
The Legend Of The Golden Eyes

The awakening of a mysterious being lay In the hands Of a young archeologist (Lu Shui Hua). He is one of the most world-known geniuses of all time. He was at the peak of his career and succeeded in every way. He blossomed in everything. He was about to embark on a journey In his career that could change history itself when destiny came knocking On the door. Being lured by his greatest rival of all time in his past life and even in his present life, he falls madly In love with this myth. What will happen when he discovers that his death lies In the hands of his heart's desire? What would he do when he has to choose between the career he has worked hard to accomplish and his destiny? Will he make the right decision? Discord: Beverly_spare#0707 Instagram: Beverlyspare Facebook: Beverlyspare TikTok: Beverlyspare

Beverly_Spare · ファンタジー
53 Chs

2. Green Water Flower (Lu Shui Hua)

His pace was relentless, his body drenched in sweat as he relentlessly ran on the treadmill. Beads of sweat trickled down his biceps, soaking his sweatshirt. His unwavering gaze fixed upon the alluring scene framed by the villa's glass walls, offering a spectacular view of the entire estate.

Suddenly, his concentration wavered as the earpod in his ear connected to an incoming call from his phone.

"Accept call," Lu Shui Hua spoke in a gentle tone, struggling to steady his breath while still in motion.

"Mr. Lu, we have obtained the license to proceed with the research."

A triumphant smile crept across his lips as he absorbed the information conveyed by the caller on the other end. He pressed a button on the treadmill, gradually reducing his pace until he was walking.

"Tell Xinjiang to prepare the helicopter; we will take off tomorrow."

"Okay, Mr. Lu."

Stepping off the equipment, he grabbed a nearby towel to wipe away the sweat streaming down his body.

Lu Shui Hua reached for the water bottle placed conveniently next to the towel and took a refreshing sip before returning his gaze to the captivating view.

Five years earlier, he had graduated from Harvard University as the foremost archaeologist of his class. In this short span, he had repeatedly demonstrated his exceptional talents, achieving unparalleled success. Lu Shui Hua had made groundbreaking discoveries that garnered national and international recognition.

Renowned as a prodigious genius, he had amassed numerous awards for his awe-inspiring achievements. His efforts in fostering global collaboration in the field of archaeology had propelled him to international acclaim.

Despite the meteoric rise of his career and the staggering scope of his discoveries, the media remained baffled by his unwavering dedication to history. His unwavering commitment had propelled him to his current position of success.

Lu Shui Hua took a step closer to the view, taking another sip from his water bottle. Engrossed in the scene before him, he failed to notice the person entering the room.

"Hey, baby," Cherry Lee called from behind, pushing her shades up to rest atop her head. Adorned in brown leather pants and a black jacket, she exuded an air of sophistication, her black wavy hair elegantly tied in a ponytail.

Cherry Lee was Lu Shui Hua's partner, hailing from a mixed Chinese-Korean background. They had been friends since their time at university, and she had recently arrived from abroad to assist him in their new project.

He caught her scent as she entered the room, his emerald eyes meeting her radiant shade of brown.

"I wasn't expecting you until the weekend," he remarked.

"I missed you too."

She enveloped him in a tight hug, her hand gently caressing his back, while her eyes wandered to the captivating view beyond.

"This view is absolutely breathtaking," she remarked.

He released a contented sigh as he turned to join her. The view had been the primary reason he had chosen this particular villa. Although he owned numerous grand mansions across the globe, this one held a special allure due to its natural beauty.

"Yes," he agreed, understanding her sentiment. Their shared appreciation for nature had been one of the foundations of their connection. Having known her for a long time, he was aware of her profound fascination with the wonders of the natural world.

"Is this the billion-dollar island?" she inquired, her gaze still captivated by the panorama.

"Yes, indeed. How long will you be staying?" he asked, a hint of anticipation in his voice.

A smile curved her lips in response to his question.

"Hmm, you're eager to get rid of me. Do you have a guest?"

His expression remained stoically impassive.

"Don't talk nonsense. I simply don't want you to partake in this project," he retorted.

Her eyes briefly left the view, locking onto him for a moment before returning to the captivating scenery.

"You know, I expect a compelling reason before I consider listening to you or shoving your opinion right up your ass," she spoke indifferently, her tone laced with defiance.

"I don't need a reason to make any decision I want to make," he declared.

She arched her brows suspiciously, crossing her arms behind her back as she stepped closer beside him.

"You know something, don't you?"

Her gaze bore into his as he furrowed his brows, attempting to avoid eye contact.

"You're overthinking again," he deflected.

"Spill," she demanded, resolute.

He still avoided meeting her gaze as she pressed on, invading his personal space without hesitation.

"It's Zhou Jiangsu, isn't it? He said something about me, right?"

ZHOU JIANGSU - Also Lu Shui Hua's old friend and partner. Exceptionally skilled in technology and a Harvard University graduate as well.

"No, he didn't," he denied.

"Then why don't you want me to go with you?"

Lu Shui Hua had nothing to say because she was right. He and Jiangsu had a conversation two days ago.


He sat silently in his study, his eyes fixed on the laptop screen as his hand scrolled lightly. He had been researching a community with a hidden history that seemed to be ignored by everyone.

