
The legend of The crying shinobi (Naruto)

???: Are you sure you want to do this. ???: Yes, After all this time I have finally found my Resolve. . . . . . . . . . . . Inei: *sob* *sob* WHY, WHYYYYY........ Why did *Sob* You do this. ???: This is how the life is Inei. You are as weak as ever a dropout Crybaby. Inei: B...Bu...But I...I...I. ???: You are nothing but a measly child you can't do anything even if you wished to, you can't even touch me. Get out of your delusions and Get stronger, STRONGER THAN ANYONE, BECOME THE STRONGEST SHINOBI IN THE HISTORY OF THIS WORLD AND TRY TO RETURN WHAT YOU OWE ME 10 TIMES AND I WILL FREE YOU FROM YOUR DELUSIONAL LIFE. Inei: Why.... WHY. ???: Again with that same foolish question. Listen foolish little inei, I am a monster who kills for fun and I just massacred hundreds of people and children. This is a delightful game to me so and I give you a chance try and Kill me if you can. . . . . . . . . . . . . Inei: I PROMISE YOU I'LL BECOME THE STRONGEST, STRONGER THAN ANYONE, I PROMISE YOU I'LL BECOME THE STRONGEST SHINOBI IN THE HISTORY OF THIS WORLD, I WILL BECOME A GOD. . . . . . . . . . Yamato: So you've choosen your ninja way, have you. Inei: Till now My life was a forge, my nightmares were the flames and my Shinobi way is the sword which came out of it. Unlike the story we know this one is a bit different, This story isn't about the a knucklehead shinobi, it is about a cry..... a cry of the past, A vision and The virtue. As the story unfolds see what was The mysterious shinobi's resolve and How did tears of a fragile boy forged him into an indestructible sword and From that to the strongest Shinobi in the History.

Games_of_Karma · アニメ·コミックス
33 Chs

Chapter-1 Enter Inei, The Crying SHINOBI

(....###....= scene change

**###**= Author's note

'###' = Thought

SHOUT= shout


"Now Let the preliminary of the 3rd round of the chunin exam begin," said a man who looked like he will fall dead any second not because of an injury but because of his face and health.

"Do you think he will win, I mean he is facing one of the best anbu in lord third's division" Asked a man with white hair and a mask covering his face and his headband covering his left eye.

"I am sure, He will win. Inei will win, My cousin will win this match. Believe it Kakashi Sensei" Answered a boy with blonde hair and an orange jumpsuit.

"Is that so, it seems you have a lot of faith in him" Kakashi said.

"It seems I am with Naruto on this, I am his sensei After all," A man with brown hair and the head guard said.

"It seems your colleague has gotten mad Kakashi, that idiot, there is no way for him to win," said a boy in a blue shirt and black hair with bangs on both sides.

"Sasuke, That's not the way to talk to others..... Yamato here is an anbu captain even if he's not as good as me he's still good and I thought after we lost sakura to that poisonous plant on death forest you would start to get more humble" Said Kakashi.

"Stop bragging about yourself Kakashi-senpai." Yamato said "And besides that, I and Naruto have some pretty solid reasons why we think that inei will win this match, Sasuke"

"That Crybaby will never be anything" Sasuke replied.

"Then you just have to watch, Right Naruto" Yamato said to which Naruto nodded.






6 Years Ago





Inside the Hokage's office stood Third Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi and in from of him stood a 13 years old Teen in full anbu gear.

"Are you sure, You want to do this Itachi, It isn't an easy job" Hiruzen said "What you are about to do will make you a traitor to the village you love, and worst of all the task itself is very brutal, Do you have your resolve"

"Yes, After all this time I have finally found my Resolve, I just have one request ease take care of Sasuke" Itachi replied.

"Don't worry I'll do whatever in my power to help and protect Sasuke" Said Hiruzen in a monotone "But what about him, He needs you, and more than so you need him"

"Inei is a strong child. He just doesn't know where his strength lies, he just doesn't want to face hardships" Itachi paused for a second and a faint smile appeared on his face as he said "He wants to be a teacher"

"You are dismissed, for now, you may go"

As hiruzen said this Itachi disappeared in front of his eyes.

Hiruzen sat on his chair in deep thought.

