
The legacy of New Arrival

A friend group with an unfortunate life try to join a mafia when they realize they can get out of their situations. The story unfolds, and quickly one of the main characters finds out not everything isn't as it seems. His life was a lie, and found out so were his close friend's lives. This is my first time writing, and I was never planning on publishing in the first place. I was motivated, and this was last second, there is no dialogue, and the start may feel a bit rushed, but as I continued to write the story gets very strong along with the characters who you get to understand more.

Not_Mapaya · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Part 1: Kids of ignorance

Weird images of future events flash through this person's eyes screaming and crying with gunshots, and the person comes back when Jord shakes him, and that's when Antwon comes back kind of confused but ignores it. When Xant came he told both of them about something. Gangs all around the area are being incarcerated so the group wants to take advantage and try to get some territory but the mafia always comes out on top and takes over first. The group decides to try and get help from the mafia and maybe make a deal so they go and search and find the mob boss and try to negotiate. The boss says that if they get jobs done for him then they can come up with a deal. There's a total of 3 jobs to be done, the first is to prove they have the guts to even kill someone so a rival mafia gang is their target. The mafia group is meeting up in a bar, and the group has to take a nice clean shot into the heart without getting caught, and no tracks. Antwon immediately doesn't like the idea, but the others have to push him and convince him they have to, but Antwon can't shake off the feeling something isn't right, but doesn't say anything because he's afraid everyone will get mad leading to his first mistake of not being assertive. The group gets to the job site and sits on a roof with a powerful sniper waiting for the mob boss, and Antwon has to take the shot. When it was time to take the shot Antwon couldn't do it, so quickly Jord tried to take the shot but missed even though he has the best accuracy with a sniper because Antwon took too long. They only had one bullet so if they got caught it was their own fault, and the mob boss they are trying to impress would know to never trust them. All knew they had to go in, and try to somehow kill him. Xant came up with an idea to set off a bar fight to make everyone get scrambled around, and leave the mob boss open. There was no other choice, the bar was already on high alert so setting off a fight won't be hard, the group sneaks in and Pot throws a beer bottle at someone's head and it starts the massive bar fight leaving the security guard of the mob boss not being able to stay focused. As soon as Stank was about to stab the mob boss, sirens were heard in the distance, and everyone tried to leave as fast as they could. Stank took the knife and quickly while he had time started stabbing the boss non stop then quickly ran with the rest of the group where all started to run as fast as they could breathless. That's when they made it to an alleyway where there's a big fence so one by one Jord helps all of them up over the fence hearing the sirens get really close. Jord had to think fast, and took the knife from Stank's pocket and started rubbing his hand all over it so he would be the one caught guilty, and everyone else could get away. The group tries to go back but it's too late. Jord got caught, and the group got caught too but made up a story of running away from the fight going on. The group got escorted home, but felt dread because they lost Jord but knew that he would want them to continue, and try to bail him out. When the job was done, and they returned to the mob boss the boss already knew they messed up, and weren't going to get paid unless one took a beating to get half the money they would've earned. Antwon was about to take one for the team, but he couldn't speak. He was scared, but wanted to pay for messing up in the first place. Before he could say anything Xant volunteered, and started to get jumped while everyone watched, everyone didn't make a face just watched but Antwon was showing emotions making the mob boss and his crew continue, after a pool of blood was on the floor they earned half their money. Juicy decided to carry Xant out, and they had to hurry and treat his wounds after the beating to make sure nothing bad happened. Nothing happened to Xant so the next step was to bail Jord out even if it meant losing all their money, but they need Jord's parents to bail him out which she wasn't reliable because she was too hung over to understand anything. After a while they were able to sober her up and tell her what happened, and she started freaking out and went straight to him. She took everyone knowing they would appreciate the reunion and luckily nothing was charged on Jord because he made up a story that he did it in self defense, and had no choice. After they celebrated with their money and threw a party knowing their parents don't care if they did have alcohol, and actually they just stole it from all their parents and took a toast, but Xant decided to just drink water. Once that was done they returned back to the boss, but this time they were more observant and skeptical of everything. They were given their second job which was to take out corrupt cops that were wanting an increase in payment, and need to be dealt with. This time it had to be done in a shootout to not only be tested on accuracy, and if the heat will get to them. All of them agreed but Antwon was still skeptical, and the others were too but they just focused on getting it done.

The story wasn't fully developed, and writing down what I've already wrote a long time ago makes me reflect how much more I could've done. I still will always have love for these early parts for what I was able to accomplish.

Not_Mapayacreators' thoughts