Lu Shui Hua had been immersed in this pursuit for over six months and had finally stumbled upon a tale referred to as a myth, compelling him to delve deeper. He couldn't fathom why he suddenly developed an interest in a supposedly fictional story, but he felt an inexplicable connection whenever he pondered it—an unfamiliar sensation. A soft knock on the door momentarily distracted him, and he glanced up as Jiangsu entered.

Jiangsu's brown hair gleamed under the faint glow of the chandelier in the dimly lit room as he strode purposefully toward Lu Shui Hua's desk. Dressed in a deep blue long-sleeved shirt and impeccably fitted white suit pants, he wore a solemn expression.

"I've investigated what you asked," he stated, getting straight to the point upon entering.

"And?" Lu Shui Hua prompted.

"I discovered that a certain incident occurred there decades ago," Jiangsu replied, his excitement and seriousness palpable. This was his domain, and it was evident he relished it.

"Go on," Lu Shui Hua urged, settling back in his seat as his right hand massaged his temple.

"It states here that it took place in an estate called Suzaku Street," Jiangsu leaned forward, presenting the iPad he held to Lu Shui Hua, who listened attentively.

"Suzaku Street?" Lu Shui Hua queried, his eyes narrowing. The name sparked a faint sense of familiarity, yet he couldn't quite place it.

Jiangsu nodded, continuing his account.

"It's said that cherry blossoms adorned the entire estate, and no one enters. The place has been strictly off-limits due to the unfortunate events that occurred to those who ventured inside."

Jiangsu's almond-shaped eyes remained fixed on Lu Shui Hua as he spoke.

"When I did a thorough investigation, I discovered that the case of the mysterious estate started when a man went into the estate to seek out its formation and was never seen again afterward. When others heard about it and decided to get to the bottom of a person's disappearance, they went in their numbers in case there was something dangerous in there. There were a total of twenty people, ten elders, and ten youths. They were never seen again".

Lu Shui Hua's eyebrow arched at the words that escaped Jiangsu's lips. He was not one to believe in something he hadn't witnessed himself. He firmly held the belief that every action carried a logical explanation and that the universe operated according to such principles.

"Where did this information come from?" he inquired, leaning back in his seat and massaging his temple with his right hand.

"From a reliable source," Jiangsu concluded with a sigh, taking a seat opposite Lu Shui Hua.

Lu Shui Hua scoffed.

"I don't place much faith in that. I need to see it for myself. I can't trust your source,

Jiangsu let out another sigh as he contemplated the situation. Sitting across from Lu Shui Hua, he finally spoke up with furrowed brows, "Are you suggesting that we go to Kunlun Mountain?"

"Yes," Lu Shui Hua responded plainly.

"What?" Jiangsu's face reflected shock.

"I aim to conclude this project before the year's end. Therefore, we will embark on this expedition next week," Lu Shui Hua concluded.

"In just three days?" Jiangsu exclaimed.

"Indeed," Lu Shui Hua affirmed, his expression remaining impassive as he continued, "Prepare the team and gather all the necessary research materials."

Jiangsu's head spun from the rapid pace of events. It was driving him to the brink of madness. One moment, they were discussing the tragic fate of previous explorers and the next, they were on the verge of becoming the next victims. Was this really happening?

Jiangsu had long known Lu Shui Hua to be an incredibly stubborn individual. Once he set his mind on something, he pursued it relentlessly. But in this case, it seemed like a suicide mission. Lu Shui Hua appeared unfazed by the dangers involved, determined to witness the forbidden legend firsthand.

"S-Shui Hua, I-I-I think we should..." Jiangsu stammered, attempting to voice his concerns.

"Cherry will be returning next weekend. She will be part of this project," Lu Shui Hua interjected, cutting off Jiangsu before he could finish his sentence.

"Sisi? She's coming back?" Jiangsu asked, curiosity filling his eyes.

"Yes," Lu Shui Hua confirmed.

"Shui Hua, she cannot be involved in this project. It's far too dangerous," Jiangsu pleaded, his voice tinged with worry.

"Why not?" Lu Shui Hua's face remained devoid of emotion as he spoke.

"Because she is stubborn and doesn't listen," Jiangsu replied with utmost seriousness.

Lu Shui Hua leaned back in his seat, skillfully manipulating the pen in his grasp. "Why do I feel like you're giving an entirely different reason unrelated to the circumstances?"

Jiangsu was caught off guard by Lu Shui Hua's statement, struggling to find a suitable defense. He fell silent for a moment before gathering his thoughts.

"T-That's not true at all. I-I'm just saying... well, you know how Sisi behaves. She can be impulsive and tends to disregard rules. Considering the historical significance of this place, she could disrupt things," Jiangsu explained, anxiously awaiting Lu Shui Hua's response. He understood that Lu Shui Hua wouldn't tolerate even the slightest mistakes jeopardizing the project. Additionally, he didn't want Cherry to be exposed to any danger. If anything were to happen to her, he would carry the burden of guilt forever. He had always harbored feelings for her, even though he hadn't mustered the courage to confess yet.

"Very well, but let me make it clear: if she does happen to uncover our plans, I won't shield you from the consequences," Lu Shui Hua declared resolutely, his conviction shining through.

Jiangsu's voice trembled with anxiety as he responded, fully aware of the weight of Lu Shui Hua's words. "I completely understand," he acknowledged, his nervousness palpable in his tone.


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