"Inei, you are a strange one. You have the blood of some of the strongest Shinobi, you are the legacy of some of the Mightiest legends yet still Neither you possess any of their kekkei Genkai nor any special traits. You are so average that I can't even believe that you are so ordinary coming out of the family of such an Extraordinary family, And you wanna be a teacher..... I still remember the day when we took you in."






7 years ago






"L..Lo..Lord third we...we.... we lost... It wasn't a battle, It was a..... It was a... A one-sided massacre"

The shinobi took his final breath as Danzo spoke.

"We have to get rid of the child Hiruzen, His parents were monsters, His ancestors were monsters, Kill the child for the sake of the village"

"He's just a child Danzo, not even 3 months old," Said Hiruzen "How can we kill him, after what we owe his parents? And after what bloodline he possesses"

"You can't put the village at risk for such a petty reason and we owe his parents nothing, after what they have done" Danzo shouted.

"Don't forget Danzo that you are speaking to the Hokage and my choices are in what is best for the village" Hiruzen replied.

"Perhaps you have gone senile after all of these years Hiruzen, that child is a demon borne" Danzo lowered the pitch of his voice as he said " Mark my word Hiruzen That child will become a calamity in the future and then you will remember, what I said now"














As Gekko announced it a boy in full anbu gear entered the arena, what stood about him was his emotionless face and his Black-Brownish hair. He had a standard anbu sword on his waist horizontally. at the same time, another Girl in full anbu gear entered the arena. The girl's name was Misha she was the top anbu in the leaf.

"Look who we have here, another idiot isn't. How did you even pass the first and second round, I am surprised, you don't even know how to cast a simple clone" Misha said with a smug look on her face

at the same time, Hayate started the match but soon Gasps were heard from all around the arena.

"Interesting," A boy with red hair said he had a prominent feature that stood out more than anything it was a tatoo with the word **Love**.

"Guy.....Sensei"A boy with a bowl cut and green spandex said "Did you see him move?

"Barely" Was the only word which the man could speak of, the man looked like just an older version of the boy if one didn't know better then they could easily misunderstand them for father and son.

What had actually happened was that as soon as the match started it was over in an instant it just looked like that inei had teleported behind Misha and struck her neck with a chop and a THUD sound was heard as Misha fell to the floor.

"You don't know the meaning of the word Shinobi, you are not even worth drawing my sword nevermind any Jutsu"

"And the winner is NAMIKAZE Inei" Hayate announced

"I knew you would win," A girl with red hair and glasses said in a faint voice with a chuckle.

Hiruzen watching this had memories of the past flash in front of his eyes





6 Years ago





"Lord third, I want to become stronger," Inei asked

"What" Hiruzen stood up from his seat

"I want to learn Shadow clone"

"Inei! you know I can't let you do that"


"Wh...what are you saying"

"I, Inei Namikaze demand to see the scroll of sealing"

"So you found out"

"It wasn't hard to notice the crest of namikaze after all if you wanted to hide it from me why did you even give me this pendant"





during the forest of death exams





Inei was running through the forest of death on his own as he didn't have a team on top of that when he was asked to be part of a Genin team he refused, but as soon as the 2nd round started he caught a team of Takigakure shinobi and took their earth scroll to compliment his heaven scroll. all of this was due to his fast speed and shadow clones at the start inei used multi Shadow clone Jutsu to make 300 clones who will travel through the whole forest through different areas.

"What is this, THOSE KUSAGAKURE SCUM, how dare they," Inei shouted in his mind.

Inei was using a telecommunication seal to contact his clone. He was flashing through the forest at a very fast pace but suddenly he vanished.

....A different part of Forest of death...

"RAAAWWWWRRRRRRR" a loud roar was heard through the area. It was a large bear, and in front of it was a girl in tattered clothes and pair of broken glasses. The girl had bright red hair.

The beast leaned forward to strike the girl but soon it realized something its limb was missing and in place of it blood was spilling out. The girl was too scared to even look. But soon a large THUD sound was heard as the Beast's head was rolling on the ground.

"Hey, are you okay" As inei asked the question the girl bursted into tears

"Wh... Who are you" The girl stuttered with her word "Are you... Are you here to kill me for the scroll, If you want it then take it please don't kill me"

Inei looked in confusion at the girl, he was wondering why was the girl like this even though he had saved her. But it was actually because of his ever so Stoic face.

As the girl was crying, inei stopped and sat by her side. The girl got scared as he did it.

"You know, I am not gonna eat you."

