
The Legacy of the Moon

[ I'm a novice writer and my English is not very good ] Since she can remember, Sofia has always known that her family held a secret. When her grandmother passes away, she inherits a necklace with a crescent moon-shaped stone and a letter that reveals that she is part of a lineage of witches who have the power to control the magic of the moon. Sofia decides to embrace her new identity and starts learning the secrets of lunar witchcraft, but soon discovers that there are other witches who want the power she possesses. Sofia will have to face powerful enemies and discover who her true allies are in this battle for the magic of the moon.

ChuckScribbles · ファンタジー
10 Chs


Chapter 8

The coven returned to their hidden sanctuary, exhausted but relieved. They had successfully defended their territory against the darkness, but they knew that they had to remain vigilant. The darkness would return, and they had to be ready for it.

Sofia sat in her room, reflecting on the events of the battle. She couldn't believe how powerful the darkness had been, how close it had come to overwhelming them. But they had fought back, and they had won.

As she sat there, lost in thought, she heard a knock on her door. It was one of the other witches, a young woman named Lily.

"Sofia, the high priestess wants to see you," Lily said.

Sofia nodded and followed Lily down the hallway to the high priestess's chamber. The room was dimly lit, with candles flickering in the corners. The high priestess sat in the center of the room, her eyes closed in meditation.

"Sofia, come and sit," the high priestess said, opening her eyes.

Sofia sat down across from the high priestess, feeling a little nervous.

"I wanted to speak with you about the battle," the high priestess said. "You showed great courage and skill out there. You have proven yourself to be a valuable member of this coven."

Sofia felt a surge of pride at the high priestess's words.

"But," the high priestess continued, "there is more work to be done. The darkness will return, and we must be prepared. I want you to continue practicing your magic, honing your skills. You have the potential to be one of our strongest witches."

Sofia nodded, "I understand. I will do everything in my power to be ready for the next battle."

The high priestess smiled, "I have faith in you, Sofia. We all do. Together, we will stand against the darkness and protect our world from its malevolent power."