
The Lazy Lion King

The Continent of Arcland, where the three big race is alive together, he, Reno, wake up from the long dream. The nightmare about afterlife. Where he, the man who is never afraid of death, finally able to fear it. He will never forget his promise. To live a life of waste. Which is never comes true after the chaos. So, in this chaos times, where the power is everything, he is chose to be a Lion. To be heard when he is roaring. To sleep when he is waiting. Reno just want to be a Lion King... "Why, I... The King of Lion... Don't have even a lioness.." "Why, I... The Ruler of the lions... had to babysit this bunch of broken cub.." "I just want to not worry about life and the life after death, but why.." "God, please, answer me.. Why!?"

Tafara · SF
2 Chs

Life is Precious

Life is precious, every single one is sacred.

At my young age, i had been told by my father about the sacredness of life.

But, it's never stop me to be scared with life itself.

There's a lot of uncertainty that comes when we are still alive.

We need to live up a lot of expectations that comes with our birth.

Perspective and reality clashing without any sign to be finished.

But, the most puzzling thing is why we are here?

At some point, my thoughts just snapped and became weaken.

Sure life is precious, but my own is mine.

I became more and more confused.

In the midst of my own bewilderment, i lost my senses.

For the sake of understanding the meaning of life, i'm trying to feels it myself.

To look at the boundaries between life and death.

Extreme sport is one of them. With the other one is being chased by a group of half-gender humans.

Slowly but surely i'm getting the hang of it.

But, my activity finally been noticed by my father.

Nevertheless, it's within my calculations.

So, i come to my father. For the judge has summons me.

"Reno, my son, what's happening?"

"Father, i lose."

"Lose to whom?"

"My own mind."

So i began to told my father about my epiphany towards life and my finding in the midst of my startling activity.

My father just sit here, listening my rambling. By the time i finished, with calm expression, father said to me.

"I know the reason of your confusion, for I'm also had it in my younger age. The answer is not for me to teach you, it's your own trial."

"But, your reckless behavior is not within the boundaries of normality. So, i need to stop you to search it with your way."

"Son, life is sacred. But it's not the way you described. God had told us, the reason humans descend to the earth, bringing mission to be the ruler of it."

"But how can there's a lot of Ruler? This is why god give us rules, reward, and punishment. The outcome of our deeds will be counted at the times death embrace us."

After saying that, father look at me. I'm confused, about a lot of thing. Father is not really religious man. So why is the talk comes about God.

Seeing my confusion, father began to talk again.

"It's not i'm a religious man. It's just how the world at his nature. Even though i'm not religious, it's not mean i don't believe."

"The circle of life and death is not something for us, mere mortal, to look upon."

"Now, go. You need to rest and contemplating about what i say."

Finished with his saying, father lift the glass of coffee in his table. I'm not a dumb man, father mean is he will not answer any my question so i need to figure it out myself.

I'm not in the mood to think about this in my own room. So i go to my garage, hopping toward my hover car and begin to search for the place to think about this carefully.

The place i lived with my father is in the corner of the city. Even though father is the owner of some big companies. Our house is not that big, just enough for two of us living with comfort.

Three years ago, my mother has to leave, to rest in peace. It was around my highschool second year. That's also the moment where i began to question life.

Not far from my house, in the stone hill, i sat upon it.

I began to reflect about my conversation with father.

In my self reflection about God and his mission, i notice something from my father words.

'The whole thing is not about God mission and life or death. The afterlife, that's the main point!'

"...the outcome of our deeds will be counted when the times we died..."

I began to pale and fright can be seen in my face.

"If.. the reward is heaven, then the punishment is…"

..to be tortured till eternity.

"No.. no, maybe what father mean is not that, maybe father talking about reincarnation. Ahaha, silly me."

..to be experienced life again and again till the end times.

"I must ask father! He know the answer! Don't think! Stop!"


Cold sweat began to fall from my face. I just scared, fear began to creep towards my back.

I run, as fast as i can do toward my car. I need to know the answer. I must see my father right now.

As i made haste toward my hover car, bright light blind my eyes.

'is this..? Is the times has come..?'

'Stupid! What time is going to come!!'

As the colours came back again. I began to looking around to understand what is happening.

'isn't the world is brighter than usual?'

'what is happening?'

Sonic boom comes from above. I'm instinctively look toward the sky.

'Aha! So it was the meteor!'

'Aha my ass! It's going to me!'

I running frantically to my car again. Fortunately it's not too far from me. So i jump toward it and starting the engine. I need to go far away from here. I need to go home.

"Activate auto mode. Prepare the mechanism anti air collision. Super car model barrier, On!"

"Dad chasing commands!"

My car began to shape shifts to look more like war space car. Fortunately in times when i love do extreme hobby, one of them is death race.

My car has been costumized heavily so missiles can't even touch it.

Well, meteor is not that far off, right.

My car began to accelerate fast that sonic boom begin to heard. With 'dad chasing command' in effect, which is a command i made so my car can react as efficient as possible to going back home.

In a mere 30 second, i come back to my house. I started running again. Looking to my father. But, i can't find him anymore.

With meteor looking more bigger and brighter, i run towards our bunker at the basement. Maybe father is also there.

As i arrived at our bunker, nobody is there. Not even our only maid and Butler. Confused, i try to searching around my house again.

But time is limited, The meteor just looked more brightly as time passes.

Without any choice, i just go toward the bunker alone. Strangely i feels like there's someone here not long ago.

I am searching for clue inside the bunker. Finally my hypothesis is paid off. At the the edge my eyes, strange looking cube is hovering in the corner of the room.

I touch it lightly, the cube just go poof and inside of it i found a Letter, sealed in a nice looking leather envelope. which is weird at this age, where everyone have their own smartchip.

Curiosity won over my reasoning, which is none. I'm starting to open the letter and read it.

"Son, if you looking at this letter that mean I'm already gone to looking for your mother."

'Ah, he died. Wonder if he go to heaven or hell.'

"I'm not death, you stupid son. Yes, if by any chance i died, I'll surely going to heaven."

'Is this really a letter? Not prophecy?'

"I know you for nineteenth years, if i don't know what you're thinking then i don't fit to be your father, the death seeker."

'Yupz, a prophecy..'

"Son, your mother is never death. She's comes from other realm, the ones that open right now. Her soul is coming back to her real body. So now, i will go and pick her up ay the other realms."

"So just wait for me on ours home."

"Also, the envelope is a secret skill of our family. Just take apart of it and drop your blood toward the lion symbol on it."

"The world is on chaos right now. So just wait in the bunker. In three days your uncle will come to pick you up. If by any chance your uncle is not coming, just wait for a month inside it and train the secret skill. After that you can connect to intranet in this bunker computer."

"See you, I'll be back."

'Aye sir. I'm done with seeking death thing. I'll obediently wait for uncle comes here.'

Just like that, i found a good sofa inside the bunker and starting to dozing off on it. Three days is not that long.

Uncle, it's okay, don't be hurry. I, your nephew, is going to sleep here, awaiting for your arrival.


The bunker is shaking madly after the explosion.

'Ah, i forget about that meteor..'

'Uncle, I'm sorry. I, your nephew, will go towards the heaven sooner than i thought.'

So this novel is just my attempt to try writing my first novel. It'll not be a fast updating novel like another's in webnovel. I'll write at my own pace, which is non-existence.

Also, my grammar is not quite reliable. As i write this in my smartphone. Grammarly is not a thing for me, i don't have a plan to use it in the moment.

Tafaracreators' thoughts