void.

All the devils were exterminated, and the last devilish world perished due to the destroyed core.

The war went on for a thousand years and finally ended, allowing everyone to breathe a sigh of relief.

The supreme gods issued a decree that any connection with the devils is punishable by death.

Over the next five hundred years, life went quietly and measuredly, until once an unusual boy was born ...

Translation from Russian, there may be inaccuracies.