
The Legend of the Blade

I wish I could be a hunter as well... But.. I don’t want to die. [! You have obtained a EX ranked skill.] [Never Dies] What if Techno was the MC? Watch as Techno journeys along different worlds and saves them from the vile clutches of tyrants. This is a multiverse crossover

Dawei · アニメ·コミックス
29 Chs

Chapter 27

The End of The Legend:

Techno stared at the Author as he refused to believe what he said.

"I'm the Author, my words are your will."

Techno refused to believe it. "Fine then I'll write something than you think of something. How about it?" Techno nodded his head.

Techno thought about his dog Floof and the pizza rolls he loved.

The author put down the note and slid it over to Techno before telling him "Right now look at the note."

[Techno thought about his dog Floof and the pizza rolls he loved.]

Everything the note said he had done. Techno glared before disappearing, the author simply continued tapping away at his laptop.

Techno misses my head by a bit.

The blade sliced a strand of hair from the Author's hair.

He trips over his foot.

Techno charged at the Author who was sitting on his chair until a rock somehow tripped him over.

Techno continued the same song and dance until he was tired. Trying and failing. The Author was currently thinking about his tenacity as Techno sliced again.

And he will miss.

The blade chopped the arm rest off, well until.

[The chair repaired itself]

Just like new. The Author continued observing Techno, his valiant character, his daring personality. Even after being told that this was the end, he had no control, he continued to defy him. The Author did not want to say, but he had long already typed the words [Techno has full control] He was simply observing what Techno was doing and simply writing it down.

"What purpose do you fight?"

"What purpose do you continue to defy me for?"

Techno grinned as he simply said "Sic Semper Tyrannis!" With that he cut off the strings attached to his own limbs. The Author brightened a bit as he saw something that the old draft would never do. The old draft was sure that as long as he followed the fate of the strings he would come out victorious.

Yet this one was different, far different. The Author smiled as he watched Techno continuing to fight him. The Author looked at the story so far, he wanted this to end after seeing his character's struggles. Yet it would be anti-climactic. The Author debated about the two options.

[Continue the story to a final end tailored by him]

[Simply free them from the story that they are damned for the rest of eternity]

The Author made a hard decision knowing the repercussions that he would face from his viewers. Yet he knew that they would want this character to be as happy as possible.

Techno charged one last time. Yet this time the blade found the mark. Techno stared at the Author as he sighed.

"I've decided, enough is enough. You deserve a life free from the strings of fate that I've tied you to."

The room started fading away as the Author typed furiously to upload and finalise his decision.

Techno faded out into white light as he woke up once again. To the side was his bed and a girl there. Kiyohime, he distinctively remembered her name. Dream, Itachi also came to his head yet he could not remember anything prior to this.

He got up as he walked to the desk where a laptop laid open. It was on a website, Webnovel.com. There it was the title of the book laid out for all to see.

[The Legend of the Blade]

[Author: Dawei]

[29 Chapters]


He clicked open the first chapter and began reading out loud. It seemed so familiar this book. He just couldn't put his finger on it.

So he read.


Breaking news!

The Black Dragon attempts to conquer the 10th floor of the Tower. Didn't they confidently declare that they were going to finally show the might of the greatest guild? Unfortunately, they have returned empty-handed.

The Rank 1 Hunter! The Flame Emperor has single-handedly subjugated a Boss once again!

"I want pizza."

While blankly staring at the TV, I thought to myself: 'I have enough money for 12 pizzas, I think? Do I really want to walk for a pizza?'

Hello Flame Emperor-nim!

Ah, right. Hello…

The Flame Emperor furrowed his eyebrows. For some reason, even his scrunched brows looked handsome.

You have set a new record once again! You are the only person who can single-handedly subjugate a boss monster. May I ask you to share your impressions?

First of all, I would like you to change that shitty title.

Excuse me?

I'm talking about the Flame Emperor. Call me by my name instead of using that shitty title. Like, what is the Flame Emperor supposed to mean? It's embarrassing. I would rather be called the Plague than the Flame Emperor. Someday, I'll definitely find the bastard who gave me this title and beat the living shit out of him.


The surprised reporter stuttered. He could only stammer, unable to respond. Because the formidable man in front of him was widely known as the protagonist of this era. The subject of countless legends being written.

In comparison, I was just couch potato who wanted to be a hunter.

"Aaah," I mumbled. "I really envy him." How nice would it be to live a life like him? A life where you can say anything in front of a camera. I touched my smartphone and tapped on the familiar icon [MBP]. I wanted to get the pizza delivered to me just a 18 year old teen wanting pizza .


"Man I wish I was a hunter, but I don't want to die!"

I continued looking at the computer screen that was floating in front of me.



[You have been chosen as an awakened.]

My light pink hair swayed as I fell down, "HEH?" The screen continued.

[Your desires have been heard.]

[A certain deity as responded.]

[You have been granted the following skills by judging and using the power of your soul.]

[A] [Bury the Hope]

[B+] [Aura of Conquest]

[A+] [Strength Above All]

[EX] [Never Dies]

[?] [Voices]

[You can unlock more skills related to your existence after reaching certain levels.]

He continued to read until he got to the final bit and the last sentence of the book.

From the Author:

For you who has made it this far, I thank you with all I have for following this book to the very end. To you who had patiently waited for the chapters to come out. To you who had posted comments encouraging me to finish this book.

I Thank You With All I Have.

So Thus is the ending of "The Legend of The Blade"