
The Legend of The new Dawn

Wise_man_zeno · ファンタジー
5 Chs

chapter 3 My new family and life (1) [reedit]

In the hospital room Olivia was sitting beside bed looking at then small body of a baby lying on the bed his jade like skin cute face giving him the appearance of a porcelain doll. She sighed and said in a pleading tone while looking down," Its been a month already please wake up! I,ll do anything so please!, a tear rolled down her eyes.

As she suddenly felt his movement she hurriedly looked up when she saw him slowly opening his eyes. His golden eyes slowly opened adding to his cute appearance. She felt she she could live again as she gently looked at him and kissed him and carefully petted him. When doctors arrived they carefully examined him with shocked expressions. Claire burst into tears of joy and hugged Olivia. After examining doctors sighed in relief and smiled and told them that there was on problems with him anymore. They can be discharged in two days.

Both Olivia and Claire sighed in relief when heard this. While Ivan was lying on the bed thinking, 'God! I had to be baby !! I can't even move as I want. Two days later they left hospital, with Ivan in Olivia's arms. They arrived in front of a 3 storey house with ground floor as a cafe and a flower shop. Arriving there Ivan heard "from now on we will be living here."

He slowly got used to a body of a baby and accepted his new life. While Olivia and Claire started there cafe and new flower shop.

Time passed and four years later.

Olivia entered the room on third floor where she saw a small figure covered in blanket on bed by the window she smiled slightly and went upto the bed and gently lifted up the blanket while saying "wake up sweety! it's time to go to kindergarten." As she lifted up blanket instead of the desired small figure there was a pillow taking its place. Just as she was about to turn around she heard "I'm here!" in a sweet voice of a child and a small figure jumped at her from the closet whom she caught as she gently grazed over the small figure in her arms his jade like skin shining with small luster from the sunlight and his his big round golden eyes and a smug look on his face but despite him trying to look smug 'he looked rather adorable due to his overly cute looks' looking at her as if to see her surprised face, melted her heart.

She gently smiled and pinched his nose and said in a soft reprimanding tone," what should you say when you wake up?" As Ivan giggled sweetly and said in a sweet voice, " good morning mom!". She lifted him up in her arms and went downstairs where they saw Claire preparing breakfast as Ivan greeted her sweetly she smiled as she said," Ah! my Ivan is so sweet. You have to be careful of girls in future." At which Olivia smiled and said "what are you saying he won't understand anything like that right now." To which Ivan smiled and secretly thought "I understand everything mother."

In past four years Ivan learned more about this world and his family.

This world is way bigger than his old world and is called as Leros. This world has a mysterious force called as mana which people use to control their respective elements for various purposes.

Martial artists are respected in this world and there different stages of martial artists such as 1 star, 2 star up-to 8 stars martial artists there are higher states martial artists such as saint realm, king realm, emperor realm,demigod realm and god realm.

There are 6 continents in this world with large land masses.

They are Armya, Imes, Warya, Olus, Riloa and Epica.

And it seems that my name is Ivan , and I live here in continent of Armya [famous for its healing equipment and potions] with my mother Olivia Reetgers, and my aunt Claire nelson my mother's friend. In Vensor city.

"Ivan hurry up and get ready its time for your kindergarten your aunt will pick you up today" Olivia urged to which Ivan smiled and replied "yes mom."


It took 20 minutes to reach kindergarten by walking.

We arrived at 8:20 classes starts at 8:30, I bade goodbye to my mother and went to the classroom and greeted my friends.

Ivan! I heard someone shout my name as i turned I found my arms stretching and two kids my age pulling my arms while yelling, "Ivan will play with me today you idiot." yelled a girl with black hair and shiny black eyes with a cute face.

"He will play with me today you played with him yesterday today is my turn you uggo." yelled a boy with brown hair and green eyes at the girl.

They are my friends Zack Marksman and Maya Blake both 5 years old. I laughed as I said "I'll play with you both." They are both cute kids we laughed and entered the classroom. In the classroom teacher started class it was easy for me so I started looking at system instead.


[Host: Ivan]

[Martial rank : unranked]

[Age : 4]

[SP [Free Attribute Points] : 0]

[Coins : 0]

EXP [0/100]

[HP : 50]

[MP : 100]

[Strength : 3]

[Agility : 3]

[DEX : 5]


[CHARM : 100]

[INT : 100]

[perception : 2]

[Spiritual force : +++[infinity] ]

[Lottery : locked till level 5]

[Quests : none]

[Unique abilities :

1. Telekinesis [Ex-grade]

2. Understanding [Ex-grade]

3. All seeing eyes [Ex-grade]



I clicked on shop, there were only few things in the shop ;

200 coins [random box] gives random things

[weapon mastery] 150 coins basic level

[karate basic mastery 150 coins]

[taekwondo basic mastery 150 coins]

potions :

1.Energy potions

2. mana potions

3. recovery potions etc

As I was browsing system the class came to an end. Just as I left the classroom to play with Zack and Maya at playground, Just when we arrived at playground a boy suddenly pulling Maya saying " you should play with me instead of him" His name is Su Bocyung don't know why but he is always picking on me.