
The Legend of The new Dawn

Wise_man_zeno · ファンタジー
5 Chs

chapter 4 new life (2) [reedit]

"You should play with me instead of him." When we heard this both Maya and Zack's small baby fat faces frowned, as they replied "we don't wanna".

When Su Bocyung heard this his face frowned as well feeling irritated he said "Why do you reject me I have all the best toys as well while he doesn't have anything."

Both Maya and Zack frowned more seeing the situation getting out of hand I tried to console saying," Its alright we can all play together." To which Bocyung immediately rejected saying "why should I play with someone like you even your dad threw you away." As I secretly thought "do protagonist always feel like this when villian guy curses him."

Slap! As he was saying Maya slapped him with teary eyes in her eyes glaring at him and saying "I won't play with you if you keep saying bad things about my friend." Bocyung got angry as he pulled Maya's braid saying "You dare hit me I'll do whatever I want I don't need you either I have lot of other friends." Both me and Zack tried to separate them as the teacher came and resolved the situation and asked us to return to classroom as she took Maya and Bocyung to staff room.

In the classroom Zack asked, "Do you think teacher will punish them?" As Ichuckled and said, " What are you saying? Teacher will let them go after resolving their fight."

And Zack turned to me and glared as yelled, "When he was saying stuff about you why didn't you hit him back?"

I replied slowly with a pout "I didn't got the chance Maya beat him up first before I get to hit him once." By which Zack calmed down and said in a nagging tone "You had us just now to protect you but You have to fight back if he tries to fight you alone." As I chuckled and inwardly thought " I doubt anyone will be able to hurt me with my spiritual power and system."

Just like that class ended as I waited for aunt Claire to pick me up while saying bye to my friends. Aunt Claire arrived she called for me I quickly got up and went up to her she gently rubbed my head and kissed me as she picked me up. I pouted while saying " I can walk on my own." Just as we were about to leave we heard a voice behind "You leaving now your mom didn't even came to pick you up." as we turned Su Bocyung was standing there with a sneer on his face.

Ivan replied "Yeah" and impatiently urged my aunt to leave quickly which aunt Claire clearly not understanding what was going on? As she turned to leave Bocyung quickly came in front to block our path as Ivan used spiritual power to trip him he tripped and shouted in anger "What are you looking at you don't even have your dad pick you up he clearly doesn't want you." Hearing this Claire frowned and asked "who are you kid? where are your parents?" As Ivan quickly said "Aunt no need to mind him lets go home now."

"Right run away when hearing truth" said Su Bocyung with a sneering face.

"At least I'm better than you who doesn't even know how to behave well" said Ivan with a frown as he used spiritual power to keep Bocyung's mouth shut.

As the left for home on the way Claire asked slowly in a soft voice "who was he does he often behaves like that is there anyone else like that in class."

"No only he is like that you don't need to worry Maya taught him a lesson for me." replied Ivan with a reassuring smile making him look adorable.

"I see" replied Claire with a slightly stiff smile on her face. Seeing which Ivan shrugged his face helplessly knowing his mother was gonna learn of this.

We arrived home where Olivia was preparing snacks on the table as she gently smiled seeing Ivan petted his head and said "how was your day at school?" Ivan replied smiling "It was good I played with my friends and the teacher praised me."

Olivia chuckled as she said "wash your hands properly and come back quick to eat snacks." "ok!!" yelled Ivan as he ran upstairs to the bathroom.

After Ivan left Claire came to Olivia's side and while helping she told incident of kindergarten to her in a low voice to which Olivia's face hardened as she said "Bu-but he didn't say anything about it ." stuttering. "He is too mature for his age and he understands your hardships, I'm not blaming you I'm just worried he might grow up too quickly." said Claire comforting Olivia.

Olivia's face turned serious as she said solemnly "we will move back to city Marq and I'll try contacting my family after we settle down." "Whatever your decision will be I'll always be with you" said Claire with a smile.

A little later Ivan came down in a bunny dress as he sat on the dining as he saw snacks with heavy mood he immediately yelled sweetly "wow pancake with honey and blueberries my favorite mom your the best!!" and kissed his mom on cheek.

After eating snacks Ivan was sitting on the couch as Olivia came towards him and asked "Ivan would you like it if we moved to another city?"

"Why is something wrong here mom? I like it here." said Ivan with a frown.

"We will move back to my and aunt Claire's home city there you might be able to meet your grandparents." said Olivia rubbing his face with a gentle smile. "But my friends are all here" replied Ivan with his face down.

"You can call them anytime and we can also come back here whenever you want." said Olivia trying to console him. After a bit of hesitation he agrees.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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