
The Lazy Angel is a Dungeon Master

Hm? Wait, eh? What?! I'm now assigned on a mission so that I would be a dungeon master? Hold on, why?! That's such a painful task to do! Let someone else do it! In the first place, why me? What..? Only I can be the dungeon master? Stare into my eyes. Are you kidding me? No? Ugh, fine. There's no way I could argue against an archangel when I'm a mere angel. Alright, you win. I'll do it. So... my job is to serve as the boss of my dungeon and that naturally includes bashing up anyone who arrives at the boss room instead of reincarnating souls. But I'm getting tired of this anyway, so why not ask someone else to serve as the boss? Then, I would only have administration stuff to do! Hurray! I'm such a genius! But what if I could make a contract with an intelligent being and let them do the administration stuff too? Heheh... I'm such a genius! Oh, and also screw you, Lord Raphael. I still haven't forgiven you yet for pushing this job down onto me. ----

Amusement · ファンタジー
28 Chs

Page 4

Today was the day I got transferred to my new job. 

I still doubt the reason Lord Raphael gave to me for him to push this job down to me, but I can't do much about it since he's an Archangel, and I'm a mere Angel. Well, he's technically what's known as a 'Greater Archangel', and that is a rank higher than 'Archangel', which is the rank of the five remaining archangels that govern the Overworld, Lord Gabriel, Uriel, Sariel, Raguel and Remiel. 

As for Lord Michael, he's known as an 'Awakened Archangel', which is the pinnacle of the broad archangel rank, and it is a rank above Lord Raphael's 'Greater Archangel' rank. Well, these are all rumours circulating the Overworld and its stations within the countless worlds of the Middle World so I can't say if it's true or not. 

But anyway. Back on topic. The world where the dungeon I would be managing is called 'R5-M52-U99,973-G10,348-W103,820,121'. Quite a mouthful to say, but it's the system we use to categorise the different worlds and such. R stands for Realm, aka the Middle World. M stands for Multiverse, and U stands for Universe. Then G is for Galaxy and W is for World. But normally, we would call these worlds by their native name, and R5-M52-U99,973-G10,348-W103,820,121's native name is simply 'Arula'. 

Arula is classified as a 'developing' world, with an intelligent species known as the 'Homo Magicae' or a human as the majority species and the main developer of the world. These humans are similar to the humans of the other worlds with humans, with identical builds, strengths, organs, etc. 

However, these humans who inhabit the world of Arula do possess something they call 'magic', which is simply divine power, but at a much weaker level. Like, their magic is so weak, that even a normal divine power like weather control is roughly a hundred thousand times more powerful than their strongest spells. 

Honestly, I have no clue how they survived and managed to rule the world as the majority species. But I don't care. I don't manage the world anyway. 

After saying some goodbyes to my manager and co-workers, I headed for the nearest Teleportation Pad and I gave all the necessary paperwork that Lord Raphael prepared for me and handed it to the Teleportation Worker Angel who was on shift at that time. 

After a quick and brief overview, she stamped all of my papers and prepared the pad for me. I said my thanks to the worker and went onto the pad. The pad itself is quite normal looking, with a circular shape with blue lines in different shapes.

A bright light consumed my body and my vision was greeted by not another pad beneath my feet, but rather a large and open space with a white cloud flooring and multi-coloured sky above me. 

 Looking around, I saw a massive group of around fifty individuals all more or less in the same uniform of a dark blue blazer with a red tie and white shirts underneath the blazer. They all wore some kind of pants, with the females wearing skirts and the males wearing trousers. By the look of it, they were students from another world being summoned by someone in Arula. 

It just so seems that the angel who manages Arula interfered with the summoning process, gave them some brief information about Arula and granted them some powers that they could choose and then use once they were in Arula. 

The angel did a lot of talking before letting the students choose their powers and they went off soon after that. 

I called out to the angel, saying, "Are you done now?" and the angel hastily replied with a yes. I then introduced myself and the angel did so too. His name was Iona. I'll remember it. 

And then after that, I explained the reason why I was here and he seemed to quickly accept it and provided me with amazing hospitality even though we're total strangers. But I did make use of his hospitality to the fullest while he explained the general overview of the world of Arula as he did to the students just moments prior. 

Here's the brief and summed-up version of what he said:

- Arula is made up of six major nations; Coade, Kylin, Orth, Laop, Ausia and Peralin. 

- Those six major nations are spread across the five continents (or land masses), with countless smaller nations. 

- Dungeons are a vital source of money and resources for nations so armies or professionally trained soldiers would raid these dungeons for those said things. 

- My dungeon would be a brand new one, not discovered by anyone yet, but the Reincarnation Source needs to be fixed, however, there's not enough time to fix it, so it's up to me to defend the dungeon. 

- I would get a month of preparation time to defend my dungeon and so on. 

It all sounds like a pain in the ass to me, but at least I could chill up here, in Arula's Angel Station whenever I can. so that's a win. 

Oh and, the fifty individuals were students from R5-M1-U-50-G102-W1, aka Earth. Actually, Earth has some incredibly low numbers in its system name, with the highest being in the triple digits, when most worlds with life would be in the sextuple digits (six digits) or more. 

Iona told me that they were being summoned to help fight a guy named the 'demon king', which is humanity's greatest enemy. It was actually just the demon from Arula's Demon Station having some fun by sending one of his pets down onto Arula and watching how the populace reacted. 

But karma did come back and bite the demon in the ass, as the number of dead skyrocketed, meaning the number of souls he needed to guide to the Overworld increased dramatically, thus, he was soon working overtime for every single shift he had. His co-workers did not approve of that demon's stupid idea and left it to him to deal with the increased number of souls by himself, without backup. 

It seemed like a pretty fun temporary workplace I guess.