**Not Now anyways**

"Sob* Sob* Who are you"

"You can call me Inei, Namikaze Inei, so where is your team"

" When we were attacked by the bear they ran away"

"So you are all alone now, huh where have I heard that before."

"So miss Uzumaki, how did you end up in KUSAGAKURE"

"How do you know my clan name"

"I am a sensor and most of all I am not Blind those bright red hair tell me that and no kids at this age should have that much chakra aside from the fabled Uzumaki clan"

"What about you, you have so much chakra too"

"I am an exception" Suddenly inei paused as his eyes widened "You, Are you suffering from Chakra trauma, Show me your arm right now"

The girl was startled as inei said this and more so when inei took her arm by force but he wasn't rough like she thought he would be but he was gentle, As he lifted her sleeve he could see several bite marks but they weren't made by animal jaws, they were made by human jaws.

"As I feared, You overused heal bite didn't you"

The girl was even more shocked that the boy in front of him knew of heal bite.

Suddenly a soothing feeling came over her as she saw that the boy was healing her, She was overrun by tears as she for the first time felt relevant, for the first time someone else was healing her and it wasn't like her who was forced to heal others, he was healing her with his own choice.

She was crying tears of joy.

"Here you should be fine now, now don't go wasting your chakra, How did you end up in KUSAGAKURE," Inei said

After how he had healed her, she felt obliged to answer as she told inei that her name was Karin Uzumaki, she told him how she and her mother took refuge in KUSAGAKURE and how they violated both her and her mother for their healing prowess.

Inei suddenly gave a warm smile to Karin and as he Said

"Karin let me tell you a story so listen well, Back when Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama created Konoha, the Senju clan and Konoha made a deal with the Uzumaki clan and uzushiogakure, The deal was for an alliance and Uzumaki accepted the deal. Leader of the Uzumaki clan Uzumaki Ashina married off his daughter mito to Hashirama and the deal was fortified. And it is due to that deal that Konoha shinobi wears the green flak jacket with a red whirl symbol on it, the symbol is the crest of Uzumaki. So technically due to alliance any living Uzumaki, if they choose to do so can live in Konoha with full citizenship" He paused for a second before he gave his hand to Karin and said " Do you want to come with me, in Konoha, no one will force you to heal others, you will be a free person"

Karin had a warm feeling wash all over her in the past no one had been so kind to her before.

'If I can see your warm smile again so why not' Karin thought as she gave her hand to inei, both of them held hands as inei helped Karin get up from the ground.

"Now we just have to get out of this forest," Karin said

"That won't be a problem"

suddenly Karin noticed something she was now standing in a room

"Now let's go and meet lord third, so he can finish the paperwork and give those kusa bastard some trouble" Inei smugly said

'How did he..... he saved me, does it matter how he did that or how he teleported'

.....At Hokage's office...

"Hmmm so I see, you did a good job inei, now you two can go I'll take care of all things now," Hiruzen said as he leaned back on his chair.

"Hey Karin, let's go I'll take you to meet my cousin I think you two will be happy to meet each other" inei said

"Oh, I nearly forgot about Naruto, sadly you can't meet him since he hasn't come out of the forest yet," Hiruzen said.

"Actually now that I think about it he is your distant cousin too," Inei said

"What are you talking about" Karin asked

"Naruto is half Uzumaki and half namikaze which makes him a distant cousin to both of us," Inei said as he put his fingers on his chin "So has anyone come out yet"

"Ah Yes after your shadow clone came through with scrolls a team from suna came they were pretty impressive, I must say" Hiruzen answered

"A team from suna Huh, Interesting"

....At the tower...

"Gaara are you okay" A girl with a fan on her waist asked

"Shit how can someone beat us to it, we passed this round in 1 hour 37 minutes, which was faster than the last record," a boy with clown make-up said

"9 Minutes 32 seconds, fastest record for the forest of death yet set by a single shinobi without a team who also completed his tasks of finding the scroll, How interesting... I can't wait to sacrifice his blood to mother." A boy with a tatoo with the letter 'love' said he was Gaara










"As all of you know that there is an odd number of match-ups in the preliminaries so two of the winning contestants have to fight twice" Hiruzen announced but as hiruzen announced the names two large killing intent were sensed throughout the arena.

















"and names of those contestants are Namikaze inei and... Sabaku no Gaara"


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