
The Lazy Man

This story is confusing as hell, Don't ask me, I don't even know what I write If you managed to complete this Light Novel then you are a very weird person. You can Interpret this Light Novel just like you want.

monmon_on_top · ファンタジー
39 Chs

Navigating the Complex

In the wake of the festival, Malas found himself drawn to Takut and Jahat, each representing a different facet of the world he now called home. He felt a curiosity about their lives and the complexities that made them who they were in Rosak.

One sunny afternoon, as Malas and Rajin explored the outskirts of the village, they stumbled upon Takut huddled beneath a gnarled tree. His shoulders were slumped, and his gaze was fixed on the ground as if searching for solace in the earth itself.

Malas approached Takut with a friendly smile, his voice gentle and inviting. "Takut, it's a beautiful day, isn't it? Would you like to join us for a walk? The forest here is serene, and the rustling leaves have a calming effect."

Takut's eyes darted nervously, his anxiety evident, but there was a glimmer of curiosity in his expression. He hesitated for a moment before nodding and slowly rising to his feet.

As they ventured deeper into the forest, Malas and Rajin engaged Takut in conversation, asking about his life in Rosak and his experiences in the village. Takut's stammering words gradually gave way to a more coherent and animated dialogue as he shared his passion for botany.

It turned out that Takut had a deep love for plants and had dedicated years to studying the unique flora of Rosak. He spoke with reverence about the forest's secrets, its healing herbs, and the way in which nature had been a source of solace during his anxious moments.

Malas found himself captivated by Takut's knowledge and enthusiasm, and he realized that beneath the layers of anxiety lay a person with a profound connection to the world of Rosak. They spent the afternoon discussing the forest's mysteries and identifying various plant species, forging a bond of camaraderie in the process.

As days turned into weeks, Takut began to accompany Malas and Rajin on their journeys through Rosak. His anxiety, though still present, seemed to lessen in the presence of friends who accepted him for who he was. Malas learned from Takut the importance of patience and empathy, and he admired the resilience that allowed Takut to face his fears.

On the other hand, Jahat remained a source of amusement and occasional exasperation for the village. His pranks and antics continued, but he had taken Malas's words to heart and sought to balance his mischievous nature with acts of kindness.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Jahat approached Malas with an impish grin. "Malas, I've planned a surprise for the villagers—a lantern festival to illuminate the night sky. I thought it would be a way to bring joy and wonder to the village without causing any distress."

Malas couldn't help but smile at Jahat's genuine desire to bring happiness to the community. Together, they spent hours crafting colorful lanterns, each one a testament to Jahat's creativity and newfound sense of responsibility.

As the lanterns lit up the night sky, casting a warm and enchanting glow over the village, the villagers cheered and marveled at the spectacle. It was a moment of unity and shared joy that brought the community together.

Malas and Rajin, along with Takut and Jahat, watched the lanterns ascend into the heavens. In that moment, they realized that Rosak was not just a world of magic and mystery; it was a world where the complexities of human nature—fears, quirks, and aspirations—could be embraced and celebrated.

Their interactions with Takut and Jahat had deepened their understanding of the inhabitants of Rosak and reinforced the importance of empathy, patience, and unity in their journey. With renewed determination, they continued to explore the wonders of this mystical realm, ready to face the challenges and revelations that awaited them.